History - 1986 to 2011
Companions, it is with very great pleasure that I append my foreword to this Centennial History of the M.E. District Grand Chapter of Antrim, outlining specifically the past 25 years, between 1986 and 2011.
I am indebted to my present and past officers of District Grand Royal Arch Chapter of Antrim who provide the impetus and example for all that we do and achieve but even more importantly those loyal Companions who attend every convocation encouraging, helping and supporting the work of the District. On visits at chapter level, nothing gives me, greater pleasure, than to see younger companions joining the Order and attending District Chapter. It is those younger companions who are going to successfully carry the banner of Royal Arch Masonry into the next 25 years of our history. In District Chapter of Antrim we have something of a jewel in our crown- our Most Excellent. Past District Grand King C.F.A. Quigley, F.C.A. who joined Royal Arch Masonry almost 70 years ago, has been an officer in District Grand Chapter since 1952 and has celebrated his Centenary in the last decade. I am personally delighted that he could make a contribution to this history. May the Supreme King of Heaven and Earth spare him to attend our convocations.
One might ask why publish historical documents on District Grand Chapter? The principal reason is to celebrate the past, to recognise those great masons who have left such a rich heritage for us and to learn from those mistakes or things we might have done differently or better. That great British Prime Minister and Mason, Sir Winston Churchill once said, “All men make mistakes, but only wise men learn from their mistakes.” If we don’t analyse and learn from the past we cannot expect to do better in the future. Those embarking on research in the future will be grateful for the fact that we have recorded so much of our history.
It is on the theme of doing better in the future that I want to concentrate. It is my fervent hope that in a brighter, more peaceful Ulster, the circumstances should be more favourable to grasp the opportunities and make Royal Arch Masonry flourish and thrive in the next 25 years.
I would like to thank sincerely my officers whose research provided the basis for this history and it also gives me great pleasure to convey our congratulations to ME Comp Kenneth Abernethy, the District Grand King of our sister District Grand Chapter of Down, his officers and companions who are also celebrating their Centenary in 2011. With the District Grand Chapter of Down, we enjoy the warmest and harmonious relations.
In the early 1980’s I led a deputation of the Supreme Grand Royal Arch Chapter of Ireland consisting of the Most Excellent and Supreme Grand King, Most Excellent Companion Samuel J. Martin J.P., his wife and Right Excellent Companion William J. Overend to the Annual Convocation of the Supreme Grand Royal Arch Chapter of Scotland in Edinburgh.
At that Convocation, the Officers for the ensuing year were obligated and installed, including the Most Excellent First Grand Principal, Most Excellent Companion, The Right Hon. The Earl of Elgin and Kincardine. The Installation Officer was Most Excellent Companion Geoffrey Spearman, Depute First Grand Principal.
I was enthralled by the eloquent and personal way each Officer was installed, especially the Most Excellent First Grand Principal. I contacted Most Excellent Companion Geoffrey Spearman, Depute First Grand Principal immediately after the Convocation and conveyed to him my sincere appreciation of what I had witnessed and heard.
Following that Convocation we continued to correspond by letter, as our views on Royal Arch Chapter Masonry were very similar. This in turn, led to the first invitation from the Provincial Grand Royal Arch Chapter of Argyll and the Isles to their Annual Convocation at Oban in 1985. I am very pleased that these bi-annual visits are still continuing, with one arranged for our Centenary year on which I have my place reserved.
Cyril F. A. Quigley F.C.A.,
Prior to the introduction of District Grand Royal Arch Chapters, Royal Arch Chapters, small in number in Ireland were left to their own devices, without the benefit of strong central control and organisation. Ritual was maintained by a small number of enthusiasts widely dispersed throughout the Constitution.
The early part of the 20th Century was characterised by the development of Provincial Superintendents, who imparted some control at provincial level, gave chapters a representative element locally and most importantly were a conduit between Supreme Grand Royal Arch Chapter in Dublin and chapters in the country. There was a fine balance between central control and representation at local level with opportunities for Supreme Grand Chapter rank and recognition.
The zenith for Freemasonry in Ireland and elsewhere was the upsurge in membership, assisted by the comradeship of the First World War and the desire to maintain the fraternity so hard fought in the war to end all wars. District Grand Chapters having been established in the early part of the second decade of the 20th Century, were ideally placed to take advantage of this increasing membership and bring control and organisation down to a more local level. This increasing membership continued in our Constitution until the 1960’s, when the membership levelled out and indeed later started to decline.
Growing prosperity and a society where women on marriage had to leave their employment in Government, financial institutions, local government etc left them free to care for the family and allow the man of the home more freedom to attend his Masonic meetings in what was to become one of the World’s largest fraternities.
Since the halcyon days of large membership, society has changed and attitudes have also changed in relation to women working and the sharing of family responsibilities, home purchase etc. Due to economic necessity both partners are likely to work and there are more social outlets competing for the attendance of both partners who are more likely to socialise together. Because of economic necessity companions and their families have had to relocate where there is available employment. Many members are employed on short term contracts or work shift patterns not conducive to attending evening meetings. With property being more expensive both parties to a marriage have to work either to pay rent or a mortgage. What is significant is that Freemasonry is part of our society and when golf clubs and other societies decline in membership we can also expect a decline in numbers. In this early part of the 21st Century we are manifestly better placed to address situations than we were in 1911 when District Grand Chapter was established.
In Northern Ireland particularly, we have been affected by the ‘Troubles’ 1969-1994 where circumstances were created which included terrorist attacks, bomb scares and disrupted public transport which all led to a disruption to potential attendance at Chapters, particularly in Belfast urban area. Many Masonic Halls were attacked or collaterally damaged in attacks on other property.
In response to the circumstances over the years, Freemasonry in general, and our District Grand Royal Arch Chapter in particular, responded in an enlightened and professional manner. After the initial establishment of District Chapter in Antrim and the development of organisational structures such as Boards of Purpose, District Inspection Committees, District Classes of Instruction and District Charity Committees the shape and structure of the District Chapter also changed. The titles of the senior District Officers were changed, Directors of Ceremonies were established, as were additional senior officers to assist the First Principal or King to manage his district. District Chapters were doing for the Chapters at local level what Provincial Superintendents had done many years previously. For the reasons stated membership of Freemasonry which had started to decline has now levelled out, and hopefully will remain at present levels for the next quarter of a Century. In response membership has centralised to larger Masonic Halls, Chapters have amalgamated and there has been a greater necessity for co-operation between units. The District Chapter of Antrim has encouraged meetings and seminars to co-ordinate charity efforts, administer Chapters, maintain and improve ritual through the Grand Chapter of Instruction.
Having described some of the highlights over the past 100 years we are in a better position to read our history, view our past 25 years with pride and use the present as a keystone for a positive, confident and over arching future which takes cognizance of society and its characteristics.
The Convocations are detailed chronologically for ease of placing in an historical context.
The District Grand Royal Arch Chapter of Antrim approached 1986 with great anticipations. So much was planned, both by the District and by those Chapters looking forward to celebrating anniversaries.
Obituary-M.E.Comp. Rev. Thomas Carlisle, M.A., Past District Grand Chaplain.
The M E. District Grand King M.E. Comp. Quigley FCA received, obligated, invested and installed M.E. Comp. William J. Overend as District Assistant Grand King.
The senior officers of the District and 30 companions travelled to Ayr on 16th May 1986 for the Installation of the Officers of the Provincial Grand Royal Arch Chapter of Ayr. A most interesting Ceremony conducted by the M.E. Deputy Grand First Principal of the Supreme Grand Royal Arch Chapter of Scotland, M.E. Companion Donald Reid, impressed all who attended.
The District hosted the Convocation of Supreme Grand Royal Arch Chapter which was held on Saturday, 10th May, at 3.30 o'clock p.m., was very largely attended, and was followed by a Dinner at which District had the pleasure of extending hospitality to the M.E. and Supreme Grand King, his Deputy and the Officers of Supreme Grand Chapter. We also had the pleasure of entertaining the District Grand Kings of Armagh, Down, the Midlands, Londonderry, Donegal, Tyrone and Fermanagh, Meath and North Connaught, and several of their senior officers.
In June, District had the visit from the Companions of the Provincial Grand Royal Arch Chapter of Argyll and the Isles. In order to entertain the visiting ladies, District Grand Chapter organised a Dinner-Dance for the Saturday night in The Coaches Restaurant.
At the conclusion of the June Convocation the Dedication of the refurbished Chapter Room in Rosemary Street, now so aptly named "W.W. Preston Room", a permanent memorial to the service and dedication of our past M E. District Grand King. M.E. Comp. WW Preston J.P., B.A. opened the Room, and after the Chapter Room had been dedicated by our Chaplain, V.E. Comp. Rev. A. S. Hofmeester, M.A., he expressed his pleasure, and congratulated the committee for the foresight of the ideas, so excellently executed.
This has been the year for the Districts of Antrim, Armagh and Down to celebrate their 75th Anniversaries. Armagh held their celebrations on 9th October. Down District celebrated their Anniversary by holding a Dinner in the Drumkeen Hotel on 14th October. Our own Anniversary was held on Saturday, 8th November, and what an occasion it was. We had the pleasure of receiving and welcoming our Deputy Grand King, M.E. Comp. Daniel B. Fincher, and having him preside for a short time, which incidentally, was the first occasion at which our Deputy Grand King has presided at any District Grand Chapter in the North since his Installation.
We also had the pleasure of welcoming M.E. Comp. Geoff. H. Spearman, Past Depute Grand First Principal of the Supreme Grand Royal Arch Chapter of Scotland. He was accompanied by M.E. Comp. J. M. P. Brown, Grand Standard Bearer.
R.E. Comp. Wm. McLain, deputised most capably for the DISTRICT GRAND KING and DDISTRICT GRAND KING . of Londonderry, Donegal, Tyrone and Fermanagh.
We also welcomed M.E. Comp. Norman Agnew, District Grand King of Down, a frequent and most welcome visitor to our District. R.E. Comp. C. R. Knipe, Deputy Grand King, R.E. Comp. W. C. McCollum, Registrar and R.E. Comp R. A. Best, Treasurer, represented the District of Armagh, and we had the opportunity of congratulating R.E. Comp. Knipe on his appointment as District Grand King of Armagh, and conveying our sincere good wishes for his happiness and success in his new Office. We also welcomed M.E. Comp. T. R. F. Payne, District Grand King of The Midlands, who through his connections with our Liscoole Chapter is no stranger in the District of Antrim,
The Convocation was followed by a Dinner where we were graced with the presence of our M. E. and Supreme Grand King, M.E. Comp. S. J. Martin, J.P., and the Most Worshipful Grand Master, The Most Honourable the Marquess of Donegall. M.E. Comp. William McKelvey, Director of Ceremonies, was appointed Registrar of the Grand Chapter of Instruction, and M.E. Comp. H. Irwin was appointed Representative of the Grand Chapter of British Columbia and the Yukon.
Obituaries- M.E. Comp. Richard Robinson who was an outstanding Mason of his generation, greatly gifted in the Ritual of all branches of our Order; also a Master and Director of Ceremonies. It was no wonder that he was our elected member of all Grand Bodies of Instruction. The Grand Royal Arch Chapter of Georgia lost an outstanding Representative at Supreme Grand Chapter. Comp. Nathaniel Cush of Chapter 74, a member of the Ulster Defence Regiment, was murdered in a bomb attack at Tomb Street, Belfast.
The highlight of the year's activities was our visit to the Provincial Grand Chapter of Argyll and the Isles for their Annual Meeting held in Campbeltown, on 25th April. At the Convocation on Saturday the Deputy Grand King ME Comp. Daniel B Fincher and The M E District Grand King M.E. Companion Quigley FCA were elected and obligated as Honorary Life Members of the Provincial Grand Royal Arch Chapter of Argyll and the Isles. It was indeed a memorable visit; being made so very welcome, and so hospitably entertained by M.E. Comp. Geoff Spearman. The Provincial Buffet Dinner and Dance was held on Saturday night. On Sunday they joined a procession, led by a Pipe Band, through Campbeltown, in full Regalia, to the Annual Provincial Church Service.
On 12th March with the District Officers attended the District Grand Royal Arch Chapter of Armagh for the Installation of its new District Grand King, M.E. Comp. Charles R. Knipe. Portadown Masonic Hall was crowded for the occasion.
On 10th May a Service, in which all Branches of our Order were represented, was held in the Belfast Cathedral to mark the Centenary of the Victoria Jubilee Masonic Annuity Fund. Church Services were also held in Carnmoney, Ballymena, Lisburn, Ballymoney, Larne and Carrickfergus.
The M E District Grand King M.E. Companion Quigley FCA, his Deputy and several of the Officers, had the pleasure during the year of visiting our neighbouring District of Down. District in turn has been most happy to welcome the District Grand King, Dr. Norman Agnew, his Deputy and several of his Officers at our Convocations. We all trust that this happy relationship, forged over the years, will become even stronger.
Our Chaplain R.E. Comp. Rev. W. J. Watson, B.A., was appointed, and installed, Grand Chaplain of the Supreme Grand Chapter at its Convocation on 4th November. At that same Convocation, V.E. Comp. W. McIlwaine was installed Captain of the Host, and V.E. Comp. J. Long Grand Janitor. In addition, R.E. Comp. N. J. Black was appointed Representative of the Grand Chapter of Iowa, U.S.A., and E. Comp. Alan S. Watt JP of Liscoole Chapter as Representative of the Grand Chapter of Western Australia.
Chapter No. 314 celebrated its centenary and unfortunately Chapter No. 109 handed in its Warrant. These small Chapters concern us greatly, and we are constantly giving thought to how best we can assist.
The June Convocation this year was held in Ballymoney
Membership this year has again slightly declined; Each Chapter would need two new members annually to cover losses through deaths and resignations alone.
Our District Grand Chapter would also be in a very parlous state if it were not for the work of the various Classes of Instruction. The District was delighted to learn that a new Royal Arch Class is being formed in Larne in the New Year, under the leadership of R.E. Comp. Norman J. Black.
The Petition for a new Chapter had been approved by Supreme Grand Chapter in February, the Chapter to be known as "Sharon" No. 770. At an Occasional Convocation of District Chapter on 29th June, Sharon Chapter was constituted, consecrated and dedicated, and the E. King and Council installed: E. King, M.E. Comp. Harold Ross J.P.; High Priest, R.E. Comp. K. Abernethy; Chief Scribe, E. Comp. F. H. McNair, J.P. The E. King, M.E. Comp. Harold Ross then invested and installed his Officers.
Obituaries- M.E. Comp. William Jackson and RE District Deputy Grand King, Tom Hunter. The Most Excellent Grand King said that he had chosen Tom as his deputy when he was appointed a District Grand King and he had never regretted that decision. Tom had met with great and widespread acceptance in the District and had proved a loyal and stalwart friend. He will be sadly missed by District Grand Chapter and all the companions in the District. His sudden death must have been a great shock to his wife and family as he had returned from holiday in England only a few days before he passed away.
The Installation of M.E. Comp. Fincher on 5th November was a most memorable occasion, and how greatly we admired the ability of M.E. Comp. Dr. Norman Agnew in presiding as Supreme Grand King, and in obligating, investing and installing our new Supreme Grand King. The M.E. Supreme Grand King's choice as his Deputy was M.E. Comp. Charles R. Knipe.
It was with pleasure we learnt of Honours conferred on several of our Companions: V.E. Comp. Norman J. Black was elected to office in Supreme Grand Chapter; V.E. Comp. Richard Nicholson, M.B.E., was appointed Representative of the Grand Chapter of the Philippines; V.E. Comp. Clarence Bamford was appointed Representative of the Grand Chapter of Queensland; V.E. Comp. W. C. McAllister was appointed Representative of the Grand Chapter of Arkansas, and V.E. Comp. Samuel J. Johnston was appointed Representative of the Grand Chapter of Ohio.
The M Ex District Grand King M. Ex. Companion Quigley FCA presided at the Opening Meeting of the Larne Class of Instruction, under the leadership of M.E. Comp. Norman J. Black, and R.E. Comp. S. Crymble.
Masonic Services were again organised by the various local Charity Committees and were held at Ballycastle, Lambeg , High Street, Antrim, Larne and Carrickfergus.
For several Chapters this year has been one for celebrating anniversaries. Chapter No. 615 celebrated its 150th anniversary, Chapter No. 439 celebrated its 60th anniversary and Chapter No. 427 celebrated its 40th anniversary. New and improved administrative procedures had been introduced for the Inspection committees. The June Convocation this year was held in Ballycastle.
The installation of R.E. Companion Norman J. Black, in April was graced by the attendance of the M.E. Deputy Grand King, M.E. Companion, Charles R. Knipe, his first attendance at our District as Deputy Grand King.
M.E. Companion William McIlwaine requested to be relieved of his Office as Director of Ceremonies. He retired this year from office in Supreme Grand Chapter as Grand High Priest, and richly deserves the title of Past Grand High Priest. The vacancies filled by the installation of V.E. Companion J. E. Trimble, Past District Grand Captain of the Host, and E Comp. John S. Dunlop, Director of Ceremonies of Royal Arch Chapter No. 57, Ballymoney. Supreme Grand Chapter visited Rosemary St on 2nd May 1989, hosted by District Grand Chapter.
M.E. Comp. Jeff. Fenning, our Registrar, attained the 28°. M.E. Comp Henry Irwin, on attaining the 30°.M.E. Comp Clarence Bamford was elected to Office in Supreme Grand Chapter.M.E. Comps. Norman J. Black and D. J. Long were promoted in Office in Supreme Grand Chapter.V.E. Companion R. J. Henry was appointed Representative of the Grand Royal Arch Chapter of Maryland.V.E. Comp. D. J. Long, our Asst. Registrar, was appointed Representative of the Grand Royal Arch Chapter of Georgia.
On 28th June the Companions of the Provincial Grand Royal Arch Chapter of Argyll and the Isles visited DGRAC, led by their Provincial Superintendent, M.E. Companion J. Bannatyne, supported by M.E. Companion Geoff. Spearman, Past Depute First Grand Principal of Supreme Grand Chapter of Scotland, and other Past Grand Officers and Past Grand Superintendants.
After the Convocation in Rosemary Street on Saturday afternoon, a Dinner Dance was held in the Magheramourne Hotel. On the Sunday following, the Scottish companions and their wives joined DGRAC at the Service in 1st Larne Presbyterian Church, organised by the Larne District Charity Committee. The M.E. and Supreme Grand King of the Supreme Grand Royal Arch Chapter of Ireland, and his Deputy, the Provincial Grand Masters of the Provincial Grand Lodges of Antrim and Argyll and the Isles, and their Deputies, the District Grand King, his Deputy and his Assistant, of the District Grand Chapter of Antrim, the Superintendants of the Provincial Grand Royal Arch Chapter of Argyll and the Isles and of Dunbarton.
On Saturday 16th September an occasional convocation had the task of Constituting Islandmagee Royal Arch Chapter No. 162.
An illuminated roll of the Past Kings, Deputies and Registrars was prepared by M.E. Companion Billy Montgomery but sadly he had passed away before it could be presented.
Masonic Services were held in Ballyclare, Derriaghy, Ballymena, Ballymoney, Larne and Carrickfergus.
Several Chapters celebrated Anniversaries. Chapters 29, 372 and 602 (100 years), Chapter 259 (90 years), Chapters 89, 318 and 327 (75 years) Chapters 439, 562 and 613 (60 years).
A presentation was made to M.E. Companion T. J. Fenning, our Registrar, and a past King of the Chapter, of his 50 year Jewel and a beautiful leather briefcase. New administrative procedures were put in place for Treasurers and District Inspectors.
Another Chapter felt compelled by lack of attending Companions to return their Warrant. The proposal to form a new Chapter — "Richview" the Petition being signed by fifteen Companions, most of them members of Richview Lodge, was approved by Supreme Grand Chapter on 7th November, with its Constitution took place in March 1991. This process constituted three new Chapters in three years.
The May Convocation was memorable for the visit of Supreme Grand Chapter to Rosemary Street. Our Supreme Grand King. M.E. Companion Daniel B. Fincher and the Officers of Grand Chapter were most welcome. The DGC Dinner followed the Convocation.
On Friday 27th April a party of fifty, Companions and their wives, crossed over to Campbeltown for the April Convocation of the Provincial Grand Royal Arch Chapter of Argyll and the Isles. This was the fifth and last year of service of M.E. Companion John Bannatyne. His successor, M.E. Companion William Donald was installed in his Office in Rothesay on Saturday 26th May, by the M.E. and Supreme Grand King of the M.E. and Supreme Grand Royal Arch Chapter of Scotland, M.E. Companion the Earl of Elgin and Kincardine. For the next five years the April Installation Convocation was held in Rothesay, a delightful location.
Owing to difficulties in obtaining accommodation for their return visit in 1991, they have postponed their visitation to 1992, and invited us to Rothesay for the last weekend in April 1991.
In December the M.E District Grand King accompanied by his Deputy and several Officers and Companions, twenty five in all, travelled to Dumbarton for the Installation of their Officers. We spent a delightful time in the Company of M.E. Companion Alan D. McEwan and his Companions. M.E. Companion McEwan, while Superintendent of the District of Dumbarton, also occupies the exalted Office of Second Grand Principal of the Supreme Grand Royal Arch Chapter of Scotland.
The Dinner Dance in 1989 was held at the Magheramourne Hotel and it was suggested and agreed that it might be held biennially, to follow the Installation of new Officers every two years.
Obituaries-The deaths of M.E. Companions, Gordon Wilson, William McIlwaine and Frank Carroll, kept reminding us all of the short step between life and death.
M.E. Companions R.I.E. Wilson, William Hunter and William D. McBride were congratulated on their appointments as Representatives of the Grand Royal Arch Chapters of New Hampshire, Finland and Alaska respectively. V.E. Companion Rev. A.S. Hofmeester tendered his resignation after fifteen years of faithful service. V.E. Companion the Venerable R. Clayton Stevenson accepted the invitation to accept this Office, and he was invested at the June Convocation. At the October Convocation V.E. Companion David Robinson was invested as an additional Organist.
Two Chapters Cameron No. 353 and True Friendship No. 663 celebrated their 75th and 100th Anniversaries respectively.
The activities of DGC culminated in the visit to the Provincial Grand Royal Arch Chapter of Dumbarton for their meeting on 2nd December. 1990 also marked the termination of the reign of M E District Grand King M.E. Companion CFA Quigley, F.C.A., who resigned due to the onset of deafness.
Our District Grand King M.E. Comp. CFA Quigley FCA presided as DISTRICT GRAND KING on the last occasion. M. E Comp. Norman J Black expressed the great honour it was, to be asked to succeed such an accomplished Royal Arch Mason who had served our District so well over many years as an administrator and ultimately as District Grand King and who although in his 84th year had maintained so well over the past seven years of his reign, the high standards set by his predecessor, M.E. Comp. W.W. Preston J.P., B.A. in our District Grand Chapter. The Installation Ceremony on 20th April was performed by the Most Excellent and Supreme Grand King, in the presence of many distinguished Royal Arch Masons the Deputy Grand King, Most Excellent Companion Charles R. Knipe. The Grand Registrar, Most Excellent Companion Michael W. Walker, BSc. Agric. Most Excellent Companion, Dr. Norman Agnew. District Grand King of Down, Most Ex. Companion Arthur W. Fielding. Dist. Grand King of Londonderry, Donegal, Tyrone and Fermanagh, Most Ex. Companion R. A. Best. District Grand King of Armagh, Most Ex. Companion W.W. Preston. J.P., B.A., Past Dist. Grand King of Antrim, Most E. Companion A.D. McEwan. Provincial Grand Superintendent of the Provincial Grand Chapter of Dumbartonshire, Most Ex. Companions S.Gordon Leathem. BEM District Grand Registrar and Dist. Grand King Designate of the District Grand Royal Arch Chapter of Down. The Dist. Deputy Grand Kings, Asst. Dist. Grand Kings and the Registrars of all our neighbouring District Grand Chapters R.W. Bro. Darwin H. Templeton C.B.E., F.C.A., Deputy Grand Master of the Most Worshipful the Grand Lodge of Ireland, R.W. Bro. George C. Andrews M.A., Grand Senior Warden of the Most Worshipful the Grand Lodge of Ireland R.E. Comp. Robert L. Orr M.B.E. Provincial Grand Master of the Right Worshipful the Provincial Grand Lodge of Antrim. Very High and Eminent Sir Knight Henry Irwin G.C.T. Great Seneschal of the Great Priory of Ireland, Very High and Eminent Sir Knight Harold McMaster Taggart G.C.T. Past Great Seneschal. High and Very Eminent Sir Knight Gordon V. Bradshaw G.C.T. High and Very Eminent Prior of the Provincial Priory of East Ulster and High and Very Eminent Sir Knight J.N. Robinson G.C.T. Past Provincial Prior, the last named together with Right E. Companion Robert Armstrong, Grand Director of Ceremonies of Supreme Grand Chapter and Right Worshipful Brother Robert Thompson, Provincial Grand Secretary of The Right Worshipful Provincial Grand Lodge of Antrim. The M. EX District Grand King then Installed Most Excellent Companion Alan S. Watt JP as District Deputy Grand King. together with Most Excellent Companion William Overend, as District Asst. Grand King.
A resolution of thanks for the service of MEC Black to our District Grand Chapter which was proposed by Right E. Companion William Colhoun, District Grand High Priest and seconded by Right E. Comp. Cyril Ferguson District Grand Chief Scribe was warmly received by all the companions present with prolonged applause.
Particular mention should be made of the superb effort and organisational skills of Very E. Comp Jack Long who in his own inimitable way, arranged in great detail, the invitations, the Dinner and table arrangement, in fact as our Dist. Grand Registrar put it to me at the time: "Jack has everything arranged" and this during a period when he had two equally important functions in our District Grand Chapter to prepare in detail.. "Thank you, Jack."
Our January Convocation was deeply shocked and saddened, just one hour before it was due to commence by the collapse and subsequent death of Very Excellent Comp. Alex Aiken, Dist. Grand Captain of the Purple Veil.
Obituaries of Past District Officers at the January meeting
- E. Comp. R.J. Grange R.A.C. 276 Straid, who had been Dist. Grand Third Principal in 1950/51.
It was a great pleasure for us all at the January Convocation to welcome Most. E. Comp. Allan McEwan, Provincial Grand Superintendent of the Provincial Grand Royal Arch Chapter of Dumbartonshire and Past Second Grand Principal of the Supreme Grand Royal Arch Chapter of Scotland, who together with Most. Ex. Comp. Ian Smith, Grand Scribe N. of the Provincial Grand Chapter of Dumbartonshire were returning a visit we had made from District Grand Chapter in December 1989,.
The January meeting was the occasion of the Installation of officers for the two year period 1991 /92.
In addition to our quarterly Convocation April was a very busy but happy month for Dist. Grand Chapter. A new Royal Arch Chapter in the District of Antrim named "Richview" and numbered as 711 an extension of Richview Lodge 711 into Royal Arch Masonry. The Ceremony took place at an Occasional Meeting of the Dist. Grand Royal Arch Chapter of Antrim on 13th April 1991. At the meeting, and after he had assumed the Chair the Most Excellent and Supreme Grand King delivered a short address on the thoughts behind the formation of the new Chapter stating that it had always been the dream of Richview Lodge to have a Chapter of the same name and today the dream had come true.
Most E. Comp. Quigley FCA at the request of the Most Ex. and Supreme Grand King installed the new Chapter's Excellent King and Council following which the E.K. Very Excellent companion J. McKernan invested the remaining officers.
On Friday 26th April when a party of 52 companions and wives set out for what afterwards proved to be a wonderful weekend at Rothesay, Isle of Bute. The travel arrangements were all meticulously organised by Most E. Comp. Jack Long. To Most Ex. Comp. William Donald, Most E. Comp. Geoff Spearman and Most E. Comp. John Bannatyne and all their companions we offer our sincere thanks for their wonderful hospitality and friendship.
Our June Convocation on the Invitation of the Larne Inspection Committee was held in First Larne Presbyterian Church Hall on the 10th of June. Before welcoming the Grand officers and other distinguished visitors it was most pleasing to welcome Most. Ex. Comp. W.W. Preston J.P., B.A., and Most Ex. Comp. C.F.A. Quigley FCA as two past District Grand Kings of our District, a unique occasion.
Three Chapters celebrated anniversaries, Carnmoney Chapter 645 celebrated 100 years, Oak Chapter 326, Ballinderry 75 years and Chapter 22 Arthur Square. This Chapter celebrated 150 years.
The Installation of Most Excellent Companion Gordon Leathern B.E.M. as Dist. Grand King of Down on 15th June, constituted a good Omen for the future of Royal Arch Masonry in Antrim and Down.
The Service of Thanksgiving for the completion of the Grand Masters Festival organised by the Masonic Provinces of Antrim and Down was comparatively well attended and the Sermon by Very Worshipful Brother, the Venerable R. Clayton Stevenson most appropriate. The Northern Ireland Hospice will I feel sure greatly appreciate the donation to which the collection at the service was dedicated.
The classes of Instruction in Our District continue to flourish. Two of the most recently formed; The Larne Class of Royal Arch Instruction and the Seven Towers and Massereene Class have exemplified degrees at the open Meetings of the Very Excellent Grand Royal Arch Chapter of Instruction. In June Most Excellent Companion Jack Long decided to retire from the office of District Assistant Grand Registrar, an office which he had held for seven years and in which he displayed great talent. Our District Grand Treasurer Most Excellent Companion Norman White has been suggesting for some time that an Assistant Treasurer would be of great benefit both to him and to District Chapter. Excellent Companion Brian Mooney accepted this position.
At our October Convocation held in Rosemary Street it was a great pleasure to welcome Most Excellent Companion S. Gordon Leathem BEM, on his first visit to our District as District Grand King of the District Grand Royal Arch Chapter of Down.
Obituary-Most Excellent Companion S.J. Martin on the 19th September 1991. Most Excellent Companion Martin was Most Excellent and Supreme Grand King from 1978 until 1988, when as the result of suffering a severe stroke he had to relinquish this high office.
At the October Convocation the District Grand Registrar, Most Excellent Companion Jeff Fenning. Registrar of our District for twenty one years intimated his retirement and Right Excellent Companion Cyril Ferguson a well known as a competent Secretary, Registrar and Scribe filled the office and was installed in January 1992.
At our January meeting in Rosemary Street, It was a pleasure on this occasion to welcome M.E. Comp. Alex Best, District Grand King of Armagh.
The new Registrar R.E. Comp. Cyril Ferguson was presented and formally invested as District Grand Registrar. V.E. Comp. John Dunlop, District Grand Director of Ceremonies was appointed Assistant Provincial Grand Master, Antrim.
The April Convocation was held on Monday 27th. April and marked the return to evening meetings as opposed to Saturday afternoons, which had been necessary over a period for a variety of valid reasons.
R.E. Comp Harold McMaster Taggart. P.K. of R.A.C. 602 Derriaghy and Past District Grand Organist was invested as Honorary Past District Grand Chief Scribe of the District Grand Royal Arch Chapter of Antrim and presented his fifty year jewel of membership in Royal Arch Masonry. The event was unique in that it was the first honorary Grand rank to be conferred in the District Grand Chapter of Antrim.
Our June meeting was held in Rosemary Street on Saturday 27th to facilitate the visit of the District Grand Chapter of Argyll and the Isles. The Deputation was led by M.E. Comp Geoff Spearman, Past Deputy of the Supreme Grand Royal Arch Chapter of Scotland and past Grand Superintendent of Argyll and the Isles, M.E. Comp Alan McEwan, Grand Superintendent of the Provincial Grand Chapter of Dunbartonshire, M.E. Comp Jack Brown, M.E. Comp Machray from the Supreme Grand Chapter of Scotland together with the officers and Companions from the Provincial Grand Chapter of Argyll and the Isles.
The October quarterly Convocation was held in Rosemary Street on Monday evening 26th. October. V.E. Comp. James McGuicken was invested as Honorary Past District Grand Steward
Obituary- The passing during the year of the following Companions: M.E. Comp. James Lutton Past District Grand Chief Scribe and Representative of the Grand Chapter of Montana at Supreme Grand Chapter and M.E. Great Chief of the Grand Council of Knight Masons Died December 1991. R.E. Comp. Henry Frazer, Past District Deputy Grand King, Member Emeritus of the Supreme Council 33º. Died February 1992.M.E. Comp. S. Johnston. Representative of the Grand Chapter of Ohio at Supreme Grand Chapter and District Grand Inspector. Died February 1992.
The following Chapters who celebrated Anniversaries during the year:
R.A.C. 28 Antrim 125 years continuous working.
R.A.C. 64 Arthur Square 100 years.
R.A.C. 667 Rosemary Street 100 years.
Congratulations were due to R.E. Comp. Cyril Ferguson District Grand Registrar and V.E. Comp. William Liggett MBE who have been invested as Grand Janitor and Assistant Grand Director of Ceremonies respectively at Supreme Grand Chapter, also to M.E. Comp. Roland Lynar who has been invested during the past year as the Representative of the Grand Chapter of Montana and M.E. Comp. Samuel Moore as the Representative of Ohio at Supreme Grand Chapter. R.A.C. 175 Raloo was congratulated on their excellent exemplification at the October meeting of the Grand Chapter of Instruction.
Chapters have welcomed this fuller and enhanced Installation Ceremony and the new revised edition of the Ritual book on Mark working. For the final preparation and editing of this book we have to thank most sincerely The Grand Registrar for Instruction M.E. Comp. Wm. McKelvey and the Assistant Registrar M.E. Comp. Michael Ward.
The January Convocation was the occasion of the Installation of District Chapter Officers for the years 1993 — 1994. M.E. Comp. Knipe gave a brief account of his visit in leading a delegation from our Grand Chapter to the Most Excellent and Supreme Royal Arch Chapter of England to mark the Silver Jubilee of His Royal Highness The Duke of Kent K.G. as M. E. First Grand Principal. M.E. Comp. Arthur W. Fielding and M.E. Comp. S. Gordon Leathem BEM the District Grand Kings of Londonderry, Donegal, Tyrone and Fermanagh and the District of Down, respectively were welcomed. A Dinner Dance was held in The Chimney Corner Inn.
The visit to Provincial Grand Royal Arch Chapter of Argyll and The Isles, commenced on Friday 23rd April when a party of fifty seven Companions and ladies travelled by ferry and coach to Rothesay.
Our April Convocation was held in Rosemary Street on Monday 26th April; V.E. Comp. Norman Fairley P.K. of R.A.C. 565 Lisburn was Invested as a District Grand Director of Ceremonies. R.E. Comp. J.N. Robinson P.K. R.A.C. 783 Lisburn Area, was Invested as an Honourary Past District Grand Chief Scribe. V.E. Comp. Noel Gore was Invested as Honourary Past District Grand Steward, and presented his 50 year jewel of service as a Royal Arch Mason. V.E. Comp. Trevor Magowan was Invested as an Honourary Past District Grand Steward.
Our June Convocation was held on Monday 14th June in Clough Presbyterian Church Hall.
Congratulations are due to three Companions of the District who received Grand Chapter Honours in this year. M.E. Comp. Kenneth J.G. Patterson nominated and accepted as the Representative of the Grand Chapter of British Columbia at Supreme Grand Chapter. M.E. Comp. Henry Gilmore invested as the Representative of the Grand Chapter of Iowa at Supreme Grand Chapter and V.E. Comp. Brian Mooney elected to the office in Supreme Grand Chapter of Grand Chapter Standard Bearer.
Obituaries-As a result of the sudden death in December 1992 of E. Comp. J.D.H. Morrison who had been elected to the office of District Grand Captain of the Purple Veil this office remained vacant during 1993. It was unanimously agreed that E. Comp. J. Devlin P.K. of Chapter 21, Belfast be appointed District Grand Captain of the Purple Veil for the year 1994. Our District was also saddened to learn of the death of M.E. Comp. Dr. Norman Agnew Past District Grand King of our neighbouring District of Down.
M.E. Comp. Norman G. White District Grand Treasurer intimated that he wished to retire from the office at the end of 1993 V.E. Comp. Brian Mooney Assistant District Grand Treasurer accepted District Grand Treasurer. Our October Meeting in Rosemary Street commenced on a sad note as immediately following the opening Ceremony we held a service in memory and appreciation of our late District Assistant Grand King, M.E. Comp. W.I. Overend. "He loved Freemasonry with a deep passion and he was tireless in his efforts to promote its welfare and advance its cause. To his District Grand Chapter of Antrim he rendered singular service leaving us a legacy which will be a constant inspiration to all who knew him and shared his faith and interest in the Order."
Our first quarterly convocation was held in Rosemary Street on Saturday, 22nd January 1994.
District Grand Treasurer, R.E. Comp. Brian Mooney, was invested, as was V.E. Comp., Sam Devlin as District Grand Captain of the Purple Veil
for 1994. V.E. Comp. Sylvester Agnew M.B.E., Chapter 645 was also invested as District Grand Organist.
One of the highlights of this year's working was our newly introduced meeting of the Kings and Registrars of our constituent chapters. The venue for our first meeting was Rosemary Street Masonic Hall on Saturday, 12th March, and attracted a large attendance. The April Convocation of District Grand Chapter could be described as the highlight of the year. M.E. Comp. William McKelvery had accepted the office of District Assistant Grand King. District Chapter to welcomed The Most Excellent, The Supreme Grand King, M.E. Comp. Daniel B. Fincher, and the Most Excellent Deputy Grand King, Charles R. Knipe, as well as a large number of distinguished Companions.
Our June quarterly Convocation, held on Saturday 25th, to accommodate the biennial visit of our Scottish Companions from the Provincial Grand Chapter of "Argyll and the Isles" was in the event the prelude to a pleasant week-end of companionship and fellowship.
M.E. Comp. Alan T Blakely, 3rd Grand Principal of The Supreme Grand Chapter of Western Australia and the Representative of that Grand Chapter at the Supreme Grand Chapter of Ireland was welcomed. As was M.E. Comp. William Donald; also included were M.E. Comp. Geoff Spearman and M.E. Comp. Alan McEwan, Provincial Grand Superintendent of Dumbartonshire. The ME District Grand King had the pleasure and privilege of presenting a ninety-fifth birthday present to an Excellent Companion who describes himself as "the longest serving and oldest subscribing member of Freemasonry in Ireland". E. Comp. Dr. Robert A. Simpson was raised in February 1924 and Exalted September 1925. Seventy years service in craft and Royal Arch Masonry and still attending Lodge and Chapter quite regularly, in 450 Portglenone. Congratulations to V.E. Comp. Thomas Redpath on being elected to office in Supreme Chapter. Also, M.E. Comp. D.J. Long PROVINCIAL GRANDH.P. and V.E. Comp. James Trimble who have been elected Members of The Grand Chapter of Instruction.
Obituaries :-R.E. Comp. Robert Patterson, P.K. R.A.C. 57. District Grand Chief Scribe 1975 - 76. Died November 1993. M.E. Comp. T.G. Fenning, P.K. R.A.C. 427/565. District Grand Registrar 1971 - 1991. Died November 1993. R.E. Comp. J.N. Robinson, P.K. R.A.C. 783. Past District Grand Chief Scribe (Hon.). Died February 1994.
Our October Convocation, held on Monday 24th October, was a well attended evening meeting.
Three new District Grand Inspectors were invested: V.E. Comp. Drew Coid, R.A.C. 189, V. E. Comp. George Field, R.A.C. 711 and 763, and V.E. Comp. T.A. Gallaher, R.A.C. 659.
Numerically there is no- appreciable rise or fall in total membership, and although two Chapters have returned their warrants within the past year.
On Saturday, 5th November 1994, just three days after the Installation Convocation of Supreme Grand Chapter. It was an occasional Convocation for the purpose of Constituting Thiepval Royal Arch Chapter 1020 Broughshane. M.E. Comp. Arthur Fielding, District Grand King of Londonderry, Donegal, Tyrone and Fermanagh. M.E. Comp. S. Gordon Leathem B.E.M. District Grand King of Down and M.E. Comp. Alex Best, District Grand King of Armagh attended and were saluted. Following the Ceremony of Constitution, Consecration and Dedication, V.E. Comp. H.M. Caldwell, M.E. Comp. S.A. Mothe and E.Comp. D. Mullan were installed as E.K., H.P. and C.S. respectively. Bye-Laws being again assessed for possible amendments.
The first stated Convocation of the year was held in Rosemary Street Provincial Masonic Hall on Saturday 28th January 1995 and attracted a large gathering of companions, over 200 being present. Following the Installation Convocation, the Annual Dinner Dance was held in Carrickfergus.
The April Convocation was held in Rosemary Street on Monday evening, 24th April, 1995.
As is normal procedure at the April Quarterly Convocation, the District Grand Treasurer, R.E. Comp. Brian Mooney, gave a detailed account of District Grand Chapter finances for the previous year 1994.
Friday 28th April, the date set for our Bi-annual visit to The Provincial Grand Chapter of Argyll and Isles at Rothesay, came very quickly after our April Convocation.
On Wednesday 3rd May, District Grand Chapter had the honour and privilege of hosting the May Convocation of Supreme Grand Chapter.
Saturday May 6th and the Masonic Hall, Belsize Road, Lisburn was the venue for our second Annual Luncheon and Meeting for the Kings and Registrars of our constituent Chapters.
The June Convocation was held in the Parish Centre, Queen Street, Ballymoney on the invitation of R.A.C. No. 57. V.E. Comp. Rev. Kenneth D.W.R. Dunn was invested as District Grand Chaplin, V.E. Comp. Dr. W.H. Moffatt was invested as District Grand Physician, and R.E. Comp. Mervyn W. Morrison also Deputy Great Chief of The Grand Council of Knight Masons was invested as Honorary Past Grand Chief Scribe of the District Grand Chapter of Antrim.
Our October Convocation was held in the Provincial Masonic Hall, Rosemary Street on Monday evening, 23rd. Early analysis of Chapter Returns would suggest that there may be a slight drop in membership, much the same as last year about 2% of total.
The first Stated Convocation of the year was held in Rosemary Street Provincial Masonic Hall on Saturday 27th January. V.E. Comp. Norman E. Kelly, R.A.C. 149, Ballymena, invested District Grand King’s Standard Bearer, V.E. Comp. Stephen Bryans arid V.E. Comp. Jim McFarland of Chapters No. 54 and 64 respectively as District Grand Stewards for 1996. V.E. Comp. Hugh Taggart, R.A.C. 317, Doagh, and V.E. Comp. Sydney Thompson, R.A.C. 335, Broomhedge were also invested as Honorary Past District Grand Stewards. Following the January Convocation the Annual Dinner Dance was held in Knockagh Lodge Hotel near Carrickfergus.
The annual Meeting and Luncheon of Kings and Registrars was held on 30th March 1996 in the new Ballymoney Masonic Centre.
Our April Convocation, held in The Provincial Masonic Hall, Rosemary Street, was an evening meeting on Monday 22nd April and again attracted a large attendance. During the meeting our District Grand Treasurer, R.E. Comp. Brian Mooney, presented and gave a most comprehensive report on the Statements of Accounts of District Chapter for the year ending December 1995, stating that our funds were now in a most satisfactory position. Prior to this meeting a number of Companions from the Ballymena area in conjunction with the District Grand Registrar arid the M Ex District Grand King had prepared a surprise presentation to M.E. Comp. W. W. Preston, J.P., B.A.. The presentation was a framed portrait of our Past District Grand King and which he in turn would present to District Chapter to be hung in the new District Chapter Reception Room.
Friday 14th June heralded the arrival of our Scottish Companions from The Provincial Grand Chapter of Argyll and the Isles.
Our June District Chapter held on Saturday 15th June at 2.00 p.m. to accommodate the visit of our Scottish Companions was a well attended meeting. R.E. Comp., Cyril Ferguson was very surprised but very pleased to be invested with a special jewel from The Provincial Grand Chapter of Argyll and the Isles for his excellent work in organising the Annual visits of our two District Chapters for a number of years. R.E. Comp. Ferguson, although surprised, received the jewel graciously and said that he would wear it with pride. The Dinner Dance was held at The Chimney Corner Inn.
Obituaries- M.E. Comp. H. S. Gorman, P.K. R.A.C. 1012. Past Dist. Grand Inspector, Rep. of New Hampshire, Died 24th April 1996. R.E. Comp. Rev. A. S. Hofmeester, P.K. R.A.C. 149. District Grand Chaplain 1975-1988, Died 5th May 1996. M.E. Comp. Henry Irwin, P.K. R.A.C. 414. Grand Capt. of The Purple Veil 1975-76, Rep. of Grand Chapter of British Columbia at Supreme Grand Chapter, Died 8th May 1996. R.E. Comp. W. J. Lutton, P.K. R.A.C. 326. Dist. Grand H. P. 1993-94, Died 21st May 1996. R.E. Comp. Harold McMaster Taggart, P K. R.A.C. 602. Hon. Past District Grand Chief Scribe, Died 18th September 1996.
Two chapters have decided to return their warrants in this year although initial scrutiny of Chapter returns tends to show that numerically there is no great change in our overall strength.
Our October Convocation held in Provincial Masonic Hall, Rosemary Street on Monday 28th October was an evening meeting and as such again attracted a large attendance.
Following the election of the officers as recommended by District Grand Chapter Board of Purposes for 1997-98 the appointments for 1997 as follows: Dist. Grand Kings Standard Bearer E. Comp. Noel Prentice, PK. and Registrar R.A.C. 489; District Grand Steward E. Comp. Albert McCarrol, P.K. and Registrar R.A.C. 372., District Grand Steward E. Comp. W A. McKee, Past King and Registrar of R.A.C. 28. Also appointed E. Comp. J. O. Wills, P.K. of R.A.C. 811 Lisburn and E. Comp. J. Stevenson, P.K. of R.A.C. 537 Cullybackey as Hon. Past District Grand Stewards
The October meeting ended on a high note District Deputy M.E. Comp. Alan S. Watt MBE, JP was congratulated on being appointed a Member of The Order of the British Empire.
At the January convocation held on the 25th in the Provincial Masonic Hall, Rosemary Street, Belfast, was the occasion of the Installation of the Officers for the period 1997-98. The M.E. District Grand King said he was pleased to re-appoint M.E. Comp. Alan S. Watt JP as District Deputy Grand King, but the District Assistant Grand King REC William McKelvey decided to step down. He then announced that R.E. Comp. B. Mooney had accepted his invitation to the office of R.E. District Assistant Grand King, and would be installed at the next convocation of District Grand Chapter. He then proceeded to install the Officers.
M.E. Comp. C.F.A. Quigley FCA, the Past Grand King was presented with a portrait of himself by the Companions of R.A.C. 353.
M.E. Comp. N. J. Black then said that he had been granted permission by the M.E. and Supreme Grand King to announce that he had appointed M.E. Comp. Alan S. Watt JP to be the next District Grand King of The District Grand Royal Arch Chapter of Antrim. He then informed the Companions it would be my intention to appoint R.E. Comp. E.C. Ferguson as the District Deputy Grand King.
Obituaries- M.E. Comp. Campbell W. Tweed, R.A.C. 45 in Glenarm in particular.
After the January meeting a great deal of activity commenced. All the necessary arrangements for the Installation with the many duties that had to be attended to. In addition the District's usual return visits to our Scottish Companions of the Provincial Grand Royal Arch Chapter of Argyle and the Isles, this year to be held in Dunoon, required attention.
A stated convocation of District Royal Arch Chapter of Antrim was held on Saturday, 3rd May at the Provincial Masonic Hall, Rosemary Street, Belfast, where M.E. Comp. Alan S. Watt MBE, JP was installed M. Ex. District Grand King by the Most Excellent and Supreme Grand King.
District Grand Chapter was greatly honoured on this occasion to have so many distinguished Royal Arch Masons in attendance, the Deputy Grand King, M.E. Comp. Charles Knipe; the Grand Registrar, R.E. Comp. Michael W. Walker; M.E. Comp. S. Gordon Leathem, BEM District Grand King of Down; M.E. Comp. Arthur W. Fielding, District Grand King of Londonderry, Donegal, Tyrone and Fermanagh; M.E. Comp. Joseph Rodgers, District Grand King of Armagh, together with their Deputies and Assistants. Also present was M.E. Comp. C.F.A. Quigley, FCA Past Grand King of Antrim. From the Scottish Constitution M.E. Comp. Allan McEwan, Past 2nd Grand Principal S.G.R.A.C. Scotland and Provincial Grand Superintendent of Dunbartonshire; M.E. Comp. D. Crawford, Provincial Superintendent of Perthshire; M.E. Comp. A.L. Bailie, Provincial Superintendent of Galloway; M.E. Comp. D. Stewart, Provincial Grand Superintendent of Argyle and the Isles, and M.E. Comp. W. Donald, Past Provincial Grand Superintendent Argyle and the Isles, together with a number of senior Companions from the various Provinces.
R.E. Comp. E.C. Ferguson was Installed as District Deputy Grand King. R.E. Comp. Brian Mooney as District Assistant Grand King. A tribute to M.E. Comp. Norman J. Black. A resolution of thanks was proposed by R.E. Comp. G.W. McGrath, Past District High Priest and was seconded by R.E. Comp. Alex Ireland, District Chief Scribe. This was warmly received by all the Companions present with prolonged applause. Resolution
"That we the members of the Most Excellent District Grand Royal Arch Chapter of Antrim desire to place on record our great regret at the decision of Most Excellent Comp. Norman J. Black to retire as District Grand King and from active government of the Most Excellent District Grand Royal Arch Chapter of Antrim. He is gifted with a remarkable retentive memory and this has been very evident in his consummate skill as a ritualist and leader. His strength of character and personality has won for him the affection and respect of all who came into contact with him. The present high standing of the District Grand Royal Arch Chapter of Antrim is a worthy and fitting testimonial to his commitment and dedication during his term of office. We further place on record, that on leaving his official office he takes with him our individual affection and respect and we are looking forward to having the pleasure of his attendance at our convocation for many years. We wish him good health and happiness to enjoy his many interests both inside and outside Freemasonry." Following the meeting a very successful dinner took place.
On Friday morning 9th May, a party of 79 Companions and Ladies assembled at Belfast for our visit to Argyle and the Isles.
A Stated Convocation of District Grand Chapter was held on the 9th June, at 7.30 p.m. in the Masonic Hall, Lisburn.
It was with great regret that we recorded the murder of Companion Gregory Taylor, Chief Scribe of Bushmills R.A.C. 414.
- Comp. William Gault P.K. R.A.C. 178 and V.E. Comp. Richard Aughey P.K. R.A.C. 565 were Invested as our R.E. District Grand Treasurer and R.E. District Grand Registrar. M.E, Comp. J.E. Trimble, Past District Director of Ceremonies retired after a number of years.
A Stated Convocation of District Grand Royal Arch Chapter was held in the Provincial Masonic Hall, Rosemary Street, Belfast on 27th October 1997. R.E. Comp. McGrath P.K. R.A.C. 28, was installed as District Assistant Grand Registrar. Two District Inspectors, E. Comp. H.C. Mitchell R.A.C. 189, Connor, and E. Comp. W. Scott R.A.C. 21, Belfast.
The first convocation of the New Year was held on January 24th in the Provincial Masonic Hall, Rosemary Street, Belfast. We were fortunate, at the January meeting, to have had all three Past District Grand Kings with us — M.E. Comp. W.W. Preston, J.P., B.A., M.E. Comp. C.F.A. Quigley, FCA and M.E. Comp. Capt. N. J. Black. These Companions have served District Grand Chapter as Kings for 30 years collectively, guiding the District Chapter through all the troubled years and changing times in our society.
Obituaries- M.E. Comp. W.D. McBride, Past C. of H, Representative of the Grand Chapter of Alaska, Past King R.A.C. 651.
- Comp. J. G. Johnston, Past King R.A.C. 775, E. Comp. N. Usher, Past King R.A.C. 64 and E. Comp. W.J. Getty, Past King R.A.C. 598, as District Grand Stewards and District Grand King's Standard Bearer respectively were all Invested.
On Saturday, March 21st our Annual Meeting of Excellent Kings and Registrars was held in the provincial Masonic Hall, Rosemary Street. This proved to be an outstanding success; 77 Chapters were represented with over 130 R.A. Masons in attendance.
The Stated Convocation took place on Monday, April 27th in the Provincial Masonic Hall, Rosemary Street, Belfast. A very large number of Companions attended to express their respect and share in the sadness we all felt at the death of our senior Past District Grand King, M.E. Comp. W.W. Preston J.P., B.A. He had passed away on April 11th, just one week before his 93rd birthday. He had served District Grand Chapter with distinction, dedication and enthusiasm since 1949; as District Deputy Grand King from 1964-1968, and District Grand King from 1969-1984. M.E. Comp. Preston epitomised all that is good in Freemasonry in all branches, always kind and thoughtful, quiet and helpful. He had a very wide Knowledge of Masonry and had been a member for over 69 years.
- Comp. T. McCurley, Past King R.A.C. 163 was Installed as our first Assistant District Grand Treasurer. We are glad to have his skill and dedication, and know he will be of great help to District Chapter. R.E. Comp. Alex McA. Ireland was Invested as a District Grand Inspector; E. Comp. Ronald Gregg, Past King R.A.C. 353 was invested as Honorary Past District Grand Royal Arch Captain.
1998 was a special year for a number of Chapters who celebrated anniversaries. R.A.C. 431 on their 150 years; 175, 466, 469, 485, 536, 538 all celebrated 75 years.
On Friday, June 5th we welcomed our Companions from the Provincial Grand Chapter of Argyle and the Isles, now a regular biannual occurrence. A large contingent, was led by the Provincial Superintendent, M.E. Comp. Donald Stewart
The following day, Saturday the 6th, District Grand Chapter held the June Stated Convocation in the Provincial Masonic Hall, Rosemary Street, Belfast. We were pleased when our Scottish Companions were paraded in led by a piper from Dunoon. Provincial Grand Superintendent Donald Stewart together with M.E. Comp. David Crawford, Provincial Grand Superintendent of Perthshire and M.E. Comp. David Ure, Provincial Grand Superintendent of Linlithgow and 37 Companions were given a warm welcome.
At this meeting E. Comp. Stanley Francis, Past King R.A.C. 427 was invested as Honorary C.B.V. V.E. Comp. Noel Prentice, Past King R.A.C. 489, Past District Grand King's Standard Bearer was presented with his Past Rank Certificate. Sadly, V.E. Comp. Prentice passed away some three months later.
A Dinner Dance was held that Saturday in the Provincial Masonic Hall, Rosemary Street.
The final convocation of the current year was held on the 26th October in the Provincial Masonic Hall, Rosemary Street, Belfast.
Obituaries-M.E. Comp. R.E. Nicholson M.B.E., Past King R.A.C. No. 424;
- Comp. Wm. Gray, Past King R.A.C. No. 455, was Invested as an Honorary Past. District Superintendent of the Tabernacle, and E. Comp. S.B. Hughes, Past King R.A.C. No. 775 as an Honorary Past District C.S.V.
In Supreme Grand Chapter, M.E. Comp. Mooney has now reached the position of Grand High Priest. V.E. Comp. Redpath and V.E. Comp. Byers continue to progress up the ladder, and V.E. Comp. Aughey starts his first year in service of Grand Chapter.
1999 proved to be a very difficult year for M.E. District Grand King, M.E. Comp. Alan S. Watt M.B.E., J.P. health-wise. This prevented him from being active from May until the end of October.
The first Convocation of the New Year was held on the 23rd January in the Provincial Masonic Hall, Rosemary Street, Belfast. E. Comp. TH. Armstrong, Past King R.A.C. No. 417 and E. Comp. T.F. Jamison, Past King R.A.C. No. 189 were invested as District Grand High Priest and District Chief Scribe respectively, The following Officers were then presented, invested E. Comp. R.D. Wilson, P.K. R.A.C. No. 317 as District Grand Captain of the Hosts, E. Comp. W.J. Henry, P.K. R.A.C. No. 169 as District Grand Supt. of the Tabernacle, E. Comp. W.A. Shields, P.K. R.A.C. No. 274 as District Grand Royal Arch Captain, E. Comp. J.W. Sharpe, P.K. R.A.C. No. 489 .as District Grand Captain of the Scarlet Veil’ E. Comp. A.R.G.R. Patterson, P.K. R.A.C. No. 445 as District Grand Captain of the Purple Veil, E. Comp. T. Hill, P.K. R.A.C. No. 615 as District Grand Captain of the Blue Veil E. Comp. C.F. Bell, P.K. R.A.C. No. 485 as District Grand Steward, E. Comp. W.H. Dunlop, P.K. R.A.C. No. 598 as District Grand Steward E. Comp. D.T.J. Beckett, P.K. R.A.C. No. 667 as District Grand Steward, E. Comp. D.G. Baxter, P.K. R.A.C. No. 162 /260 as District Grand Steward, E. Comp. R. Higginson, P.K. R.A.C. No. 317 as District Grand Chapter Standard Bearer, E. Comp. K.W. Ferris, P.K. R.A.C. No. 277 as District Grand King's Standard Bearer, E. Comp. H.W.M. Gilmore, P.K. R.A.C. No. 7 as District Grand Janitor
District Grand Organists V.E. Comp. D.H. Robinson and V.E. Comp. S. Agnew M.B.E., were re-appointed as was V.E. Comp. Dr. W. Moffatt as District Grand Physician. Later that evening over 160 attended the Ladies Night Dinner Dance in Rosemary Street.
On Saturday, 13th March our Annual Meeting of Excellent Kings and Registrars was held in the Provincial Masonic Hall, Rosemary Street. This event is proving one of the outstanding successes of recent years. 81 Chapters were represented with over 140 R.A. Masons in attendance. We are indebted to R.E. Comp. George Power who once again had us listening, all very attentively, to the "Three Lectures", presented in his usual eloquent and informative manner. By popular request his paper was printed and circulated to all Chapters who requested a copy. We were also pleased to have a talk by R.W. Bro. Dennis Millen, Provincial Assistant Grand Master of Antrim on, "Masonic Benevolent Institutions".
The stated Convocation of District Grand Chapter was held on Monday, 26th April in the Provincial Masonic Hall, Rosemary Street, Belfast. E. Comp. W.T. Brown, R.A.C. No. 313 was Invested as a District Grand Director of Ceremonies, E. Comp. K.O.P. Ackah T.D., F.R.C.S., R.A.C. No. 423 as District Grand Physician, E. Comp. G.F. Johnston, R.A.C. No. 651 as an Honorary Past District Grand Royal Arch Captain and E. Comp. Carson as Hon. Past District Grand Captain of the Scarlet Veil.
The report of the April Convocation usually makes reference to either our visit to the Provincial Grand Royal Arch Chapter of Argyll and the Isles or their visit to us. Unfortunately, and very much to the disappointment of everyone, our Companions in Dunoon were unable to find suitable accommodation for us, and consequently we were unable to accept their invitation. The long standing fraternal and personal bond which exists between us and our Companions in Scotland will continue and we in Antrim are looking forward to having the Provincial Grand Royal Arch Chapter of Argyll and the Isles as our guest for the customary weekend in the not too distant future.
The Stated Convocation of the District Grand Chapter was held on Saturday, 19th June in the 1st Lame Presbyterian Church Hall at 2.00prn. The passing of V.E. Comp. Desmond McKeown, P.K. R.A.C. No. 89, Bushmills and Past District Grand Director of Ceremonies 1998-99. The late V.E. Comp. McKeown was a very highly respected Freemason, not only in the District Grand Chapter of Antrim but in North Antrim and the large attendance at his funeral bore testimony of the esteem he was held in by his fellow Masons and the community at large.
- Comp. John Young, P.K. R.A.C. No. 647 was Invested Honorary Past District Grand Captain of the Purple Veil.
On Wednesday, 16th June the District Grand Chapter of Antrim had the honour of hosting Supreme Grand Royal Arch Chapter in the Provincial Masonic Hall, Rosemary Street, Belfast.
The Stated Convocation of District Grand Chapter was held on Monday, 25th October in the Provincial Masonic Hall, Rosemary Street, Belfast at 7.30pm.
Obituaries: R.E. Comp. Samuel Gillespie, P.K. R.A.C. No. 349 /180, District Grand High Priest 1987 /88, died September 1999, M.E. Comp. R.J. Henry (Bertie), P.K. R.A.C. No. 414, Representative of the Grand Chapter of Maryland, died October 1999 and the Excellent King of R.A.C. No. 276 who died suddenly on the 24th October 1999.
V.E. Comps. J.P.Ventura, P.K. R.A.C. No. 711 and V.E. Comp. R. Mayne, P.K. RA.C. No. 551were Invested District Grand Inspectors. E. Comp. John Stewart, P.K. Ahoghill R.A.C. No. 704/ 574 and E. Comp. J.R. Catney, P.K. and Registrar of Stewardstown R.A.C. No. 783 as District Grand Stewards and E. Comp. Brian Hamilton, P.K. and Registrar of George Andrews R.A.C. No. 258 Crumlin Road as District Grand King's Standard Bearer.
Administratively New Chapter Ritual Books had been introduced and new draft Bye-Laws were also circulated, agreed and approved..
The first Convocation of the new millennium was held on Saturday, 22nd January 2000 in the Provincial Masonic Hall, Rosemary Street, Belfast.
The Annual Dinner Dance took place later that evening.
On Saturday, 11th March, our Annual Meeting of Excellent Kings and Registrars was held at the Masonic Hall, Lisburn.
The next District Grand Chapter Convocation which was held on the 15th April in the Provincial Masonic Hall, Rosemary Street, Belfast. On this occasion we welcomed a delegation from the Provincial Grand Chapter of Argyll and the Isles.
We welcomed M.E. Comp. Donald Stewart, Grand Superintendent of Argyll arid the Isles; M.E. Comp. William Norquay, Grand Superintendent (designate); M.E. Comp. John J. Robb, Grand Superintendent Dunbartonshire; M.E. Comp. A. David Crawford, Grand Superintendent Perthshire; M.E. Comp. William L. MacEwan, Grand Superintendent Angus and the Mearns; M.E. Comp. David Ure, Grand Superintendent Linlithgowshire.
- Comp. Basil French P.K., R.A.C. No. 598 was Invested Hon. Past District Grand Captain of the Scarlet Veil. After District Grand Chapter on Saturday, a Dinner Dance had been arranged in the Chimney Comer Hotel.
A Stated Convocation of District Grand Chapter was held on Monday, 29th May at 7.30pm in the Parish Centre, Ballymoney. On this occasion we were very pleased to accept the kind invitation of Chapter 57 who was celebrating its Centenary.
R.E. Comp. Robert Thomson was presented with a certificate conferring on him the rank of Honorary Past Grand High Priest of the Supreme Grand Royal Arch Chapter of Ireland. E. Comp. Robert A. Rankin, P.K., R.A.C. No. 1008, Portrush was Invested as Honorary Past District Captain of the Host.
The M. Ex. District Grand King was presented by E. Comp. Robert Thomson with a letter dated June 1950 which contained correspondence between Most Excellent and Supreme Grand King, M.E. Comp. Lord Massereene and Most Excellent District Grand King Milne Barber. This letter had been found in a bag belonging to the North Antrim Inspection Committee by R.W. Bro. Noel Millar.
The Stated Convocation of District Grand Chapter was held on Monday, 23rd October 2000 at 7.00pm in the Provincial Masonic Hall, Rosemary Street, Belfast.
Obituaries- R.E. Comp. R. Carson, P.K., R.A.C. No. 372 and R.A.C. No. 255, Past District Grand High Priest (1981-82) who died on 6th August 2000.
- Comp. J.I. Bill, P.K., R.A.C. No. 160 was Invested as Honorary Past District Grand Scribe and E. Comp. P.W.I. Corkey, P.K., R.A.C. No. 10 as Honorary Past District Grand Captain of the Purple Veil.
On October 24th The District Grand King was pleased to be invited to join Sidon R.A.C. Chapter No. 275 in celebrating 100 years since the issue of their warrant.
The first Convocation in 2001 of the District Grand Chapter of Antrim was held on Saturday, 27th January in the Provincial Masonic Hall, Rosemary Street, Belfast.
We were all pleased to welcome our Most Excellent and Supreme Grand King, Charles R. Knipe, on his first visit to District Grand Chapter since his elevation in November..
- Comp. F. Dennis, P.K. R.A.C. No. 175 and E. Comp. A.H. Miskimmon, P.K. R.A.C. No. 613 were invested and proclaimed as District Grand High Priest and District Grand Chief Scribe respectively. V.E. Comp. G.W. Steel, P.K. R.A.C. No. 651 was invested as District Grand Captain of the Host. E. Comp. A. Wylie, P.K. R.A.C. No. 246 was Invested as District Grand Superintendent of the Tabernacle at the April meeting.
- Comp. N. Harbinson, P.K. R.A.C. No. 275; E. Comp. R.T. McCullough, P.K. R.A.C. No. 22; E. Comp. E.G. Graham, P.K. R.A.C. No. 431 and E. Comp. T.T. McBride, P.K. R.A.C. No. 327 were Invested as District Grand Royal Arch Captain; District Grand Captain Scarlet Veil, District Grand Captain Purple Veil and District Grand Captain Blue Veil. E. Comp. Rev. H.J. Parker, P.K. R.A.C. No. 763; E. Comp. J. Keilty, P.K. R.A.C. No. 97; E. Comp. W.R. Armstrong, P.K. R.A.C. No. 645 and E. Comp. D. Rainey, P.K. R.A.C. No. 598 were Invested as District Grand Stewards. E. Comp. J. Creighton, P.K. R.A.C. No. 56; E. Comp. W. McGaughey, P.K. R.A.C. No. 450 and E. Comp. B.E. Jackson were Invested as District Grand Chapter Standard Bearer; District Grand King's Standard Bearer and District Grand Janitor, respectively. In the evening, our usual Annual Ladies Night was supported by a full house.
We were disappointed that due to the Foot & Mouth outbreaks we were forced to cancel our usual meeting with the new E.K.'s and the Chapter Registrars, and hope to re-convene this event next year (2002).
With the lifting of embargo on Masonic meetings we were able to have our usual Spring meeting on the 23rd April in the Provincial Masonic Hall, Rosemary Street, Belfast.
- Comp. S.H. Letters, P.K. R.A.C. Nos. 775 and 1020 invested as Hon. Past District Grand Royal Arch Captain. District Grand Chapter agreed to recommendations of District Board to nominate E. Comp. Geo. McFetridge, R.A.C. No. 439 as the District Representative at the Grand Royal Arch Chapter of Instruction. This would fill the vacancy caused by the resignation of V.E. Comp. T. Armstrong because of family commitments.
The District Grand Treasurer, R.E. Comp. W. Gault, was thanked for the excellent manner which he outlined the Statements of Accounts for year ending 31st December 2000. Despite a drop in revenue because of the decreasing number of Companions, our financial position held its own; in fact for the year 2000 we made a small surplus of £76.00.
The M.E. District Grand King was sorry to report to the Companions that I had received the resignation of the District Assistant Grand King, R.E. Comp. Mooney who was a wonderful, dedicated Assistant.
On Friday, 11th May, some fifty Companions and their Ladies left Larne Harbour for our biannual visit to our sister Provincial Grand Chapter of Argyle and the Isles.
A Stated Convocation of District Grand Chapter was held on Monday, 4th June at 7.30pm in St. Patrick's Church Hall, Ballymena.
We were pleased to welcome R.E. Comp. Jack S. Colvin, Grand Chief Scribe of the District Grand Royal Arch Chapter of Southern Cape, South Africa, who was on a short holiday to Ireland. E. Comp. James McClurg, P.K. R.A.C. No. 140 was Invested as Hon. Past District Grand Captain of the Blue Veil. R.E. Comp. Gault was announced as District Assistant Grand King. V.E. Comp. T. McCurley, the present District Assistant Grand Treasurer, was invited to take over as Treasurer and The M.E. District Grand King was equally delighted when he agreed. District Chapter are fortunate to have two Companions who are both former Bank Managers.
On Monday, 22nd October the last Convocation of the District Grand Royal Arch Chapter of Antrim in 2001 took place in the Provincial Masonic Hall, Rosemary Street, Belfast.
We were pleased to welcome and salute M.E. Comp. Michael Ward on his first visit to District Grand Chapter in his capacity as our new Deputy Grand King.
We were very pleased to welcome R.E. Comp. Adam J. McKinley on this his first visit in his new role of Provincial Grand Master of Antrim.
It was agreed that the District Representatives on the Supreme Grand Chapter Board of General Purposes, as recommended by the District Board of General Purposes, be elected for 2002 and that E. Comp. J.C. Kettyle be recommended as District Representative on the Grand Royal Arch Chapter of Instruction to fill our vacancy.
R.E. Comp. Gault invested and installed as the new District Assistant Grand King of District Chapter. V.E. Comp. T.J. McCurley Invested as District Grand Treasurer. E. Comp. T.M. Yarr, P.K. RA.C. No. 620, Invested as District Grand Inspector, replacing V.E. Comp. George Steel, who stood down after many years of service in this office. E. Comp. J.H. McCollum, P.K. R.A.C. No. 51, who celebrated their 150th Anniversary this year, was Invested Hon. Past District Grand Superintendent of the Tabemacle.
Once again, the District Grand Chapter has lost ground in membership.
The District launched its own magazine "The Banner", the first District Grand Chapter magazine in the constitution, which was well received by the Companions.
The first Convocation of District Grand Chapter was held on Saturday, 26th January, in the Provincial Masonic Hall, Rosemary Street, Belfast. M.E. Comp. S. Gordon Leatham B.E.M., District Grand King of Down was welcomed and saluted. It gave us much pleasure to offer our congratulations on his appointment as the first M.E. Assistant Grand King at Grand Chapter.
At this meeting a number of Officers were Invested. E. Comp. W.I. Connor, P.K., R.A.C. No. 178 invested as District Assistant Grand Treasurer. E. Comp. J.E. Sheppard, P.K., R.A.C. No. 156 and E. Comp. G. McFettridge, P.K., R.A.C. No. 439 Invested as District Grand Stewards. V.E. Comp. J.S. Patterson, P.K., R.A.C. No. 314/22 was Invested as one of our District Grand Inspectors. In the evening, the Annual District Ladies Night was held at the Massereene Golf Club.
On the 9th March our usual meeting with the Excellent Kings and Registrars recommenced after the previous year’s cancellation due to the Foot and Mouth outbreak. Although the numbers were down on the previous year, over 130 R.A.C. Masons from the District assembled in the Provincial Masonic Hall in Rosemary Street, Belfast, representing approximately 60 Chapters.
The Spring Convocation of District Grand Chapter was held in the Provincial Masonic Hall, Rosemary Street, Belfast, on Monday, 15th April.
Obituaries-M.E. Comp. Edward Keag, P.K., R.A.C. No. 324, District Grand Inspector 1987-1997 and Representative of the Grand Chapter of Manitoba, died in February 2002.
The Rev. Derek W.R.D. Dunn, one of our Chaplains for many years, because of his many commitments, decided to retire. V.E. Comp. Rev. H. James Parker, P.K., R.A.C. No. 763 invested as our new Chaplain. V.E. Comp. James Doherty, P.K., R.A.C. No. 88 Invested as District Grand King's Standard Bearer. The District Grand Treasurer presented his Statement of Accounts for 2001. This made excellent reading. Our Charity Donations reaching a record of £1,871.00.
Our numbers again sadly fell, with two warrants being returned; the number of Chapters being 117.
The promotion to Representative for the M.E. Grand Chapter of Finland - M.E. Comp. George E. J Field and as Representative for the M.E. Grand Chapter of Idaho - M.E. Comp. Samuel M. Elder. We congratulate these two Companions and wish them a happy term representing the two Grand Bodies at our own Supreme Grand Chapter.
On the 31st May, 52 Companions and Ladies from the Provincial Grand Chapter of Argyle and the Isles arrived for their visit to Antrim.
On Saturday, 1st June District Grand Chapter of Antrim met in the Provincial Masonic Hall, Rosemary Street, for the Summer Convocation. A delegation from The Provincial Grand Chapter of Argyle and the Isles led by the Provincial Superintendent, M.E. Comp. W.G. Norquay. Included in the delegation was M.E. Comp. A.J. Cameron, Scribe E of the Supreme Grand Chapter of Scotland, M.E. Comp. D. Philand, Supreme Grand Director of Ceremonies of G.R.A.C. of Scotland; M.E. Comp. T.D. Frost, Past Deputy First Grand Principal, G.R.A.C. of Scotland; M.E. Comp. J.J. Robb, Provincial Grand Superintendent, Dumbartonshire; M.E. Comp. G.G. Alexander, Provincial Grand Superintendent of the Border Provinces, M.E. Comp. J. McKee, Provincial Superintendent, Renfrewshire and M.E. Comp. D. Ure, Provincial Superintendent, Linlithgow along with 30 other Royal Arch Companions.
V.E. Comp. J. McA. Pollock, was presented by V.E. Comp. N. Fairley and Invested as District Assistant Grand King. to fill the vacuum for a Senior Officer to the Northern part of our District.
As V.E. Comp. Fairley had decided to retire, it was with much regret the request was granted, and that R.E. Companion J. McA. Pollock, was now District Assistant Grand King these two vacancies were filled. by V.E. Comp. George Graham, R.A.C. No. 431 and V.E. Comp. Ronald Barnes, R.A.C. No. 353.
V.E. Comp. Yarr had made a maul to present to our Scottish visitors; unfortunately he was unable to attend this meeting. The R. Ex District Deputy Grand King presented the maul to M.E. Comp. Norquay who said he was overwhelmed by the gift so expertly crafted.
The last meeting of District Grand Chapter of Antrim in 2002 was held on the 28th October in the Provincial Masonic Hall, Rosemary Street, Belfast, at 7.30pm, presided over by R.E. Comp. E.C. Ferguson, District Deputy Grand King, accompanied by the District Assistant Grand Kings, R.E. Comp. W Gault and R.E. Comp. J. MacA. Pollock. Obituaries- M.E. Comp. Iain McCallum, Past Third Principal of the Most Excellent Grand Royal Arch Chapter of Scotland and Past Grand Treasurer of the Provincial Grand Chapter of Argyll and the Isles. He had visited Antrim on a number of occasions, the last being in June this year. A silent tribute was accorded.
- Comp. Brian Scott, P.K., R.A.C. No. 378 and E. Comp. David Caruth, P.K., R.A.C. No. 275 were then Invested as District Grand Inspectors. At this part of the proceedings V.E. C. John S. Dunlop, Provincial Deputy Grand Master of Antrim was conducted to the dais by V. E. C. G Graham where he was Invested as Hon. Past District Grand Chief Scribe. Then followed the Investiture of E. Comp. J.H. Smith, P.K., R.A.C. No. 154, E. Comp. A.R. Lennox, P.K., R.A.C. No. 285 and E. C. G. Meneely, P.K., R.A.C. No. 177 who were Invested as Hon. Past District Grand Superintendent of the Tabernacle, Hon. Past District Royal Arch Captain and Hon. Past District Captain of the Scarlet Veil respectively.
The election of District Grand Chapter Officers then took place. The list had been recommended by the Board of General Purposes on 21st October 2002, was read by the District Grand Registrar and agreed. The Officers elected were as follows:
- C. Hugh M. McClements, R.A.C. No. 413 - District Grand High Priest.
- C. Roy Fynes, R.A.C. No. 57 - District Grand Chief Scribe.
- C. James A. Davison, R.A.C. No. 536 - District Grand Captain of the Host.
- C. Thomas F. Clyde, R.A.C. No. 512 - District Grand Superintendent of the Tabernacle.
- C. Thomas H. Wright R.A.C. No. 466 - District Grand Royal Arch Captain.
- C. Ian C. Martin, R.A.C. No. 602 - District Grand Captain of the Scarlet Veil.
- C. Herbert McCullough, R.A.C. No. 226 - District Grand Captain of the Purple Veil.
- C. David Johnston, R.A.C. No. 775 - District Grand Captain of the Blue Veil.
- C. Robert T. Gray, R.A.C. No. 64 - District Grand Steward.
- C. William C. Drysdale, R.A.C. No. 169 - District Grand Steward.
- C. J. Terrence Kirkwood, R.A.C. No. 811 - District Grand Chapter
Standard Bearer.
- C. James M. Dick, R.A.C. No. 462 - District Grand Janitor.
In presenting V.E. Comp. W. Fairley with his certificate as Past District Grand Director of Ceremonies, R.E. Comp. Ferguson thanked him for ten years of loyaI service. He had always carried out his duties with precision and decorum, never complained and went about his duties quietly and efficiently. VEC Comp. Fairley will always be welcomed at District Chapter.
Administratively a Membership and Attendance Working Party under the DAGK R.E. Comp. W Gault was established.
The year 2003 commenced with the sad news of the death of our Most Excellent District Grand King, whilst on holiday. The very large number of brethren from near and far who attended the funeral service on Monday 20th January 2003, was a distinguished testimony to the esteem and affection in which the late Most Excellent Companion Watt was held.
The January Convocation of the District Grand Chapter was held on Saturday, 25th January at 2pm in the Provincial Masonic Hall, Rosemary Street, Belfast. At the January Convocation we installed our Officers for the ensuing year.
The Dinner Dance that usually follows the January convocation, was cancelled as a mark of respect to our late M.E. District Grand King.
An emergency Convocation, of District Grand Chapter, and a service in memory and appreciation of the late M.E. Comp. A S. Watt M.B.E., J.P. was held in the Provincial Masonic Hall, Rosemary Street, Belfast, on Thursday, 27th February 2003.
The Service was conducted by our two Chaplains, V.E. Comp. Rev. Denzil Caldwell and V.E. Comp. Rev. James Parker. The address by V.E. Comp. Caldwell was very poignant and appreciated by all present. The District Grand King Designate read the following resolution:
“That we, the Companions of the District Grand Royal Arch Chapter of Antrim, desire
to record, with profound sorrow, the passing of our dearly beloved Companion,
M.E. Comp. Alan S. Watt M.B.E., J.P., District Grand King. And to acknowledge our
grateful appreciation of the many years of faithful service rendered by him in the interest
of Freemasonry.
He loved Freemasonry with a deep passion and he was tireless in his efforts to promote
its welfare and advance its cause.
To this District Grand Royal Arch Chapter of Antrim he rendered Singular Service,
leaving us with a legacy which will be a constant inspiration to all who knew him and
shared his faith and interest in the Order”.
The late M.E. Companions N.J. Black and A.S. Watt MBE, JP, were then accorded the final salute under the direction of our Director of Ceremonies, V.E. Comp. Brown. After the Service, Comp. David Watt unveiled a portrait of his late father.
At the February Convocation of the Supreme Grand Chapter of Ireland, The Most Excellent and Supreme Grand King, M.E. Comp. Charles R. Knipe announced that he had appointed R.E. E Cyril Ferguson as The Most Excellent District Grand King of Antrim, to succeed the late M.E. Comp. Alan S. Watt M.B.E., J.P., and he would be pleased to install him in that office on Saturday, 17th May 2003 in the Provincial Masonic Hall, Rosemary Street, Belfast.
On Saturday, lst March 2003 we held our Annual Meeting for our Excellent Kings and Registrars in the Provincial Masonic Hall, Rosemary Street, Belfast. The Chapters were well represented.
On Friday, 9th May 2003, 46 Companions with wives, etc., totalling 77 persons, accepted the invitation from the Most Excellent Grand Superintendent of Argyle and the Isles, M.E. Comp. William Norquay. The Convocation was held in Rothesay, Isle of Bute.
A Stated Convocation of District Grand Chapter was held on Saturday, 17th May in the Provincial Masonic Hall, Rosemary Street Belfast. The agenda was to install the Most Excellent District Grand King, the Right Excellent District Deputy Grand King and the Right Excellent Assistant Grand King.
The appointment of the Most Excellent District Grand King was enhanced by the excellence of the Installation Ceremony, with expertise and in his usual proficient manner, by our Most Excellent and Supreme Grand King, M.E. Comp. Charles R. Knipe and the many Companions from Antrim, Armagh, Down, Londonderry, Tyrone and Fermanagh; including R.E. Comp. Alan Cox, P.K. R.A.C. No. 712 Hong Kong and R.E. Comp. Jack Colvin, Grand High Priest of the Most Excellent District Grand Royal Arch Chapter Southern Cape, South Africa. Both these Companions made special arrangements to be present at the Installation, and not forgetting our longstanding and very dear Companions from Argyle and the Isles. The Most Excellent Grand Superintendent, M.E. Comp. William Norquay and his Depute, MR Comp. Walter Bell the Grand Treasurer, M.E. Comp. Ivor Gibbs, the Grand Steward, M.E. Comp. David McFie and M.E. Comp. Jack Brown, Past Grand Nehemiah of the Most Excellent Supreme Grand Royal Arch Chapter of Scotland were in attendance The list of names of the very distinguished guests who were present was like reading the "Who's who" of Irish Freemasonry. Including, from Supreme Grand Chapter, Most Excellent Assistant Grand King, M.E. Comp. Gordon S. Leathern B.E.M., Grand High Priest M.E. Comp. Robert Hoffman, Grand Chaplain R.E. Comp. Rev. Charles McCurdy M.A., B.D., Grand Captain of the Host V.E. Comp. Henry F. Keys, Grand Superintendent of the Tabernacle V.E. Comp. Richard Aughey, Grand Royal Arch Captain V.E. Comp. Wendell McGrath, Grand Captain of the Purple Veil V.E. Comp. Jack Godfrey, Grand Steward V.E. Comp. J. McA. Pollock Grand King's Standard Bearer V.E. Comp. Jackson Reynolds, Grand Janitor V.E. Comp. Robert Shorten, Grand Registrar for Instruction and Past District Assistant Grand King of Antrim V.E. Comp. William McKelvey, Past Grand High Priest and Past District Assistant Grand King Antrim M.E. Comp. Brian Mooney and Past District Grand King of Antrim M.E. Comp. C.F.A, Quigley, FCA. Also welcomed were the Representatives of Foreign Grand Chapters. Visiting District Grand Chapter Officers were also welcomed and saluted and included R.E. Comp. Alan Treadwell, District Deputy Grand King of Armagh, R.E. Comp. Kenneth Abernethy, District Deputy Grand King of Down, R.E. Comp. Derek Martin, District Deputy Grand King of Londonderry, Donegal, Tyrone and Fermanagh R.E. Comp. Thomas Gardener, District Assistant Grand King of Armagh, R.E. Comp. Henry F. Keys, District Assistant Grand King of Londonderry, Donegal, Tyrone and Fermanagh, R.E. Comp. Jackson Reynolds, District Grand Director of Ceremonies Armagh and R.E. Comp. Kenneth Vance, District Grand Registrar of Down. It gave the M.E. District Grand King great pleasure to welcome and salute R.E. Comp. Eric Waller Grand Master Grand Lodge of Ireland, R.E. Comp. George Dunlop Deputy Grand Master, R.E. Comp. Adam McKinley Provincial Grand Master Antrim, R.E. Comp. John Dunlop Provincial Deputy Grand Master Antrim, R.E. Comp. Dennis Millen Provincial Assistant Grand Master Antrim, E. Comp. John Frazer Provincial Grand Secretary Antrim, M.E. Comp. Menryn W. Morrison Great Chief Grand Council of K.M. of Ireland, M.E. Comp. Gordon V. Bradshaw Most Eminent and Supreme G.M. of the G.P. of Ireland, M.E. Comp. Wm. Hunter High and Very Eminent Prior of the P.P. of E. Ulster, M.E. Comp. George Field Very Eminent Sub Prior of the P.P. of E. Ulster, V.E. Comp. John Trail, Registrar of P.P. of E. Ulster, R.E. Comp. John N. Rowden Grand Organist Grand Lodge of Ireland.
It was announced that the District Grand King had appointed R.E. Comp. William Gault to be Deputy District King. A procession was formed and R.E. Comp. Gault, after taking the obligation was presented to be installed and invested.
It was announced that R.E. Comp. Richard Aughey as District Assistant Grand King. A procession was formed and after taking the obligation he was presented to me to be installed and invested as District Assistant Grand King. 195 Companions joining for the Celebratory Dinner that followed.
On Monday, 2nd June 2003 the District Grand Royal Arch Chapter of Antrim responded to an invitation from Crumlin R.A.C. No. 140 to mark part of their Centenary celebrations. We were absolutely thrilled and delighted to accept this on behalf of District Grand Chapter. R.E. Comp. Wendell McGrath, District Assistant Grand Registrar, was invested as District Grand Registrar. V.E. Comp. Iain C. Martin, P.K. R.A.C. No. 602 was then invested as District Grand Captain of the Scarlet Veil. E. Comp. Jim Lynch, P.K. R.A.C. No. 574 and P.K. of Thiepval R.A.C. No. 1020, was appointed to the office of District Assistant Grand Registrar.
The Stated Convocation of District Grand Chapter was held on Monday, 27th October 2003 in the Provincial Masonic Hall, Rosemary Street, Belfast.
The District Grand King’s personal appointments for 2004 as follows: District Grand King's Standard Bearer - E. Comp. J.H. Magowan, P.K. R.A.C. No. 667 and R.A.C. No. 64; District Grand Stewards - E. Comp. W.J. Keil, P.K. and Registrar R.A.C. No. 645 and E. Comp. R. Wilson, P.K. R.A.C. No. 51. These Companions were invested at our January Convocation.
At our Convocation, held on Saturday, 24th January, 2004, in the Provincial Masonic Hall, Rosemary Street, Belfast . We welcomed and saluted our M. E. and Supreme Grand King, M.E. Comp. Charles R. Knipe. The M. E. and Supreme Grand King, and the Most Excellent Assistant Grand King, M.E. Comp. S. Gordon Leathem B.E.M.,
The District Grand King’s personal appointments for the year 2004 were invested as: District Grand King's Standard Bearer, V.E. Comp. J. Magowan, P.K. R.A.C. No. 667 and P.K. R.A.C. No. 64; District Grand Chapter Stewards, V.E. Comp. W. Keil, P.K. and Registrar of R.A.C. No. 645 and V.E. Comp. R. Wilson, P.K. R.A.C. No. 51. E. Comp. Dennis R. Millen, P.K. R.A.C. No. 701, Provincial Assistant Grand Master of Provincial Grand Lodge of Antrim and a Steward of Charities at Grand Lodge of Ireland, was Invested Honorary District Grand Chief Scribe.
Our Annual Dinner Dance was held on Saturday in the Massereene Golf Club, Antrim
The Annual District Grand Chapter Forum was held in the Whiteabbey Masonic Centre on Saturday, 27th March, 2004.
On Monday, 26th April, 2004, the Stated Convocation of District Grand Chapter was held in the Provincial Masonic Hall, Rosemary Street, Belfast .
Obituary-M.E. Comp. Samuel A. Moore J.P. P.K. Ahoghill R.A.C. No. 704. A founder member of Thiepval R.A.C. No. 1020 and Past Representative of the Grand Royal Arch Chapter of Ohio;
The M. E District Grand King appealed to the Companions to support the Masonic Benevolent Institutions by their attendance at various Church Services and other Charity Functions and, on every occasion, use the Gift Aid Scheme.
On Friday, 30th April, 2004, forty Companions with wives, partners, etc. set off by bus from Whiteabbey Masonic Centre to attend the stated Convocation of Supreme Grand Chapter in Cork to be held on Saturday, 1st May.
On Thursday evening, 6th May, 2004, R.A.C. No. 229 celebrated their Centenary
On Thursday evening, 13th May, 2004, G.H. Gault R.A.C. No. 445, Arthur Square who, after 87 years (Warrant issued 1919) returned their Warrant.
The Stated Convocation of District Grand Chapter of Antrim was held on Saturday, 6th June, 2004, in the Provincial Masonic Hall, Rosemary Street, Belfast .
The delegation from the Provincial Grand Royal Arch Chapter of Argyll and the Isles was conducted to the Dais and presented to me by one of our Director of Ceremonies, V.E. Comp. William Brown M.B.E. M.E. Comp. William G. Norquay and his Deputy, M.E. Comp. Walter Bell were escorted to their seats on the Dais. M.E. Comp. Frank Dalzell, Grand Superintendent of Ayrshire; M.E. Comp. George Alexander, Superintendent of Border Province; M.E. Comp. John J. Robb, Grand Superintendent of Dunbartonshire and M.E. Comp. Douglas T. Philand, Supreme Grand Director of Ceremonies were also seated. The delegation also included M.E. Comp. John McKie, Past Grand Superintendent of Renfrewshire; M.E. Comp. David Ure, Past Grand Superintendent of Linlithgowshire; M.E. Comp. William McEwan, Past Grand Superintendent of Angus and Mearns; M.E. Comp. Neil McPhee, Past Deputy Grand Superintendent and Honorary grand Superintendent; M.E. Comp. Robert H. McDonald, Provincial Grand H.; M.E. Comp. Alexander J. Cameron, Provincial Grand Scribe E.; M.E. Comp. Archie Wallace, Past Provincial Grand H.; M.E. Comp. John Hackett, Past Provincial Grand Chancellor; M.E. Comp. Hugh Wilson, Past Provincial Grand Chancellor; M.E. Comp. John MacKinnon, Provincial Grand Chaplain and M.E. Comp. James McMillan, Provincial Grand Sword Bearer. In addition to those Companions named, a further twenty Companions were in attendance.
The M Ex District Grand King was pleased to welcome and salute R.E. Comp. Cyril Beers, the new District Assistant Grand King of Down who was Installed on Wednesday, 2nd June. R.E. Comp. Beers suitably replied.
On the Saturday evening our Dinner Dance was held in the Massereene Golf Club, Antrim.
On the evening of Monday, 25th October, 2004, the Stated Convocation of District Grand Chapter was held in St. Patrick's Church Hall, Ballymena at the invitation of Thiepval R.A.C. No. 1020 who were celebrating their 10th anniversary.
Obituaries- M.E. Comp. James E. Trimble, P.K. Alliance R.A.C. No. 466, Ahoghill R.A.C. No. 704 and R.A.C. of Research 222; Past Representative of the Grand Chapter of Venezuela; elected Member of the Grand Chapter of Instruction; Past District Grand Inspector 1987/1997; Past District Grand Director of Ceremonies; class leader of Seven Towers and Massereene Royal Arch Class of Instruction.
The DISTRICT GRAND KING ’s personal appointments for 2005 as follows: District Grand King's Standard Bearer - E. Comp. L.E Holmes, P.K. Stewartstown R.A.C. No. 783 Lisburn; as District Grand Stewards - E. Comp. H.S. McGregor, P.K. R.A.C. No. 160 and P.K. and Registrar of St. Andrews R.A.C. No. 469 Arthur Square and E. Comp. Don Wilmot, P.K. and Registrar of Bushmills R.A.C. No. 414. Administratively the Membership and Attendance Working Party Report was presented by M.E. Conp. Alex. McA. Ireland.
The preceding year was very busy yet very satisfying and enjoyable. The District Grand Royal Arch Chapter of Antrim was no exception when it came to falling membership with Chapters having to hand in their
warrants. We have great concern and genuine sympathy for those Companions who have given the best years of their lives to their chapters and, at the end of the day, having to close.
Our January Convocation, which was held in the Provincial Masonic Hall, :15 Rosemary Street, Belfast was the big event of our year when the District Grand King Invested, Installed. and Proclaimed the Officers for the ensuing year.
It was with great sorrow that it was reported to District Grand Chapter the passing of V.E. Comp. Dr. Moffatt, O.B.E., JP., FRCP., one of our District Grand Physicians. The Late Dr. William H Moffatt gave a lifetime of service to all branches of our Order and during his term of Office as District Grand Physician was always very attentive. Our departed Companion was accorded the Final Salute and our District Grand Chaplain offered an obituary prayer.
The pinnacle of the afternoon was the attendance of our Most Excellent & Supreme Grand King, M..E. Comp. Charles R. Knipe. In his reply M.E. Comp. Knipe related some of his experiences during his visit to India and the very successful 175th Anniversary celebrations of Supreme Grand Chapter. He also thanked all the Companions who, on a regular basis, attended the Convocations of Supreme Grand Chapter. It was a privilege to welcome and salute M.E Comp. C.F.A. Quigley F.CA, Past District Grand King of the District Grand Royal
Arch Chapter of Antrim. and welcome and salute M.E. Comp. Alan Treadwell, District Grand King of the District Grand Royal Arch Chapter of Armagh. The District Grand Royal Arch Chapter of Antrim is always very well supported by our neighbouring District Grand Chapters, namely District Grand Royal Arch Chapters of Armagh and Down and on this occasion we welcomed and saluted R.E. Cormp. Thomas Gardiner, District Deputy Grand King Elect and RE. Comp. Jack McGowan, District Assistant Grand King Elect of the District Grand Royal Arch Chapter of Armagh and R.E. Cornp. Cyril Beers, District Assistant Grand King of the District Grand Royal Arch Chapter of Down. The Volume of the Sacred Law was presented to District Grand Royal Arch Chapter of Antrim by V.E. Cornp. R. Gray, P.D.G.S., to mark his sojourn in the Chapter which was dedicated by our Chaplain, V.E. Cornp. Rev. Denzil Caldwell and accepted by the District Grand Royal Arch Chapter of use at our convocations.
The M.E. District Grand King was pleased to announce that all the permanent Officers were continuing in office. R.E. Comp. Will Gault, District Deputy Grand King; R.E. Comp.Richard Aughey, District Assistant Grand King and RE. Comp. Jon McA. Pollock, District Assistant Grand King. These Companions were saluted; RE. Comp. Gault replied. R.E. Comp. Tom McCurley, District Grand Treasurer and R.E. Comp. W.G. McGrath, District Grand Registrar.
These Companions were saluted and applauded. The Directors of Ceremonies then presented, in Ritual Form, the Officers elect to be invested and saluted: E. Comp. T.J. Young, R.A.C. No.574, District Grand High Priest; E. Comp. B. Carson, R.A.C. No. 275, District Grand Chief Scribe; E. Comp. W.G. McWilliams, R.A.C. No. 375, District Grand Captain of the Host; E. Comp, R.D.I. Tolerton, RA.C No. 335, District Grand Superintendent of the Tabernacle; E. Comp. A S. Badger, RA.C. No. 324, District Grand Royal Arch Captain; E. Comp. T.A. McKendry, R.A.C No. 704 and 1020, District Grand Captain of the Scarlet Veil; E. Comp. R.M. Crothers, .R.A.C. No. 372, District Grand Captain of. The Purple Veil; E. Comp. G.F. Corbett, RAC. No. 763, District Grand Captain of the Blue Veil; E. Comp. S.L. Fisher, R.A.C. No. 98, E. Comp, N. Campbell,
R.AC. No. 609, E. Comp. R Hilton S. McGregor RAC No 469/160 and E. Comp. A.Donald Wilmont RAC No 414 as District Grand Stewards; .E. Comp. Leslie Holmes, R.AC. No. 783, District Grand King's Standard Bearer; E. Comp. T.C. Rea, RAC. No. 259, District Grand Chapter Standard Bearer; E, Comp. G.A Chestnut, R.A C No. 89, District Grand Janitor. E. Comp. Mervyn Torrans, P.K. R.A.C No. 4l3 was presented and Invested as District Grand Inspector. E. Comp. Robert Bingham, P.K. R.A.C No. 160 was invested as Honorary Past Captain of the Host. V.E. Comp.Bingham has given over 50 years' regular service to his Lodge and over 40 years to R.A.C No. 160.
Our Directors of Ceremonies, V.E. Comp, William T. Brown M.B.E., V.E. Comp. George M. Graham and V.E. Comp. Ronald M. Barnes were continuing in Office. He thanked these very capable Companions and
congratulated them on the very dignified way the Ritual and Ceremony was carried out by them. M.E. Comp. Quigley also paid tribute to their excellent work and said the District Grand Royal Arch Chapter of Antrim
was well served by these Companions, He was pleased to announce that the following Officers were continuing in Office and thanked. them for their valuable contribution to District Grand Chapter Convocations: V.E. Comp. Rev. H. James Parker, V.E. Comp. Rev. Denzil Caldwell and V.E. Cornp. Henry Gilmore as District Grand
Chaplains; V.E. Comp. David F L Robinson and V.E. Comp Sylvester Agnew M.B.E. as District Grand Organists; V,E. Comp. lvan Conner, District Assistant Grand Treasurer: V.E. Comp. Jim Lynch, District Assistant Grand Registrar. Before closing the Convocation The District Grand King thanked V,E. Comp. Dr. Kwesi O-P Ackah for his services during his term of Office as V.E. District Grand Physician and wished him well in his retirement. E, Comp Dr. Edwin Henderson, P.K RA.C. No. 17, had accepted the invitation to act as District Grand Chapter Physician, to be invested at our April 2005 Convocation.
Later that evening our Annual Dinner Dance was again held in the Massereene Golf Club, Antrim; an excellent evening attended by 160 persons, a very enjoyable evening of good food, fine wine, music and, most important of all, good fellowship.
On Saturday, 2nd April 2005 Shaftesbury R.A.C. 327 celebrated their 90th Anniversary and Service of Re-dedication in the Masonic Hall, Crumlin, Road Belfast. The Service of Re-dedication was conducted by R.E. Comp. Rev.
Charles McCurdy M.A., Grand Chaplain Supreme Grand Royal Arch Chapter of Ireland.
On Friday, 15th April 2005, 51 Companions with their ladies, a total of 84 departed Whiteabbey Masonic Centre in two coaches for our biennial visit to the Provincial Grand Royal Arch Chapter of Argyll and the Isles, This visit was of special Significance since our first trip there took place on 27th April 1985, organised between M.E. Comp Cyril Quigley who was then the District Grand King of Antrim and M.E. Comp. William McI Bryan, the Provincial Grand Superintendent of Argyll and the Isles. Out of that first visit has grown enduring bonds between our two Districts and lifelong friendships have developed. In 2006.The Stated. Convocation of the Provincial Grand Royal Arch Chapter of Argyll and the Isles was held in the Masonic Centre, Oban on the Saturday afternoon at 2.00pm when the District Grand King and M.E. Comp. Richard Aughey, Dist. Assistant Grand King of Antrim were presented to the Provincial Grand Superintendent, M.E. Camp. William G.
Norquay and were invested as Honorary Members of Provincial Grand Royal Arch Chapter of Argyll and the Isles.
A Stated Convocation of the District Grand Royal Arch Chapter was held on Monday, 25th April 2005 in the Provincial Masonic Hall, 15 Rosemary Street, Belfast. The District Grand King was pleasantly
surprised when R.E. Comp Andrew Stephens J.P. presented him with a Northern Ireland Kidney Research Fund tie in recognition of a donation for £350.00 that he received on behalf of the Fund during his visit
with District Grand Chapter to Oban.
The District Grand King Invested E. Comp. Dr. Edwin Henderson, P.K.R,A.C No. 17 Vowferrv as a District Grand Physician. V.E. Comp. Dr. Henderson is a highly respected Freemason in North Antrim.
The June Convocation of District Grand Chapter was held in the Masonic Hall, Belsize Road, Lisburn, responding to an invitation from St. John's R.A.C No. 871 Lisburn celebrating their 175th Anniversary.
This celebratory Convocation was honoured by the presence of our Assistant Grand King, M.E. Cornp. S. Gordon . Leathem B.E.M.
The District Grand King asked E. Comp. James Stark, P.K. RAC No. 422 and member of
Ardath RAC No. 573, Assistant Grand Master of the Provincial Grand Lodge of Antrim, Chairman of Provincial Grand Lodge of Antrim Education Committee and Chairman of the Library and Museum Committee, to accept the Honorary Office of Past District Grand Chief Scribe.
The District Grand King was pleasantly surprised when E. Comp. J. McGowan, Excellent King of
St. John's R.AC. No. 81, presented him with a beautiful maul as a personal memento of the event marking the life of St. John's R.AC. No 811. The maul was expertly engraved with intricate detail; a truly magnificent example of first class craftsmanship.
The Autumn Convocation of District Grand Chapter was held on Monday, 24th October 2005 at 7.30pm in the Provincial Masonic Hall, Rosemary Street, Belfast. It was with regret that The District Grand King announced the deaths of two Companions. V.E. Comp. David Robinson, P.K. St. Patrick's, Lisburn RA.C No. 602, District Grand Organist; the late V.E. Cornp. David Robinson was a very highly respected Freemason who gave of his time and talent wherever and whenever he was asked to play; sometimes at great inconvenience to himself, should it be in Portrush or Limerick. At his Funeral Service the Minister referred to his long and dedicated commitment to Freemasonry and the large attendance of Masonic Brethren at the service was indicative of the high esteem with which the late V.E. Cornp. Robinson was held.
The second was V.E. Comp R.D J. Tolerton. The late V.E. Comp. Tolerton was elected by his Companions in
the South Antrim area to serve as Superintendent of the Tabernacle in the District Grand Royal Arch Chapter of Antrim for two years and was invested in that Office at the January Convocation (2005). V.E. Camp.
Tolerton only enjoyed the April Convocation. He was another truly dedicated Freemason; as Registrar of Broomhedge R.AC. No. 335 he gave sterling service, not only as Registrar but in any way he could.
Our Past District Grand King, M.E Comp. C F.A. Quigley FCA, P.K. Sir Charles Cameron R.AC. No. 353 who, was presented with a Supreme Grand Chapter Certificate in recognition of 60 years as a Royal Arch Mason.
The District Grand King’s next announcement was to refer to the resignation of his Deputy, RE. Comp. Will Gault due to personal reasons.
The District Grand King considered how he and District Grand Chapter had progressed during the year 2006. “Considering the overall membership of the Order in general and Royal Arch Masonry in particular, the M.E. District Grand King was convinced that visiting could be a possible solution in the face of declining numbers and attendances and could be part of the answer for our future. However, one has to accept that there is only so much one can expect of each Companion. By visiting he meant not only as an individual but as a Chapter visiting another Chapter. The comradeship engendered could only be beneficial and hopefully encourage new members”.
Our first Stated Convocation for the year was held on Saturday, 28th January 2006 in the Provincial Masonic Hall, Rosemary Street, Belfast.
The District Grand King had the pleasure of Installing R.E. Comp. J. McA. Pollock as District Deputy Grand King and R.E. Comp. G.W. McGrath as Dist. Assistant Grand King. V.E. Comp. W.J. Lynch, P.K. R.A.C. No. 574 /1020, present Assistant Grand Registrar was Installed as Dist. Grand Registrar; E. Comp. C.A.R. Thompson, P.K. R.A.C. No. 350 /574 as Dist. Assistant Grand Registrar; M.E. Comp. W. Halliday, P.K. R.A.C. No. 763 as Dist. Grand Chaplain; E. Comp. E.D. Gilpin, P.K. R.A.C. No. 178 as Dist. Grand Supt. of the Tabernacle; E. Comp. S.E. Gamble, P.K. R.A.C. No. 265 as Dist. Grand Steward; E. Comp. S.G. Nicholson, P.K. R.A.C. No. 705 as Dist. Grand Steward; E. Comp. Dr. N. Close, P.K. R.A.C. No. 275 as Dist. Grand Organist; E. Comp. M. McQuitty, P.K. R.A.C. No. 149 as Dist. Grand Organist; E. Comp. J. Rainey, P.K. R.A.C. No. 313 as Dist. Grand King's Standard Bearer.
On the Saturday evening we held our Annual Dinner Dance in the Massereene Golf Club, Antrim.
At our April Convocation, which was held on Monday, 24th April 2006 in the Provincial Masonic Hall, Rosemary Street, Belfast.
- Comp. William J Dyer, P.K. R.A.C. No. 645, Rt. Worshipful Provincial Assistant Grand Master of the Rt. Worshipful Provincial Grand Lodge of Antrim was invested as Hon. Past Dist. Grand Chief Scribe.
The following officers were invested E. Comp. E. Hayes, P.K. Broomhedge R.A.C. No. 335 as Hon. Past Supt. of the Tabernacle; E. Comp. John Gordon, P.K. St. John's Lisburn R.A.C. No. 811 as Hon. Past Captain of the Blue Veil and E. Comp. Jim Hughes, P.K. Union R.A.C. No. 106 as Hon. Past Dist. Grand Steward.
On Saturday, 3rd June 2006 we held our Convocation of District Grand Chapter in the Provincial Masonic Hall, Rosemary Street, Belfast. The Masonic Male Voice Choir, conducted by W. Bro. Charles Black, entertained us with a short rendition from their extensive repertoire. We were entertained to some well known sacred songs and also to some Gilbert and Sullivan; everyone was enthralled by the professional presentation.
The District Grand Royal Arch Chapter of Antrim was then opened in ritual form. Our Most Excellent and Supreme Grand King„ M.E. Comp. Charles R. Knipe and the Assistant Grand King, M.E. Comp. S. Gordon Leathem B.E.M. were welcomed and saluted.
Our visiting delegation was announced by V.E. Comp. William Brown M.B.E., one of our Directors of Ceremonies and led by piper, E.Comp. Jim McGookin. M.E. Comp. Alexander J. Cameron, Provincial Grand Superintendent of Argyll and the Isles; M.E. Comp. Douglas T. Philand, Grand Director of Ceremonies, Supreme Grand Royal Arch Chapter of Scotland and Deputy Provincial Grand Superintendent of Argyll and the Isles. M.E. Comp. Hugh H. Wilson, Deputy Provincial Grand Superintendent of Argyll and the Isles. M.E. Comp. Ivor J. Gibbs, Provincial "H"; M.E. Comp. James S. McMillan, Provincial Grand Scribe "E"; M.E. Comp. William McEwen, Past Grand Superintendent of Angus and Mearns; M.E. Comp. George G. Alexander, Past Grand Superintendent of Border Province and M.E. Comp. John McKee, Past Grand Superintendent of Renfrewshire and District Grand Prior of Strathclyde, Great Priory of Scotland.
On the Saturday evening accompanied by our Scottish visitors and our regular attendees we enjoyed an excellent evening of dinner, dancing and socialising in the Massereene Golf Club.
Companions were reminded of the forthcoming Church Service when Abbey R.A.C. No. 180, Whiteabbey would celebrate their 100th Anniversary; also the visit of our Companions from Argyll and the Isles from the 2nd to the 4th June
Our Autumn Convocation was held on Monday, 23rd October 2006 in the Provincial Masonic Hall, Rosemary Street, Belfast.
Our first stated Convocation of our Masonic year was held on Saturday, 27th January 2007 in the Provincial Masonic Hall, Rosemary Street, Belfast.
Obituaries- M.E. Comp. Rev. W.J. Watson, P.K. R.A.C. 414, District Grand Chaplain 1978-1997.
R.E. Comp. Joseph Corr, P.K. of Abbey R.A.C. 180, which celebrated its Centenary in 2006, was invested as Hon. Past D.G. Chief Scribe.
M.E. Comp. C.F.A. Quigley FCA was presented in ritual form by the Directors of Ceremonies to the M.E. District Grand King to receive an illuminated address in recognition of his 63 years in Freemasonry, in particular the D.G.R.A.C. of Antrim. During the Convocation a 100th year birthday card was passed around the Companions who appended their signatures. Before closing D.G.C the District Grand King presented M.E. Comp. Quigley FCA with the birthday card and everyone sang 'Happy Birthday'.
On the Saturday evening our Annual Dinner and social evening was held in the Masserene Golf Club, Antrim;
On Thursday, 15th February 2007 the District Grand King and senior Officers of D.G.C. hosted a celebratory dinner in the Masonic Hall, Rosemary Street, Belfast in honour of the M.E. Comp. C.F.A. Quigley FCA. M.E. Comp. S. Gordon Leathern B.E.M., Assistant Grand King, presented M.E. Comp. Quigley, FCA with a framed photograph. In his response, M.E. Comp. Quigley asked that the photograph be hung outside the door leading to the Chapter Room in Rosemary Street. M.E. Comp. Quigley said how much he had enjoyed Freemasonry, especially his Royal Arch Masonry.
On Friday morning, March 30th, 2007, we left Whiteabbey en-route to Oban for our bi-annual visit to the Companions in PROVINCIAL GRAND R.A.C. Argyle and the Isles.
District Grand Chapter held the April Convocation on Monday, 23rd April 2007 in the Provincial Masonic Hall, Rosemary Street, Belfast at 7.30pm.
Obituaries:-M.E. Comp. J.R. Falconer, P.K. R.A.C. 574, Representative to the Grand Chapter of Idaho died April 2007; R.E. Comp. Jim Stark, P.K. R.A.C. 573, Hon. P.D.G.C.S. died March 2007;
R.E. Comp. Roy Graham, recently appointed District Grand Registrar of Down was congratulated on his appointment.
On the invitation of St. Andrew's R.A.C. 1012 Carrickfergus, the Stated June Convocation of the D.G.R.A.C. of Antrim was held in the Carrickfergus Masonic Centre on Monday, 4th June.
Obituaries:- R.E. Comp. Francis Dennis, P.K. R.A.C. 175 Lame, P.D.G.H.P. 2001-2002 who passed away on 1st June 2007. R.E. Comp. Derek Martin, D.D.G.K. of Londonderry, Tyrone and Fermanagh, who passed away on 2nd June 2007.
Our October Convocation was held on Monday, 22nd October 2007 in the Provincial Masonic Hall, Rosemary Street, Belfast. Obituaries- M.E. Comp. Roland Lynar, R.A.C. No. 609, District Grand Chief Scribe 1989/90, District Grand Inspector, Representative of the Grand Chapter of Montana died 13th August;
The District Grand Royal Arch Chapter of Antrim has from its first Convocation, which was held on 24th October 1910, enjoyed a very amiable working and social relationship with Right Worshipful Provincial Grand Lodge of Antrim.
Our grateful thanks go to Mrs. Joan Rodgers, and we trust that she will be spared to enjoy a very well earned retirement. To her successor, Mrs. Rosemary Fuller, we wish her well in her new and very demanding appointment.
Our first Stated Convocation of our Masonic year was held on Saturday, 26th January 2008 in the Provincial Masonic Hall, Rosemary Street, Belfast .
M.E. Comp. Charles Meban, P.K. R.A.C. No. 175, Past District Grand King's Standard Bearer, Representative of Foreign Grand Chapter of Venezuela who died 24th December 2007;
The following were Invested E. Comp. Jonathan M. Smith, P.K. R.A.C. No. 177 as District Grand Chaplain; E. Comp. R. Maguire, P.K. and Registrar R.A.C. No. 140 as District Grand Steward; E.
- Comp. P.J. Steel, P.K. and Registrar R.A.C. No. 162 as District Grand Steward and E. Comp. G. Cummings, P.K. and Registrar R.A.C. No. 275 as District Grand King's Standard Bearer.
Our January Convocation was followed by our Dinner Dance and social evening in the Massereene Golf Club, Antrim.
On Wednesday evening, 20th February 2008 the DISTRICT GRAND KING with his District Grand Registrar, R.E. Comp. Jim Lynch attended the dedication of the new Masonic Hall in Ballintoy. The Brethren of Ballintoy Masonic Lodge No. 38 deserve great credit for their enthusiasm and hard work. The new hall is not only a credit to them but an example to all other Masons.
The April Stated Convocation of District Grand Chapter was held on Monday, 28th April 2008 in West Presbyterian Church Hall, Ballymena.
Obituaries- R.E. Comp. Norman White, P.K. R.A.C. No. 485 and Past District Grand Treasurer.
The District Grand King was very pleased to thank E. Comp. Hamilton Excellent King of Prince Frederick William of Prussia R.A.C. No. 431 who, as part of their 160 celebrations, had invited the District Grand R.A.C. of Antrim to Ballymena he also congratulated his Chapter on achieving 160 years,
At our Convocation it gave the District Grand King much pleasure to welcome and salute our M.E. Past District Grand King, M.E. Comp. Cyril Quigley FCA who celebrated his 101st birthday on Tuesday, 5th February 2008. M.E. Comp. Quigley replied in his usual inimitable way.
- Comp. Raymond Fullerton, P.K. R.A.C. No. 598 was Invested as Hon. Past District Grand Superintendent of the Tabernacle.
The June Convocation of District Grand Chapter was held in the Provincial Masonic Hall, Rosemary Street, Belfast on Saturday, 7th June 2008.
To the District Grand King and the District Grand Royal Arch Chapter of Antrim this was a very special Convocation in as much as we had present the newly Installed Grand King, M.E. Comp. Michael J. Ward, accompanied by the Most Excellent Deputy Grand King, M.E. Comp. S. Gordon Leathern B.E.M.
The Provincial Grand Royal Arch Chapter of Argyll and the Isles. led by Piper E Comp. Jim McGookin was announced and presented by our Director of Ceremonies, V.E. Comp. William Brown M.B.E. M.E. Comp. Alexander J. Cameron, Provincial Grand Superintendent of Argyll and the Isles; M.E. Comp. Douglas T. Philand, Grand Director of Ceremonies Grand R.A.C. of Scotland and Depute Provincial Grand Superintendent of Argyll and the Isles; M.E. Comp. Hugh H. Wilson, Depute Provincial Grand Superintendent of Argyll and the Isles were thus conducted by me to their seats on the dais. These very distinguished Companions were then saluted. M.E.Comp. Cameron suitably replied. My next welcome was to my very good friends and Companions of some twenty years, M.E. Comp. Ivor J. Gibbs, Provincial Grand "H"; M.E. Comp. James S. McMillan, Provincial Grand Scribe "E"; M.E. Comp. William McEwan, Past Provincial Grand Superintendent of Angus and Mearns; M.E. Comp. George G. Alexander, Past Provincial Grand Superintendent of Border Province and M.E. Comp. John McKee, Past Provincial Grand Superintendent of Renfrewshire and District Grand Prior of Strathclyde Great Priory of Scotland.
On Saturday, 7th June 2008 after the Convocation during the afternoon, we held our dinner dance and social evening in the Massereene Golf Club, Antrim.
The October Convocation of District Grand Royal Arch Chapter of Antrim was held on Monday, 27th October in the Town Hall, Mark Street, Portrush, Co. Antrim .
Obituaries- R.E. Comp. Adam J. McKinley, R.A.C. No. 615, Hon. Past District Grand Chief Scribe and Past Provincial Grand Master of Antrim who died on 19th June; V.E. Comp. John Harrison McCaughan, R.A.C. No. 149, Serving District Grand Captain of the Host who died on 25th July; M.E. Comp. Harold Ross, R.A.C. No. 275, Past District Grand Inspector, retired 1992, Past Representative to the Foreign Grand Chapter of New South Wales, 1908-1999 who died on 2nd August; V.E. Comp. John Halliday Frazer, R.A.C. No. 229, serving District Grand Janitor who was tragically killed at his place of employment on 17th September.
V.E. Comp. James H. McClurg, P.K. Crumlin R.A.C. No. 140 was invested as District Assistant Grand Registrar.
At the October Convocation of District Grand Chapter the Officers designate for the year 2009-2010, as recommended by the Board of General Purposes, Representatives to Supreme Grand Chapter Board of General Purposes, Representatives to Supreme Grand Royal Arch Chapter of Instruction and the District Grand King’s personal appointments for the ensuing year are put forward for approval. All these recommendations were approved. District Deputy Grand King, R.E. Comp. Pollock announced the names of the new Inspectors who were recommended by the District Grand Chapter Board of General Purposes; these names were also approved.
The year 2008 has been for District Grand Chapter, to say the very least, extremely frustrating; indeed at one stage very worrying. When it was announced that the Provincial Masonic Hall in Rosemary Street was closing its doors at the end of June, the twelve Chapters who, as tenants of Provincial Grand Lodge meeting in Rosemary Street, were without a place to meet and had to find new accommodation before their next Stated Convocation.
The excellent work that District Grand Registrar R.E. Comp. Jim Lynch, M.E. Comp. Brian Mooney and V.E. Comp. Alex Ireland did during the summer recess meant that all the Chapters have been accommodated. This was partly achieved by the amalgamation of four Chapters forming a new Chapter — The Atrium R.A.C. No. 31. This new Chapter was constituted on Saturday 25th October 2008 in the Masonic Hall, Arthur Square, Belfast by the Most Excellent and Supreme Grand King, M.E. Comp. Michael J. Ward assisted by Most Excellent Deputy Grand King, M.E. Comp. S. Gordon Leathem B.E.M.
The District Grand Royal Arch Chapter of Antrim now has a new administrative office: Masonic Hall, Arthur Square, Belfast BT1 4FF, Tel. No. 028 2564 7644. We have excellent IT facilities and a dedicated website, www.dgracantrim.org. It would be remiss of the District Grand Royal Arch Chapter of Antrim, not to congratulate the Trustees of the Masonic Hall, Arthur Square on their foresight; with a mind to the 21st century and the magnificent renovation of the whole premises. Even at this early stage the interest shown by Belfast City Council and other very influential organisations will ensure the long established Masonic Fraternity of Freemasonry in Arthur Square Masonic Hall will continue, hopefully into the next century and beyond.
The District Grand King of Antrim stated, “We are entering into a new milestone in the history of our District Grand Chapter. I intend to ‘draw a line in the sand’ and go from strength to strength with the certain knowledge and confidence, inspired by the Companions, that the ethos of Freemasonry which we all strive to achieve, will be vigorously pursued by me, my Officers and the Companions of the District Grand Royal Arch Chapter of Antrim.”
The first Stated Convocation was held in the Masonic Centre, Carrickfergus, Co. Antrim. R.E. Comp. J. McA. Pollock acted as Dist. Grand King and presided over the convocation. In the absence of the Most Excellent Comp. E. Cyril Ferguson at his daughter’s wedding. R.E. Comp. J. McA. Pollock welcomed and saluted the Deputy Grand King, M.E. Comp. S. Gordon Leathem B.E.M., Supreme Grand Chapter Officers, Representatives of Foreign Grand Chapter’s and all visiting District Grand Chapter Officers. The Acting District Grand King installed and proclaimed the following officers:-
Grand High Priest: R. E.Comp. John I.H.Dickson, 326, Grand Chief Scribe: R. E.Comp.Andrew Inglis, 17, Grand Treasurer: R.E.Comp.Thomas J.McCurley,613, Grand Registrar: R. E.Comp.W. James Lynch, 574/1020, D.G. Director of Ceremonies:V. E.Comp.William T. Brown, M.B.E., 313, V.E.Comp.George M.Graham,431, V. E.Comp.Ronald S. Barnes, 353, Grand Chaplain: V. E.Comp.Henry Gilmore, 466, V. E.Comp.Rev.H. James Parker, M.A. ,763, V. E.Comp.William Halliday, 763, V. E.Comp. Jonathan M. Smith, 177, Asst.Grand Treasurer: V. E.Comp.W. Ivan Conner, 178, Asst. Grand Registrar: V. E.Comp. James McClurg, 140, D.G. Captain of the Host:V. E.Comp. Simon T. Lusty, 645, D.G. Superindentent of the Tabernacle: V. E.Comp.David W.C.Kyle, 450, D.G. Royal Arch Captain: V.E.Comp.Malcolm R.Cowton,313, D.G. Captain of the Scarlet Veil V. E.Comp. George E. Cinnamon,: 667 D.G. Captain of the Purple Veil: V. E.Comp.Albert Dickson, 106, D.G. Captain of the Blue Veil: V. E.Comp. James L.White, 314, Grand Steward: V. E.Comp.David Devlin, 21, V. E.Comp. Reynold J. Kirk, 439, V. E.Comp.Hugh D.Gordon, 537, V. E.Comp. Hugh McAllistar, 327
Grand Organist: V. E.Comp.Dr.Norman Close, 275, V. E.Comp. Maurice McQuitty, 149, V. E.Comp. Sylvester Agnew, M.B.E., 645
D.G. Chapter V .E Standard Bearer:.Comp.Maurice J.Henderson,28, D.G. King’s Standard Bearer:V. E.Comp. Ivan Gillespie, 651
Grand Janitor: V. E.Comp. Ian R. Parker, 166, Grand Physician: V. E.Comp.Dr.Edmund Henderson,V. E.Comp.Dr. J. Clifford McMillan,
Representatives on Grand Royal Arch Chapter of Instruction: James Cadoo, Albert L. Fulleton, John C.Kettyle, Representatives to Grand Chapter Board of General Purposes:W.C.Colhoun, J.I.H.Dickson, H.Gilmore,W.J. Halliday,A. Inglis, A. Ireland, T. Killen, J. Lynas, M.Mayne, C.Rea
Grand Inspectors:D.T.Caruth, A.W.Coid,R.Cromie, C.L.F. Gibson, A.McA. Ireland, D. Little, S.G.Matthews, C.McBratney, H.C.Mitchell,W.E.Moore, J.S.Patterson, S.D.Richardson, B.Scott, N.B.Smyth, M.Torrens, T.M.Yarr
Before closing the convocation R.E. Comp. Pollock invited the Companions to the Annual Dinner Dance which was held in the Ballyclare Golf Club, a very well attended event with 108 persons present.
On Friday, 17th April 2009 a delegation of 50 which included wives etc. set off to visit our Companions in the Provincial Grand Royal Arch Chapter of Argyll and the Isles. This visit was of special significance as we were celebrating 25 years of our visits. M.E. Comp. Jack Long who, with M.E. Comp. Cyril Quigley, organised the first visit. M.E. Comp. Jack Long was present and gave a brief resume of the initial visit. At the Celebratory Banquet the Dist. Grand Royal Arch Chapter of Antrim was presented with a suitably inscribed cut glass decanter which is now on display in Whiteabbey Masonic Centre.
The April Convocation was held on Monday, 27th at the Provincial Masonic Hall, Rosemary Street, Belfast.
It gave the District Grand King great pleasure to welcome and salute M.E. Comp. Cyril Quigley F.C.A. who celebrated his 102nd birthday on the 5th February 2009. M.E. Comp. Quigley suitably replied; also R.E. Comp. Jack McGowan, Dist. Assistant Grand King of the Dist. Grand Royal Arch Chapter of Armagh. R.E. Comp. McGowan suitably replied and brought fraternal greetings from the Dist. Grand King of Armagh, M.E. Comp. Alan Treadwell; and R.E. Comp. Roy Graham, Dist. Grand Registrar of the Dist. Grand Royal Arch Chapter of Down. R.E. Comp. Graham brought fraternal greetings from the Dist. Grand King of Down, M.E. Comp. Kenneth Abernethy.
The District Grand King saluted Supreme Grand Chapter Officers. V.E. Comp. T. McCurley, Grand Superintendent of the Tabernacle; V.E. Comp. W. James Lynch, Grand Royal Arch Captain; V.E. Comp. William R. Armstrong, Grand Captain of the Blue Veil; R.E. Comp. William McKelvey, Grand Registrar of the Grand R.A.C. of Instruction and Past Dist. Assistant Grand King of Antrim and M.E. Comp. Brian
Mooney, Past Grand.High Priest and Past Dist. Assistant Grand King of Antrim and Representative of the Grand Chapter of Germany (BRAM). M.E. Comp. George Field, G.C.T., Representative of the Grand Chapter of Finland and High and Very Eminent Prior of the Provincial Priory of East Ulster and the Great Seneschal elect of the Great Priory of Ireland was then saluted, Honorary Past Officers of the Dist. Grand Chapter of Antrim: R.E. Comp. Dennis Millen, Hon. Past Dist. Grand Chief Scribe and R. W. Provincial Deputy Grand Master of the R. W. Provincial Grand Lodge of Antrim and R.E. Comp. Bill Dyer, Hon. Past Dist. Grand Chief Scribe and R. W. Provincial Assistant Grand Master of the R. W. Provincial Grand Lodge of Antrim.
The District Grand King was pleased to invest V.E. Comp. Robert Rankin, P.K. R.A.C. 1008 as Honorary Past District Grand Chief Scribe in recognition of the excellent work he does for all branches of Freemasonry in the North Antrim area and E. Comp. Michael Oliver, P.K. R.A.C. 1008 in recognition of his work in the restoration of the Arthur Square Masonic Hall, as Honorary Past Superintendent of the Tabernacle.
The June convocation of Dist. Grand Chapter was held on Monday lst June in the Provincial Masonic Hall, Rosemary Street, Belfast. The Dist. Grand King of Down, M.E. Comp. Kenneth Abemethy. the Dist. Deputy Grand King of Down, R.E. Comp. Kenneth Vance and the Dist. Assistant Grand King of Down, R.E. Comp. Cyril Beers were saluted.
V.E. Comp. T. McCurley, Grand Superintendent of the Tabernacle; V.E. Comp. W. James Lynch, Grand Royal Arch Captain; V.E. Comp. William R. Armstrong, Grand Captain of the Blue Veil; R.E. Comp. William McKelvey, Grand Registrar of the Grand R.A.C. of Instruction and Past Dist. Assistant Grand King of Antrim. Also, all other Past Grand High Priests and Chief Scribes together with Present and Past Representatives, R.E. Comp. John Dunlop, Hon. Past Grand Chief Scribe and R. W. Provincial Grand Master of the Rt. Wor. Grand Lodge of Antrim and R.E. Comp. Dennis Millen, Hon. Past Dist. Grand Chief Scribe and R. W. Provincial Deputy Grand Master of the R. W. Provincial Grand Lodge of Antrim were saluted.
The dedication of District Grand Sword:- V.E. Comp. Ronald Armstrong, as acting Dist. Grand Sword Bearer, presented the sword to the M.E. Dist. Grand King and after due ceremony of dedication by a very appropriate prayer by our Chaplain, M.E. Comp. William Halliday; the sword was placed on the East of the altar.
This Ceremony of Dedication was carried out with great dignity and decorum and he placed on record his best thanks to the Directors of Ceremonies and Stewards.
Our Autumn Convocation was held on Monday, 26th October in the Provincial Masonic Hall, Rosemary Street, Belfast. Obituary:- R.E. Comp. Andy Stephens, Past Grand Chief Scribe in the Most Excellent District Grand Royal Arch Chapter of Down and a member of John Arnott Taylor R.A.C. No. 314, Arthur Square. The late R.E. Comp. Stephens was, as we say, "A man of worth and experience", the whole fraternity of Freemasonry is very much poorer today.
Our Past Dist. Grand King, M.E. Comp. Cyril Quigley was welcomed and saluted. the District Grand King wished him well and hoped that the Supreme King of Heaven and Earth will continue to give him good health to reach and enjoy his 103rd birthday in February 2010. M.E. Comp. Tom Gardiner, the recently installed District Grand King of Armagh. was welcomed and saluted.
The Supreme Grand Chapter Officers present were V.E. Comp. T.J. McCurley, Grand Superintendent of the Tabernacle; V.E. Comp. W.J. Lynch, Grand Royal Arch Captain and V.E. Comp. W.R. Armstrong, Grand Captain of the Blue Veil. The Past Supreme Grand Chapter Officers were welcomed and saluted.
The District Grand King was very pleased to welcome and salute R.E. Comp. Dennis Millen, Hon. Past Dist. Grand Chief Scribe and R. W. Deputy Grand Master of the R. W. Provincial Grand Lodge of Antrim. V.E. Comp. John Trail, Past Dist. Grand King's Standard Bearer and High and Very Eminent Prior of the Provincial Priory of East Ulster was also saluted. The M.E.Dist. Grand King also congratulated R.E. Comp. John Dickson, the present Dist. Grand High Priest on his appointment as R. W. Provincial Grand Master of the R. W. Provincial Grand Lodge of Antrim.
R.E. Comp. J Mac A Pollock, the District Deputy Grand King, updated the Companions on the arrangements for the forthcoming Centenary Celebrations in 2011. R.E. Comp. Pollock outlined the basis of the arrangements and asked the Companions to seriously consider how they could help make this very unique milestone in the history of the Dist. Grand Chapter of Antrim a memorable occasion.
R.E. Comp. Pollock then read out the names of the proposed District Grand Inspectors whose names were recommended at the Board of General Purposes on Monday, 19th October 2009. These were E. Comp. Michael Alexander, P.K. R.A.C. No. 97 and 317; E. Comp. Allan Byers, P.K. R.A.C. No. 177; E Comp. Maurice Douglas, P.K. R.A.C. No 31; E. Comp. Stephen McCormick, P.K. R.A.C. No. 513 and E. Comp. Alan McLorie, P.K. R.A.C. No 667 and 317. The District Grand King appointments for 2010 were as follows: Dist. Grand Stewards - E. Comp. Sidney Volks, P.K. Abbey R.A.C. No. 180 and E. Comp. George Baker, P.K. and Past Registrar of R.A.C. No. 89; Dist. Grand Chapter Sword Bearer - E Comp. Ivor McElfatrick, P.K. and present Chaplain of R.A.C. No. 775; Dist. Grand King's Standard Bearer - E. Comp. Mervyn Kidd, P.K. and present Registrar of R.A.C. No. 56. All these appointments were approved.
District Grand King’s closing remarks informed the Companions that M.E. Comp. Henry Gilmore, one of our Chaplains, was celebrating his 90th birthday today. the District Grand King then read out a very impressive and creditable record of his Masonic career of 60 years. He was initiated in Lodge 259 on the 10th October 1949 and we all wished him Happy Birthday in his absence. He remarked that there were other Companions who had, or are going to celebrate their 90th birthday and the reason for mentioning M.E. Comp. Gilmore was that his birthday was on the day of the convocation 26th October 2009, hence his apology for being absent.
The January Convocation of the District Grand Royal Arch Chapter of Antrim was held on Saturday 23rd at 1.30pm in the Provincial Masonic Hall, Rosemary Street, Belfast.
The M Ex. District Grand King, M.E. Comp E. Cyril Ferguson presided, accompanied by the District Deputy Grand King, R.E. Comp Jon McA. Pollock, together with the District Assistant Grand Kings, R. E. Comps Richard Aughey and G. Wendell McGrath.
The M. E. District Grand King offered the Sceptre to M. E. Comp. The Rev Canon T Henry Trimble, Assistant Grand King and invited him to open District Grand Chapter which he declined as the Deputy Grand King was waiting outside. The M. E. Assistant Grand King, M. E. Comp. Rev Canon T. Henry Trimble was officially welcomed by the District Grand King and accorded the customary salute. M. E. Comp Trimble said that he was pleased to visit the District Grand Chapter of Antrim, the 5th District Grand Chapter that he had visited. The
The District Grand King, M. E. Comp E. Cyril Ferguson gave a warm welcome to the following Distinguished Companions and had them saluted according to custom. M.E.Comp. Cyril Quigley, Past District Grand King Of the District Grand R. A. C. of Antrim. M. E. Comp. Quigley suitably replied saying that he was looking forward to his 103rd birthday on 5th February 2010 and gave thanks to the Great Architect for his long life. R.E. Comp. Kenneth W. Vance, District Deputy Grand King of the District Grand R.A.C. of Down. R.E. Comp. Cyril Beers, District Assistant Grand King of the District Grand R.A.C. of Down, M. E. Comp. T. McCurley, Grand Chief Scribe. V. E. Comp. W. James Lynch, Grand Captain of the Host, M. E. Comp. Brian Mooney, Past G. H. P. & Past Dist. Asst. G. King of Antrim, and Representative of the Grand Chapter of Germany (BRAM), R. E. Comp. William McKelvey, Grand Registrar of the Grand Chapter of Instruction and Past District Assistant Grand King of Antrim, R. E. Comp. Robert J Thompson, Hon. Past District Grand Chief Scribe and Past Rt, Worshipful Provincial Grand Master of the. R. W. Provincial Grand Lodge of Antrim and Past President of the Grand Chapter of Prince Masons, Past Grand H. P's and C. S's, together with Present and Past Representatives of Foreign Grand Chapters at the Supreme Grand Chapter of Ireland. M. E. Comp. Gordon V. Bradshaw G.C.T, Honorary Past Grand High Priest and Most Eminent and Supreme Grand Master of the Great Priory of Ireland, M.Ex. Comp. George Field, G.C.T. Representative of the Grand Chapter of Finland and The Great Seneschal of the Great Priory of Ireland, V. Ex. Comp. John Traill, G.C.T. High and Very Eminent Prior of the Provincial Priory of East Ulster, M. Ex. Cornp. B.V.A. Woods, Representative of the Grand Chapter of France and Most Excellent Great Chief of the Grand Council of Knight Masons, V. Ex. Comp. Timothy J. Coulter Past District Grand King's Standard Bearer and Right Excellent Deputy Great Chief of the Grand Council of Knight Masons.
Past and Honorary Officers of the District Grand Chapter of Antrim
- Ex. Companion Dennis Millen, Hon. Past Dist. Grand Chief Scribe & Rt. Worshipful Provincial Deputy Grand Master of the Rt. Wor. Provincial Grand Lodge of Antrim, R. Ex. Comp. John Dickson our own District Grand High Priest, Provincial Grand Secretary, of the Rt. Wor. Provincial Grand Lodge of Antrim. V. Ex. Comp. Ivan Gillespie the District Grand King's Standard Bearer. were all saluted and suitably replied.
The M. Ex. Deputy Grand King, M. E. Comp. S. Gordon Leathem BEM was announced, escorted to the Dais by the District Grand Directors of Ceremonies and welcomed by the M. Ex. District Grand King and was offered the Sceptre, which he accepted. After being seated, the M. Ex. Deputy Grand King was accorded the customary salute.
The District Deputy Grand King R. E. Comp. J. McA. Pollock reported on the progress for the Centenary celebrations.
The District Grand Treasurer R. Ex. Comp. T. J. McCurley proposed "A levy of £1.00 to be charged to each Companion of the District for 2010 to assist with the expenses of the District Grand Chapter Centenary year celebrations in 2011."
The District Grand King instructed the Directors of Ceremonies to present the District Grand King's appointments to be invested. The following Officers were presented and invested in their various offices and saluted.
- Comp. Sidney Vokes, Past King of Abbey RAC No. 180. District Grand Steward. Ex. Comp. George Baker, Past King and Past Registrar of Ballycastle RAC No. 89. District Grand Steward.
- Comp. Ivor McElfatrick, Past King and present Chaplain of RAC No.775. District Grand Sword Bearer.
- Comp. Mervyn Kidd, Past King and Present Registrar of Oldstone RAC No. 56. District Grand King's Standard Bearer.
The newly appointed Inspectors were presented and invested.
- E Comp. James Michael Alexander, Past King of RAC. No's 97 & 317. Ex. Comp. Allan Byers, Past King & present Treasurer of RAC No. 177.
- Comp. Maurice Douglas, Past King of RAC. No. 229.
- Comp. Stephen McCormick, RAC. No. 513. Past King of RAC No. 258.
- Comp. Alan D. McLorie, Past King & present Reg. of RAC 317.H.P RAC No.667.
- E. Comp. John S Traill was presented, invested and saluted as R. E. Hon. Past District Grand Chief Scribe. R. E. Comp. Traill suitably replied and was applauded.
The following were presented with their certificates and saluted
- E. Comp. Hugh D. Gordon District Grand Steward 537
- E. Comp. Hugh McAllister District Grand Steward 327
- E. Comp. Ivan Gillespie D.G. King's Std. Bearer 651
The M. E. District Grand King commented that it was good to have the Provincial Grand Master & Provincial Grand Sec. as officers of District Grand Chapter and hoped that the bond would long continue.
The Most Excellent District Grand King, M. E. Comp E Cyril Ferguson commented that £1 was very little to ask each Companion to contribute towards the centenary celebrations of District Grand Chapter but went on to say that he expected all Companions to contribute something else, mainly by their presence as a Chapter at Convocations for which seats could be reserved.
The M. E. District Grand King asked for a good attendance at the April and June Convocations. At this time we will be joined by a Delegation from the Provincial Grand Royal Arch Chapter of Argyll and the Isles, together with their new Provincial Grand Superintendent. The M. E. District Grand King said that he would like to see a full house on this occasion.
The M. E. District Grand King hoped to have designs for the Jewel and Tie to show at the BOGP on 19th April.
In closing, he thanked everyone for their attendance and hoped to see as many as possible at the Dinner Dance in the Massereene Golf Club later that evening.
A Stated Convocation of the District Grand Royal Arch Chapter of Antrim was held on Monday 26th April 2010 at 7:30pm in the Provincial Masonic Hall, 15 Rosemary Street, Belfast.
The M Ex. District Grand King, M.Ex. Comp E. Cyril Ferguson presided, accompanied by the District Deputy Grand King, R.Ex. Comp Jon McA. Pollock, together with the District Assistant Grand Kings, R. Ex. Comps. Richard Aughey and G. Wendell McGrath. The District Grand Chapter was opened in Ritual Form and the opening ode sung. Grand Honours were accorded to the M. Ex. District Grand King. The District Grand King, M. Ex. Comp E. Cyril Ferguson gave a warm welcome to M.E.Comp. Cyril Quigley, Past District Grand King of the District Grand R. A. C. of Antrim. M. E. Comp. Quigley suitably replied saying that he was glad to be here in his 104th year and gave thanks to the Supreme King of Heaven and Earth for his long life. The Companions applauded.
The District Grand King, M. Ex. Comp E. Cyril Ferguson, gave a warm welcome to:-
R.E. Comp. Kenneth Abernethy, District Grand King of the District Grand R. A. C. of Down.
- E. Comp. Abernethy suitably replied, bringing greetings and thanks for the welcome.
The District Grand King, M. Ex. Comp E. Cyril Ferguson, then gave a warm welcome to the following Distinguished Companions and had them saluted according to custom.
R.E. Comp. Kenneth W. Vance, District Deputy Grand King of the District Grand R. A. C. of Down.
R.E. Comp. Cyril Beers, District Assistant Grand King of the District Grand R.A. C. of Down.
- E. Comp. Robert C. Graham, District Grand Registrar of the District Grand R. A. C. of Down.
- E. Comp. Vance suitably replied. Present, Past Supreme Grand Chapter Officers M. E. Comp. T. McCurley, Grand Chief Scribe, V. E. Comp. W. James Lynch, Grand Captain of the Host. V. E. Comp. William R. Armstrong, Grand Captain of the Scarlet Veil were welcomed and saluted, also included were —
- E. Comp. Brian Mooney, Past G. H. P. & Past Dist. Asst. G. King of Antrim, also Representative of the Grand Chapter of Germany (BRAM), R. E. Comp. William McKelvey, Grand Registrar of the Grand R.A.C. of Instruction and Past District Assistant Grand King of Antrim.
Included in this salute were all other Past Grand H.P's and C.S's, together with Present and Past Representatives of Foreign Grand Chapters at the Supreme Grand Chapter of Ireland.
Distinguished Officers — M.E. Comp. George Field, G.C.T., Representative of the Grand Chapter of Finland and The Great Seneschal of the Great Priory of Ireland. R. E. Comp. John Trail, G.C.T., Honorary Past District Grand Chief Scribe and High and Very Eminent Prior of the Provincial Priory of East Ulster.
M.E. Comp. Samuel D. Richardson, Representative of the Grand Chapter of Iowa and the High and Very Eminent Sub Prior of the Provincial Priory of East Ulster, were welcomed and saluted- M. E. Comp. Field suitably replied. R. E. Companion Dennis Millen, Hon. Past Dist. Grand Chief Scribe & Rt. Worshipful Provincial Deputy Grand Master of the Rt. Wor. Provincial Grand Lodge of Antrim.
R E. Companion John S Dunlop, Hon. Past Dist. Grand Chief Scribe & Immediate Past Rt. Worshipful Provincial Grand Master of the Rt. Wor. Provincial Grand Lodge of Antrim.
- E. Companion W J Dyer, Hon. Past Dist. Grand Chief Scribe & Rt. Worshipful Provincial Assistant Grand Master of the Rt. Wor. Provincial Grand Lodge of Antrim, R. E. Companion Rodney McCurley, Hon. Past Dist. Grand High Priest of the District Grand R.A.C. of Down & Rt. Worshipful Provincial Deputy Grand Master of the Rt. Wor. Provincial Grand Lodge of Down were welcomed and saluted.
The M. E. District Grand King acknowledged the presence of the Provincial Grand Master of the Rt. Wor. Provincial Grand Lodge of Antrim, R. Ex. Comp. John Dickson, our own District Grand High Priest, thanked him for continuing in Office and all were welcomed and saluted. Past and Honorary Officers of the District Grand Chapter of Antrim and other District Grand Chapters. The M. E. District Grand King also acknowledged the presence of the Provincial Grand Secretary of the Rt. Wor. Provincial Grand Lodge of Antrim, V Ex. Comp. Ivan Gillespie Past District Grand King's Standard Bearer were welcomed and saluted. R. Ex Comp. Dennis Millen suitably replied.
Centenary Year 2011 - The District Deputy Grand, King R. E. Comp. Pollock, gave an update on the proposed programme for the 2011 Centenary Celebrations. At the Board of Purposes the District Deputy Grand King R. E. Comp J McA Pollock had asked for concurrence to produce a Centenary Jewel. This was accepted on the proposal of V. E. Comp David Devlin and seconded by M. E. Comp Drew Coid B.E.M.. The District Deputy Grand King asked for the same with regards to a Tie. This was accepted on the proposal of V. E. Comp. Michael Alexander and seconded by V. E. Comp. Clarence Gibson. The M. E. District Grand King thanked the Companions for the excellent attendance. He reminded all of the visit of the Provincial Grand Chapter of Argyll and the Isles on Saturday 5th June.
The M. E. District Grand King said that the current issue of the Banner Magazine had been well received.
He asked for support of and attendance at the various Classes of Instruction.
The District Registrar reminded the Companions of the necessity to complete the Attendance Sheet to ensure their presence was properly recorded. Thanks was recorded to, Ex. Comp. Neill Ritchie for acting as Organist at very short notice. He reminded all Chapters to forward nominations for District Office before the end of April and also reminded Companions of the dates and venues for the various Church Services.
A Stated Convocation of the District Grand Royal Arch Chapter of Antrim was held on Saturday 5th June 2010 at 1:30pm in the Provincial Masonic Hall, 15 Rosemary Street, Belfast. The M Ex. District Grand King, M.E. Comp E. Cyril Ferguson presided, accompanied by the District Deputy Grand King, R.E. Comp Jon McA. Pollock, together with the District Assistant Grand Kings, R. E. Comps. Richard Aughey and G. Wendell McGrath. The D.O.C’s. escorted the Delegation from Argyll and The Isles, headed by the District Grand Piper, to the Altar and introduced the Provincial Grand Superintendent and his Deputy to the District Grand King.The District Grand King welcomed them, and personally conducted the Provincial Grand Superintendent and his Depute to their places on the Dais, inviting the remaining Senior Officers to assume their places on the Dais. The District Grand King then welcomed all the remaining members of the Scottish Delegation to the Convocation. The District Grand King then offered the Sceptre to the Deputy Grand King and invited him to take the Chair which he declined at this juncture. The District Grand King was very pleased to announce that there was no Obituaries to report. The District Grand King asked all present to remember M. E. Comp. Walter Carson whose grandson had died this week and any other Companions who were grieving at this time.
The M. E. District Grand King then welcomed the Deputy Grand King and offered him the Sceptre. The Deputy Grand King took the sceptre and occupied the throne. The Deputy Grand King was saluted under the direction of the District Grand Director of Ceremonies. The Minutes of the Stated Convocation held on Monday 26th April 2010 were read, confirmed by the Companions, signed by The Deputy Grand King, The District Grand King, The Provincial Grand Superintendent of Argyll & the Isles, M. E Comp. C F A Quigley and the District Grand Registrar. The Deputy Grand King thanked the District Grand Chapter of Antrim for their invitation on this special occasion and welcomed the delegations from Argyll & the Isles and Gibraltar asking them to take back greetings from the Supreme Grand Chapter of Ireland. The Deputy Grand King paid tribute to M. E. Comp. Cyril Quigley who had been the one who started these exchange visits some 26 years ago. The Deputy Grand King also thanked the 'District Grand Piper' and 'The District Grand Photographer' after which he resumed his place on the Dias.
Grand Honours were accorded to the M. Ex. District Grand King after which M. Ex. Comp E. Cyril Ferguson thanked the Companions for their salutation and welcomed all. The District Grand King, M. Ex. Comp E. Cyril Ferguson gave a warm welcome to M.E. Com Cyril Quigley, Past District Grand King. M. E. Comp. Quigley suitably replied saying that he was glad to be here in his 104th year and gave thanks to the Supreme King of Heaven and Earth for his long life. M. E Comp. Quigley paid tribute to M. E. Comp. Jack Long who had made the arrangements in 1985.The Companions gave M. E Comp. Quigley a standing ovation. M. Ex. Comp E. Cyril Ferguson gave a warm welcome to M. E. Comp. Tom Gardiner, D.G.K. of the District Grand R.A.C. of Armagh. M. E. Comp. Joe Chiara, Provincial Grand Superintendent, Gibraltar, V. E. Comp. John Bugeja, Deputy Provincial Grand Superintendent, Gibraltar. R. E. Comp. Cyril Beers, D.A.G.K. of the District Grand R.A.C of Down, and had them saluted. M. E. Comp. Joe Chiara, Provincial Grand Superintendent, Gibraltar suitably replied. M. Ex. Comp E. Cyril Ferguson welcomed and saluted M. E. Comp. T. McCurley, Grand Chief Scribe, V. E. Comp. W. James Lynch, Grand Captain of the Host, V. E. Comp. William R. Armstrong, Grand Captain of the Scarlet Veil, M. E. Comp. Brian Mooney, Past G. H. P. & Past Dist. Asst. G. King of Antrim, also Representative of the Grand Chapter of Germany (BRAM) and Vice President of the Grand Council of Prince Masons, R. E. Comp. William McKelvey, Grand Registrar of the Grand R.A.C. of Instruction and Past District Assistant Grand King of Antrim, M. E. Comp. George Field, G.C.T. Representative of the Grand Chapter of Finland and High and Eminent Great Seneschal, R. E. Comp. Robert Thomson, Hon. Past Dist.Grand Chief Scribe & Past Rt. Worshipful Provincial Grand Master of the R.W. Provincial Grand Lodge of Antrim and Past President of the Grand Chapter of Prince Masons and V. Ex. Comp. James McFarland, Assistant Grand D.O.C. at Supreme Grand Chapter and had them saluted. R. E. Comp. Robert Thomson suitably replied. The following from the Scottish Delegation were welcomed and saluted:-M. E. Comp. John G Hackett, Provincial Grand Superintendent, M. E. Comp. Alexander J. Cameron, Immediate Past Provincial Grand Superintendent. M. E. Comp. James S. McMillan, Depute Provincial Grand Superintendent, M. E. Comp. S. Ellis N. Rutherford, Provincial Grand "J" M. E. Comp. John W. MacKinnon, Provincial Grand Scribe 'E', M. E. Comp. John G Hackett, Provincial Grand Superintendent suitably replied saying that the delegation had been met at Larne and how much they had enjoyed Thursday evening in the Masonic Hall Antrim, M. E. Comp. Hackett went on to say that he was born in Co. Carlow in 1937 and had served with the Royal Corps of Signals. He paid tribute to M. E. Comp. Dew Coid BEM and his good wife for their hospitality in their home and for the guided tour on Friday.
The District Grand King also welcomed and Saluted from the Scottish Delegation –M. E. Comp. Douglas T. Philand, Past Depute Grand Superintendent and Grand Recorder, Supreme Grand R.A.C. of Scotland. M. E. Comp. Hugh H. Wilson. Past Depute Provincial Grand Superintendent, Provincial Grand Royal Arch Chapter of Angus and Mearns, M. E. Comp. William McEwan, Past Provincial Grand Superintendent, Provincial Grand Royal Arch Chapter of Renfrewshire and John McKee, Past Provincial Grand Superintendent. M. E. Comp. Douglas T. Philand, Past Depute Grand Superintendent and Grand Recorder, Supreme Grand R.A.C. of Scotland suitably replied. The District Grand King also extended a very warm welcome to all the visiting Companions from Argyll and the Isles. There were 29 Companions and 13 ladies with them and the ladies are presently doing the rounds of the Belfast shops. They were accorded the customary salute.
The District Grand King then welcomed and Saluted Past and Honorary Officers of the District Grand Chapter of Antrim and Present and Past Visiting District Grand Chapter Officers including R. E. Comp. Dennis R Millen, Hon. Past Dist. Grand Chief Scribe & R. W. Provincial Deputy Grand Master of the R. W. Provincial Grand Lodge of Antrim. R. E. Companion Bill Dyer Hon. Past Dist. Grand Chief Scribe & Rt. Worshipful Provincial Assistant Grand Master of the R. W. Provincial Grand Lodge of Antrim. The District Grand King also acknowledged the presence of the Provincial Grand Master of the R. W. Provincial Grand Lodge of Antrim. R. Ex. Comp. John Dickson our own District Grand High Priest and the Provincial Grand Secretary, of the R. W. Provincial Grand Lodge of Antrim. V. Ex. Comp. Ivan Gillespie our own Immediate Past District Grand King’s Standard Bearer. R. E. Comp. Dennis R Millen suitably replied
The M. E. District Grand King thanked M. E. Comp. A W (Drew) Coid B.E.M. for his service as an Inspector and said that his new role would be as District Grand Photographer. The M. E. District Grand King asked for concurrence that Ex. Comp. David Henderson, R A C 775 & 189 be appointed as an Inspector. Approved.
The following Companions who had now retired as District Inspectors were escorted to the dais and presented
- E. Comp. A W Coid B.E.M. 1994 - 2010
- E. Comp. Devenney 1993 - 2008
- E. Comp. Bill Halliday 1996 - 2006
- E. Comp. T S Redpath 1986 - 2006
- E. Comp. N B Smyth 1996 - 2009
- E. Comp Ron Thompson, Past District Assistant Grand Registrar. The M. E. District Grand King then presented Certificates of Past Rank and thanked each one for their dedication.
M. E. Comp. Joe Chiara, Provincial Grand Superintendent, Gibraltarthen made a presentation to the M. E. District Grand King, saying that he was pleased to be here having been born in Ballymena in 1944
The M. E. District Grand King thanked the Companions for their attendance and in particular to V.E. Comp David Devlin, V.E. Comp Jim McGookin and V.E. Comp Steven Arnold for their help as stewards. The M. E. District Grand King reminded the companions that during 2011, our Centenary that Chapters are being encouraged to come to District Chapter and sit together as a group. The M. E. District Grand King thanked the Directors of Ceremonies and all Officers for their work. He asked for support of and attendance at the various Classes of Instruction. V. E. Comp. Neill Ritchie was thanked for acting as Organist again. The District Grand Registrar thanked the Provincial Grand Master, Provincial Grand Secretary, and the Office in Rosemary Street for their help and co-operation. The M.E. District Grand King he thanked everyone for their attendance and hoped to see as many as possible at the Dinner Dance in the Massereene Golf Club later that evening.
A Stated Convocation of the District Grand Royal Arch Chapter of Antrim was held on Monday 25th October 2010 at 7:30pm in the Provincial Masonic Hall, 1.5 Rosemary Street, Belfast. The M Ex. District Grand King, M. E. Comp E. Cyril Ferguson presided, accompanied by the District Deputy Grand. King, R. E. Comp Jon McA. Pollock, together with the District Assistant Grand King, R. Ex. Comp G. Wendell McGrath.
The District Grand Chapter was opened in Ritual Form. M. Ex. Comp John G. Johnston acting as D. G. Chief Scribe.
The District Grand King referred to the deaths of:
- E. Comp. John A Adams, P K of Carnmony R A C 645, D G Organist 1989 - 1994, died on 14th June 2010
- E. Comp. Andrew Inglis, P K & Registrar of R A C 17, D G Chief Scribe 2009/2010, died on 7th July 2010.
- E. Comp. Sylvester Agnew, MBE, R A C 645, D G Organist 1995 - to date of death, died 14th October 2010.
A muffled salute was accorded and the acting Chaplain, V. Ex. Comp. James McClurg, read an obituary prayer.
Grand Honours were accorded to the M. Ex. District Grand King under the direction of the District Grand Director of Ceremonies, V. Ex. Comp George Graham. M. Ex. Comp E. Cyril Ferguson thanked the Companions for their salutation and welcomed all. He referred to the absence of the District Assistant Grand King, R. Ex. Comp. Richard Aughey, who was recovering at home from knee surgery.
The District Grand King, gave a warm welcome to:-
- E. Comp. Kenneth Abernethy, District Grand King of the District Grand Royal Arch Chapter of Down.
- E. Comp. Jack Magowan, District Deputy Grand King of the District Grand Royal Arch Chapter of Armagh,
- E. Comp. Tom Millsopp, District Assistant Grand King of the District Grand Royal Arch Chapter of Armagh.
Present and Past Supreme Grand Chapter Officers: Representatives of Foreign Grand Chapters at Supreme Grand Chapter - especially,
- E. Comp. W. James Lynch, Grand Captain of the Host.
- E. Comp. William R. Armstrong, Grand Captain of the Scarlet Veil.
- E. Comp. William McKelvey, Grand Registrar of the Grand R.A.C. of Instruction and Past District Assistant Grand King of Antrim.
- E. Comp. John S Traill G.C.T., Honorary Past District Grand Chief Scribe and High and Very Eminent Prior of the Provincial Priory of East Ulster.
- E. Comp. Samuel Richardson, Representative of the Grand Chapter of Iowa and Very Eminent Sub Prior of the Provincial Priory of East Ulster.
- E. Comp. Dennis R Millen, Hon. Past Dist. Grand Chief Scribe & Rt. Worshipful Provincial Deputy Grand Master of the Rt. Wor. Provincial Grand Lodge of Antrim.
- E. Companion Bill Dyer Hon. Past Dist. Grand Chief Scribe & Rt. Worshipful Provincial Assistant Grand Master of the Rt. Wor. Provincial Grand Lodge of Antrim.
The District Grand King also acknowledged the presence of the Provincial Grand Master of the Rt. Wor. Provincial Grand Lodge of Antrim. R. Ex. Comp. John Dickson our own District Grand High Priest and also the Provincial Grand Secretary, of the Rt. Wor. Provincial Grand Lodge of Antrim. V. Ex. Comp. Ivan Gillespie our own Immediate Past District Grand King's Standard Bearer.
The M. E. District Grand King referred to the absence of M. E. Comp. C F A Quigley who had been having treatment to his eye.
The M. E. District Grand King welcomed back M. E. Comp. John Eccles and asked him to take back to his wife our best wishes, for the huge part she played in his recovery.
The District Grand King invested E. Comp Robert McKelvey as Hon. Past District Grand Chief Scribe. The District Grand King invited M. E. Comp. Wm McKelvey to come to the Dais to congratulate his brother Robert on his appointment. The District Grand King invested E. Comp. David Henderson as a District Grand Inspector. V. E. Comp. Henderson was escorted to his seat and saluted.
The District Grand King invested E. Comp. Neil Ritchie P K, R A C 180 as District Grand Organist. V. E. Comp Ritchie was escorted to his seat and saluted.
The District Grand King presided. 41 Representatives signed the Attendance Sheet.
The M E. District Grand King commented that while the attendance was good, less than half of the Chapters were represented.
The District Deputy Grand King, R. E. Comp. J McA Pollock reported on arrangements being made for the Centenary celebrations.
In the absence of the 'Treasurer and the Assistant Treasurer the District Grand Registrar proposed and the District Assistant Grand Registrar seconded that "In addition to routine collections, the sum of £250.00 be contributed from the District Grand Chapter funds to the Masonic Benevolent Institutions" Recommended to District Grand Chapter.
A composite team from Whiteabbey Masonic Centre plan to exemplify the R A Degree on Saturday 15th October 2011 (as part of the Centenary celebrations).
Matters arising for the attention of the Convocation were:‑
Election of the District Grand Chapter Officers for 2011/2012.
Election of the Representatives to SGC BOGP
Election of the Representatives to the Grand Chapter of Instruction
Notice of Motion
Election of District Grand Officers for 2011/2012
The M. E. District Grand King was pleased to announce that the Senior Officers would be remaining for at least a further year. He paid tribute to the Deputy Grand King, and the two Assistants. He also thanked all his permanent Officers for their hard work including the District Inspectors.
The District Grand Registrar then read the list as recommended by the District Grand BOGP as follows: -
District Grand High Priest E. Comp. William T Scott R A C 260
District Grand Chief Scribe E. Comp. John Thomas Price R A C 489
District Grand Capt. of the Host E. Comp. Russell Hayes R A C 1008
District Grand Supt. of the Tabernacle E. Comp. William McMordie
District Grand Royal Arch Captain E. Comp. James Porter R A C 180
District Grand Captain of the Scarlet Veil E. Comp. Thomas Benjamin Rainey R A C 378
District Grand Captain of the Purple Veil. E. Comp. James Milliken McKelvey R A C 88
District Grand Captain. of the Blue Veil E. Comp. Colin E Holliday R A C 783
District Grand Chapter Standard Bearer E. Comp. James Stafford Mitchell R A C 317
District Grand Janitor E. Comp. James Henry Thompson R A C 551
District Grand Steward E. Comp. W. A. K. C. Crawford
District Grand Steward E. Comp Alan McDade R A C 156
The M. Ex. District Grand King then announced his personal appointments as follows: -
District Grand Stewards
- Comp. R Hayes R A C 335 &
- Comp. H Jingles R A C 45
District Grand King's Standard Bearer E. Comp. W McClenaghan RAC 180
District Grand Chapter's Sword Bearer E. Comp. William Conner RAC 57
All were passed by the Companions present.
Representatives to the Supreme Grand Chapter B.O.G. P. 2011
After discussion it was proposed by V. E. Comp. Ivan Gillespie and seconded by M. E. Comp Jack. Long that eight names be nominated as representatives to the Supreme Grand Chapter B. 0. G. P. for 2011 as follows: ‑
- Ex. Comp. W. T. Scott
- Ex. Comp. John T Price
- Ex. Comp. William C. Colhoun
- Ex. Comp. Thomas Killen
- Ex. Comp. Jack Lynass
- Ex. Comp. Alexander McA. Ireland M. Ex. Comp. Crawford Mitchell
- Ex. Comp. Basil French
All were passed by the Companions present.
Representatives to the Grand Royal Arch Chapter of Instruction. 2011
On the proposal of M. E. Comp. D J Long and Seconded by M. E Comp. Walter Carson the names of Albert L Fullerton and Roy W Lamont were re-elected and the name of Ex. Comp. Jim McGookin, Registrar of R A C 598, was recommended. Passed
All were passed by the Companions present
Notice of Motion
The District Assistant Grand Treasurer V. Ex. Comp. Ivan Conner read the following: "That District Grand Chapter subscribe £250.00 to the Masonic Benevolent Institutions in addition to the collection at District Grand Chapter Convocations"
The District Deputy Grand King, R. E. Comp. J McA Pollock reported on the Centenary arrangements as follows:
Church service in Carrickfergus in March.
Host SGC on 4th May in PMH, Rosemary Street.
Banquet in Tullyglass House, Ballymena in November.
History, at the proof reading stage.
Jewel and Tie - a sample of each available for viewing only.
The M. E. District Grand King referred to the fact that the attendance at the BOGP was just over 50 % and queried whether this was a worthy attendance?
The M. E. District Grand King asked for a good attendance at the January Convocation on Saturday 22 January 2011 which would be the Installation of Officers for 2011/2012. Also the Dinner Dance in the Massereene Golf Club that evening. The DGK assured the Companions that there would only be one short 'welcome' speech on the evening. He also asked for support of and attendance at, the various Classes of Instruction.
The District Grand Registrar reminded the Companions of the necessity to complete the Attendance Sheet to ensure their presence was properly recorded. He also announced that there would be no April Convocation in 2011, but all Chapters should be represented at SGC on 4th May, when there would be an attendance credit for so doing. He went on to inform those present of the procedure for all newly elected and outgoing Officers in relation to the January Convocation and of the Rehearsal commencing at 11.30am. He also outlined the details of the proposed trip to the Provincial Grand Chapter of Argyll & the Isles in Dunoon. This will be from Friday 29th April until Sunday 1st May 2011, details will be sent to Registrars.
At present 69 out of 88 Registrars are willing to accept Convocation circulars by E-Mail and it is now proposed to extend this to Reps to the BOGP.
By Most Excellent Companion D.J. Long 32º
Shortly after he became District Grand King, M. E. Comp. Cyril Quigley decided to visit the Provincial Grand Royal Arch Chapter of Argyll and the Isles with Companions from the District of Antrim. The first visit was arranged for the last week-end in April, 1985. On the Friday, the Companions travelled from Lame to Stranraer after making their way to Larne where cars could be left till our return. Dodds Coaches of Troon met us with a coach at Stranraer and we proceeded to Oban with a stop for lunch on the way.
We attended a meeting of the Provincial Grand Royal Arch Chapter of Argyll and the Isles on Saturday afternoon where we were expected to wait outside until the Convocation had been opened. After pointing out to our Scottish Companions that we had come to see their ritual, they agreed that only the District Grand King would wait outside. In the evening we attended a Dinner Dance and returned leaving Oban after breakfast on Sunday.
When we were travelling to Oban on the Friday it was blowing a gale with flurries of snow. The snow showers continued all over the week-end and when we were returning on Sunday the hills had a fair covering of snow.
A memorable event on our return journey occurred when we stopped for refreshment on the way to Stranraer.
The year 1985 was the year when Denis Taylor won the World Snooker Championship in the final against Steve Davis. The final covered Saturday and Sunday and after Saturday Steve Davis was leading by 8 frames. When we arrived in Ballantrae on the Sunday evening Taylor had considerably reduced the deficit. We were pleased to see that the locals were watching the TV and cheering for Taylor. On reaching home after midnight some of us were fortunate to be in time to see the final frame which Taylor won on the black ball.
During M. E. Comp. Quigley's time as District Grand King visits to Scotland were arranged in alternate years with the Scottish Companions coming to Antrim every second year. On all our visits the Registrar had to bring a bottle of Black Bush for the District Grand King to present to the Provincial Grand Superintendent.
In 1987 we visited Campbeltown, on the Mull of Kintyre, at the end of April. The weather on this occasion was warm and sunny in stark contrast to the weather in Oban two years earlier. On this and some subsequent visits we were accompanied by the Supreme Grand King, M. E. Comp Dan Fincher and the Deputy Grand King, M E. Comp. Charles Knipe.
On one of our two visits to Campbeltown, some Companions travelled by air in about twenty minutes from Aghadowey to Machrihanish airport which is close to Campbeltown while the Companions travelling by boat and coach took nearly ten hours. The Companions travelling by air could not return from Machrihanish on Sunday as the airport was closed and so had to travel by ferry to Islay and fly home from there. They had a pleasant trip as Islay is famous for the number of distilleries on the island.
Subsequent visits were made to Rothesay and Dunoon where we were able to attend a Church Service on the Sunday morning with our Scottish Companions and paraded with them in full regalia behind a pipe band from the Masonic Hall to the Church and back.
On another occasion a visit was arranged to Ayr. We travelled from Lame to Stranraer and by coach to Ayr on Friday and attended a Convocation of the Provincial Grand Royal Arch Chapter on Friday evening. As there was a meeting of the Provincial Priory of East Ulster on Saturday afternoon we had to travel back on Saturday morning in gale force winds so that M. E. Comp. Quigley could attend the Provincial Priory meeting. The Companions from Ayr visited Antrim the following year but no subsequent visits were made to Ayr.
After M. E. Comp. Quigley resigned as District Grand King, the visits to Argyll and the Isles have continued in alternate years with one visit abandoned due to lack of suitable accommodation. In 2011 as well as the Centenary of District Grand Chapter, we are also celebrating the 26th. Anniversary of the start of the visits in 1985.
M.E. Comp. E. Cyril Ferguson District Grand King
R. E. Comp. Jon. McA. Pollock District Deputy Grand King
R. E. Comp. Richard Aughey District Assistant Grand King
R. E. Comp. G. Wendell McGrath District Assistant Grand King
R. E. Comp. William Taylor Scott District Grand High Priest
R. E. Comp. John Thomas Price District Grand Chief Scribe
R. E. Comp. Thomas J. McCurley District Grand Treasurer
R. E. Comp. W. James Lynch District Grand Registrar
V. E. Comp. William T. Brown M.B.E. D.G. Director of Ceremonies
V. E. Comp. George M. Graham D.G. Director of Ceremonies
V. E. Comp. Ronald S. Barnes D.G. Director of Ceremonies
V. E. Comp. Henry Gilmore District Grand Chaplain
V. E. Comp. Rev. H. James Parker M.A. District Grand Chaplain
V. E. Comp. William Halliday District Grand Chaplain
V. E. Comp. Jonathan M. Smith District Grand Chaplain
V. E. Comp. W. Ivan Conner District Asst. Grand Treasurer
V. E. Comp. James McClurg District Asst. Grand Registrar
V. E Comp. Russell Hayes District Grand Capt. of the Host
V. E. Comp. William McMordie D.G. Supt. of the Tabernacle
V. E. Comp. James Porter D.G. Royal Arch Captain
V. E. Comp. Thomas Benjamin Rainey D.G. Capt. of the Scarlet Veil
V. E. Comp. James Milliken McKelvey D.G. Capt. of the Purple Veil
V. E. Comp. Colin Eldred Holliday D.G. Capt. of the Blue Veil
V. E. Comp. William A.K.C. Crawford District Grand Steward
V. E. Comp. Alan McDade District Grand Steward
V. E. Comp. Robert Hayes District Grand Steward Appt.
V. E. Comp. Hubert Gingles District Grand Steward Appt.
V. E. Comp. Dr. Norman Close District Grand Organist
V. E. Comp. Maurice McQuitty District Grand Organist
V. E. Comp. Neil Ritchie District Grand Organist
V. E. Comp. James Stafford Mitchell D.G. Chapter Standard Bearer
V. E. Comp. William Conner D.G. Chapter Sword Bearer Appt.
V. E. Comp. William McClenaghan D.G. King’s Standard Bearer Appt.
V. E. Comp. James Henry Thompson District Grand Janitor
V. E. Comp. Dr. Edmund Henderson District Grand Physician
V. E. Comp. Dr. J. Clifford McMillan District Grand Physician
V. E. Comp. J. Michael Alexander District Grand Inspector
V. E. Comp. Alan Byers District Grand Inspector
V. E. Comp. David T. Caruth District Grand Inspector
275 V. E. Comp. Maurice Douglas District Grand Inspector 31
V. E. Comp. Clarence L. F. Gibson District Grand Inspector
V. E. Comp. David Henderson District Grand Inspector
V. E. Comp. Davis Little District Grand Inspector
V. E. Comp. Samuel G. Matthews District Grand Inspector
V. E. Comp. Cyril McBratney District Grand Inspector
V. E. Comp. Stephen McCormick District Grand Inspector
V. E. Comp. Allan D. McLorie District Grand Inspector
V. E. Comp. H. Crawford Mitchell District Grand Inspector
V. E. Comp. W. Ernest Moore District Grand Inspector
V. E. Comp. James S. Patterson District Grand Inspector
V. E. Comp. Mervyn Torrens District Grand Inspector
V. E. Comp. Thomas M. Yarr District Grand Inspector