History - 1911 to 1961
The first Convocation of the District Grand Royal Arch Chapter of Antrim was held on the 24th October, 1910, under the Patent issued by His Grace the Duke of Abercorn, M.E. King of the Supreme Grand Royal Arch Chapter of Ireland. appointing M.E. Companion W. Redfern Kelly as Grand First Principal of the District Grand Chapter of Antrim, 54 of the 64 Chapters in the District were represented. It was arranged to invite the Officers of Supreme Grand Royal Arch Chapter of Ireland to formally constitute the Chapter and instal the Officers, also to have a banquet in honour of our distinguished Visitors.
The following Officers were nominated for the various offices :
Grand Second Principal M.E. Companions R. J. Hilton
Third Principal “ “ W. T. Braithwaite
Captain of Host “ “ Wm. Mehaffy
S.O.T. “ “ Arthur Martin
- A. C. “ “ James Boyd
C.S.V. “ “ D. J. Barry
C.P.V. “ “ John T. Scott
C.B.V. “ “ James Harvey
Chaplains “ “ Rev. H. D.Murphy
Rev. Samuel Cochrane
Treasurer “ “ Daniel Weir
Registrar “ “ Thomas McAllister
Janitor “ “ James H. Nesbitt
A Special Convocation was held on 10th December, 1910. M.E. Companion Hilton said owing to his health he could not accept the office of Grand Second Principal. M.E. Companion F. W. Ewart was elected in his place.
It was decided at this meeting to purchase Jewels and Collars for the Officers, same to remain the property of the District Grand Chapter.
The District Grand Chapter of Antrim was officially constituted at 11.45 a.m. on Saturday, 25th February, 1911. The following Grand Officers of the Supreme Grand Royal Arch Chapter of Ireland attending :
M.E. Companion Charles A. Cameron Grand King (Acting)
“ “ Thomas H. Keown H.P.
“ “ Matthew Hedley C.S.
“ “ Henry Hunt C. of H.
“ “ Thomas H. Wayland S. of T.
“ “ Thomas H. Westropp R.A.C.
“ “ Thomas J. Hayes C.S.V.
“ “ Alfred G. Dodd C.P.V.
“ “ William Ireland C.B.V. (Acting)
“ “ Rev. Thomas Pearson Chaplain
“ “ H. E. Flavelle Registrar
“ “ William F. Walls Janitor
The following District Grand Officers were installed and invested:
M.E. Companion W. Redfern Kelly Grand First Principal
- W. Ewart Second Principal
- T. Braithwaite Third Principal
William Mehaffy C. of H.
Arthur Martin S. of T
James Boyd R.A.C.
- J. Barry C.S.V
John T. Scott C.P.V.
James Harvey C.B.V.
Rev. H. D. Murphy
Rev. Samuel Cochrane Chaplains
Daniel Weir Treasurer
Thomas McAllister Registrar
James H. Nesbitt Janitor
The Grand Chapter were subsequently entertained to luncheon in the Grand Central Hotel before returning to Dublin.
At a meeting held on 13th March, 1911, Companion R. H. H. Baird was installed as M.E. Deputy Grand First Principal.
At this meeting a petition was sent to Supreme Grand Chapter seeking permission for the appointment of the following additional District Grand Officers : Stewards, Organist, Director of Ceremonies, and Inspectors, permission was also sought for the M.E. Grand First Principal and his Deputy to wear Chains of Office and other officers Collars and Gauntlets. This was eventually granted.
The following Chapters were constituted during 1911:
- 16th March, Unity R.A.C. No. 383
- 20th March, Ashley R.A.C. No. 279
- 29th May, St. Georges R.A.C. No. 166
At a Special Convocation held on 18th August, 1911, the M.E.G.F.P. gave some useful and interesting information in regard to the working of Royal Arch Masonry in Ireland and also under the English Constitution.
Royal Arch Chapter 177 was constituted on 20th March, 1912;
“ “ 1008 was constituted on 26th April, 1913;
“ “ 169 was constituted on 18th November, 1913.
At the meeting held on 8th December, 1913, it was reported that recently a subordinate Chapter had been opened and a candidate balloted for. It was then closed and a Lodge of Mark Master Masons opened at which the candidate received his degree. The Chapter was then re-opened later on the same evening, and further business proceeded with. The Grand First Principal stated that this was entirely irregular, the Chapter should not have been re-opened without the members having been duly summoned.
At meeting held on 9th March, 1914, the Grand First Principal stated that a set of Officers from R.A. Chapter 154 had recently visited Dublin
and exemplified the working of the R.A. Degree and had been very highly complimented. M.E. Companions Jackson McGown instructing.
M.E. Companion Samuel Leighton drew the attention of the Com-panions to the beautiful portrait of M.E. Companion W. Redfern Kelly, The Grand First Principal, which had recently been hung in the Arthur Square Masonic Hall and expressed the hope that M.E. Companion Kelly would be long spared to preside over the District Grand Chapter of Antrim.
On 8th June, 1914, the question of a greater representation at the Grand Chapter of Instruction was discussed and it was decided to urge upon the Supreme Grand Chapter to alter the Constitution so as to give a greater representation, say one for every ten Chapters, same as the Board of General Purposes.
The District Grand Registrar informed the Representatives that the Supreme Grand Chapter hoped to visit Belfast on 8th October, 1914.
At the meeting held on 12th October, 1914, the Registrar read the following letters dated 24th August and 4th September respectively :
Dear Companion Flavelle,
Referring to the proposed visit of Supreme Grand Chapter to Belfast on the 8th October, we have been requested to inform you that at a meeting of the joint Committees of the District Grand Chapters of Antrim and Down the unanimous opinion was that owing to the grave crisis through which our country is passing it would be inadvisable to hold the meeting on the date arranged. We should be obliged if you would communicate with the Grand King and let us have views on the matter at your earliest convenience. We may only add that it would be a great disappointment to be deprived of the pleasure of having the Grand King and Grand Officers with us in October, but it was felt that the more favourable conditions which we trust will exist later on would compensate for that disappointment and ensure a successful function.
Yours fraternally,
Thomas McAllister, D.G. Reg. Antrim
- B. Burrowes, D.G. Reg. Down
V.D. Companion Flavelle,
I return you the letter from the District Grand Registrars of Antrim and Down. I am of quite the same opinion as that arrived at by the joint Committees of the District Grand Chapters of Antrim and Down, but I wished its expression to come first from them. I trust, however, and I think there is every possibility of it, that by the end of the month the Germans will be retreating on Berlin, in which case the War is bound to come to a speedy conclusion.
Signed: Muskerry, Grand King.
A Special Convocation of District Grand Chapter was held on 24th October, 1914, at which M.E. Companion W. Redfern Kelly delivered a lecture on the Ritual of Irish Royal Arch Masonry. At this meeting it was decided to contribute the sum of £25 from the fund of the District Grand Chapter towards the Prince of Wales and kindred funds for the alleviation of distress due to the present War. It was decided that this grant without notice of motion should not be deemed a precedent, as it was entirely on account of the exceptional circumstances existing. A circular was also sent to subordinate Chapters appealing for subscriptions, intimating that the Grand First Principal sanctioned the use of Chapter Funds for this purpose.
Patents of Offices as District Grand Inspectors and Instructors were presented to M.E. Companions John A. Johnston, Henry J. Hill, and James Harvey on 14th December, 1914.
On 14th June, 1915, E. Companion W. B. Brown was appointed Assistant Registrar at a salary of £10 10s. Od. per annum.
The following Notice of Motion was passed at meeting held on 14th June, 1915:
"That collections be made at Stated Convocations of District Grand Chapter for the Belfast Masonic Charity Fund."
V.E. Companion John A. Johnston submitted a set (English Design) of Jewels for Officers of Mark Master Mason Lodges, the cost of which in white metal would be about 30s. Od.
It was reported at meeting held on 12th March, 1917, that Supreme Grand Chapter had approved design and subordinate Chapters may make use of the Jewels.
The District Grand Chapter placed on record its appreciation to V.E. Companion J. Milne Barbour, Grand Second Principal, for handing over five cheques of £30 each to endow the chair of the Grand Second Principal in the five Irish Masonic Charities viz:—Masonic Orphan Boys' School, Masonic Orphan Girls' School, Victoria Jubilee Masonic Annuity Fund, Belfast Masonic Widows' Fund, Belfast Masonic Charity Fund, to mark his election to the said office in District Grand Chapter of Antrim.
On 17th March, 1917, the salary of the Assistant Grand Registrar was increased to 20 guineas.
At the June Convocation of District Grand Chapter a resolution that the wearing of Evening Dress to be discontinued was passed unanimously.
The following new By-law was unanimously adopted at District Grand Chapter meeting held on 1 1 th October, 1920:
"The fees due and payable annually (in advance) on 1st January by Subordinate Chapters shall be:—All Chapters within the Parliamentary Boundary of Belfast, Ten Shillings, and for all other Chapters, Five Shillings, and in addition in each case Sixpence for each subscribing member. The minimum exaltation Fee for all Chapters in the District shall be the sum of £4 4s. Od."
The M.E.G.F.P. said he had heard that some Scottish Degrees were being given in some Chapters. He warned the Companions that these Degrees were illegal and told them that it was illegal for any Companions to be present at any meeting where these so called Degrees were given.
At the stated Convocation held on 10th October, 1921, the M.E.G.F.P. conveyed the congratulations of the Companions to the M.E.D.G.F.P. R. H. H. Baird on receiving a Knighthood from His Gracious Majesty the King and the further honour of the Freedom of the City of London, through the Master Printers' Association. The hope was expressed that Sir Robert and Lady Baird would enjoy these honours with good health for many years.
We were honoured at our December meeting by a visit from the newly installed M.E.G.F.P. of Down, Colonel Wallace. M.E. Companion Kelly in welcoming him expressed the hope that the warm fraternal feelings which had existed between the two District Chapters would be further cemented during his tenure of office.
The salary of the Assistant Grand Registrar was increased to £50 per annum from the 1st January, 1922.
The District Grand Registrar informed the Companions that the M.E.D.G.F.P. Sir Robert H. H. Baird had sent cheques amounting to £400 to the following charities:
Masonic Orphan Boys' School, £50 to endow the chair of the M.E. D.G.F.P.
Masonic Orphan Girls' School, £50 to endow the chair of the M.E. D.G.F.P. and qualifying him as a Vice-President of each school.
Victoria Jubilee Masonic Annuity Fund, £30 to endow the chair of the M.E.G.F.P. Victoria Jubilee Masonic Annuity Fund, £30 to endow the chair of the M.E.D.G.F.P. and qualify each as a Vice-Patron of the Fund. £10 each to the Boys' and Girls' Schools and £15 to the Victoria Jubilee Fund to endow the Chair of the District Grand Registrar in each Fund. Balance to be equally divided between the Belfast Masonic Widows' Fund and Belfast Masonic Charity Fund.
At the meeting held on 13th October, 1924, the M.E.G.F.P., W. Redfern Kelly, addressing the Companions stated this would be the last meeting he would preside over them, as owing to advanced years and enfeebled health, he was that evening sending his resignation to the Supreme Grand King Lord Muskerry. He had been the head of Royal Arch Masonry in Antrim for 37 years.
The following resolution was passed unanimously :—
"That we the members of the District Grand Royal Arch Chapter of Antrim, while expressing our profound sorrow at the decision of M.E. Companion W. Redfern Kelly, G.F.P., to withdraw from active government of this District Grand Chapter, which owes its inception to him, and which under his able guidance has attained to such unexampled prosperity, desire to put on record our high appreciation of the services which for over half a century he has rendered to the cause of Freemasonry in all its branches. We feel that his eminence as a Member of the Supreme Council 33°, his consummate skill as a ritualist and his ability as an historian have added lustre to the D.G.R.A.C. of Antrim of which he is the head."
M.E. Companion Sir Robert H. H. Baird, was appointed to the office of G.F.P. and he appointed as his Deputy M.E. Companion Right Hon. J. Milne Barbour, D.L., M.P.
The Chapter continued to flourish under the guidance of our M.E.G.F.P. but unfortunately at the meeting held on 11th October, 1926, M.E. Companion Sir Robert H. H. Baird, owing to health reasons, resigned from the office of G.F.P. His resignation was received with sincere regret and the following resolution was passed unanimously:—
"The members of the District Grand Royal Arch Chapter of Antrim have learned with great regret that in consequence of the advice he has received from his medical advisor to refrain from any evening engage-ments, their M.E.G.F.P. Companion, Sir Robert Baird, D.L., K.B.E., desires to resign that office. The District Grand Royal Arch Chapter of Antrim records with gratitude the valuable services and zeal with which the G.F.P. has discharged the duties of that office for over two years and as D.G.F.P. for twelve years, and the kindliness and ever ready assistance which have characterized his relations with his other officers, and desire to assure him that in leaving his official position-he takes with him their heartfelt good wishes and sincerest hopes for his welfare."
M.E. Companion Right Hon. J. Milne .Barbour, D.L., M.P., was appointed G.F.P. and he appointed as his Deputy V.E. Companion A. L. Porter. This appointment was a very popular one. V.E. Companion Porter was a very keen ritualist and was well known not only in Antrim but throughout the whole of Ireland.
At the meeting held on 8th October, 1928, the M.E.G.F.P. made reference to the death of M.E. Companion W. Redfern Kelly 3Y who was the first District Grand First Principal of the District Grand R.A.C. of Antrim and to whom the establishment of District Grand Chapters was largely due. He had during his lifetime taken a keen interest not only in Royal Arch Masonry but in all branches of the Order.
His memory was solemnly saluted according to ancient 'custom. Owing to the illness of the D.G. Registrar M.E. Companion McAllister the Assistant Registrar had done a lot of extra work and a bonus of £25 was granted to him in appreciation of his services.
The Companions heard with regret of the death of R.W. Brother J. H. Stirling, Provincial Grand Master of Antrim, and decided to subscribe the sum of £100 to the J. H. Stirling Memorial Fund.
At the meeting of D. G. Chapter held on 10th March, 1930, the V.E. D.G.F.P. congratulated the M.E.G.F.P., Right Hon. J. Milne Barbour,
on his appointment as Deputy Grand King of the Supreme Grand Royal Arch Chapter of Ireland and called on V.E. Companion J. A. Johnston to submit the following resolution which was received with applause :—
"That the members of the D.G.R.A.C. of Antrim desire to place on record the great pleasure with which they learned of the appointment of M.E. Companion J. Milne Barbour, G.F.P. of the D.G.R.A.C. of Antrim, as Deputy Grand King of the Supreme Grand Royal Arch Chapter of Ireland and their pleasure is very much enhanced by the knowledge that he will continue to occupy the position as Head of the D.G.R.A.C. of Antrim."
The M.E.G.F.P. at meeting held on 12th October, 1931, referred to the great loss the District Grand Chapter had sustained by the death of the District Grand Registrar, M.E. Companion Thomas McAllister, who was associated with the D.G. Chapter since the Constitution in 1911. He reviewed his many connections with the Masonic Order and although his illness was of some duration he always took a keen interest in the working of Royal Arch Freemasonry. V.E. Companion T. M. Deans was appointed Registrar.
The transfer of Cargycreevy R.A.C. 606 to the D.G.R.A.C. of Down was confirmed and notice of transfer was sent to the Supreme Grand Chapter.
Early in 1932 it was resolved to establish a Committee of Inspection The By-laws for same were approved and adopted at meeting held on 14th March, 1932.
During 1933 further Inspection Committees were constituted at Ballymena and Lame.
At meeting held on 12th December, 1932, on the motion of V.E. Companion J. R. Erskine seconded by V.E. Companion J. W. Gilmour, the following recommendation was adopted:—
"That the District Grand Chapter Funds might be utilized in cases of necessity to assist Subordinate Chapters to meet their financial obligations."
A Special Committee was appointed to investigate necessitous cases.
On 12th June, 1933, congratulations were extended to the M.E.G.F.P., Right Hon. J. Milne Barbour, D.L., M.P., on his appointment to the Office of Grand King of Supreme Grand R.A.C. of Ireland. The D.G.F.P. stated that the announcement had been received with universal pleasure by all the Companions in the District and all hoped that you would be long spared to enjoy the honour and adorn the office.
The M.E.G.F.P. thanked the Companions for their congratulations and expression of confidence and loyalty. He expressed his pleasure that M.E. Companion, Sir Robert Baird and M.E. Companion W. B. Burrowes, the D.G.F.P. of Down, were in attendance on this the last occasion he presided as District Grand First Principal.
The M.E. Grand King installed as his successor V.E. Companion A. L. Porter the D.G.F.P. and wished him a long reign in the office.
M.E. Companion Porter was welcomed at his first meeting as G.F.P. on 9th October, 1933, by V.E. Companions J. B. McCutcheon and J. G. Michaels, who expressed the pleasure with which his election had been received by all the Companions in the District and assured him of their loyal support and co-operation.
V.E. Companion J. W. Gilmour was installed as Deputy Grand First Principal and presented with his patent of office.
At this same meeting The District Grand Registrar submitted the following resolution which was passed unanimously :—
"That we the District Grand Royal Arch Chapter of Antrim in Convocation assembled tender our most cordial and sincere congratulations to the M.E. The Right Hon. J. Milne Barbour, D.L., M.P., upon his recent exaltation to the position of Grand King of the Supreme Grand Royal Arch Chapter of Ireland, and hereby place on record our appreciation of the very valued and outstanding services he has rendered during the past six years as G.F.P. of this D.G.R.A.C. His deep personal interest in the working of the District Grand Chapter and of Royal Arch Masonry in general appealed so much to the Companions of the Order in Antrim as to secure for him an abiding place in our affections, and all rejoice that so signal an honour has been most worthily conferred upon him. We hope that we shall have the continued pleasure of his frequent presence at our meetings and we wish him many long and happy years to adorn the high and important office he now fills in the Grand Chapter."
A Special Convocation of District Grand Chapter was held in Antrim on 16th February, 1934, at which a team from Invictus Chapter under the leadership of V.E. Companion S. Weir McCormick exemplified the opening and closing of a Mark Master Mason Lodge and the Degree of Mark Master Mason. The Degree was given in an exemplary manner and was well received by all present.
The M.E.G F P. at the Stated Convocation held on 12th March, 1934, said how pleased he was to see present The M.E. Grand King, V.E. D.G.F.P., V.E. Grand Treasurer and V.E. Grand Registrar of Down. He assured them they were very welcome and that their visit was greatly appreciated.
At the meeting of Stated Convocation of District Grand Chapter held on 8th October, 1934, M.E. Companion Porter referred in sympathetic terms to the death of M.E. Companion Sir Robert Baird, K.B.E., D.L., a Past G.F.P. of Antrim and the following resolution was passed :—
"M.E. Companion Robert H. Baird was associated with the District Grand Royal Arch Chapter of Antrim since its inception. In 1911 he was installed Deputy Grand First Principal and in 1925 he was appointed Grand First Principal. On account of ill health he relinquished office in 1926 but he still maintained his interest in the work of the Chapter till his death. M.E. Companion Baird lived a singularly active life and few names appear so often as his amongst the promoters of the various charitable, philanthropic and social schemes in his native city. Nor was his generosity confined to geographical limitations. Wherever he recognised that help was needed Companion Baird did not hesitate, and most unselfishly gave of his time and means to relieve the suffering and promote the happiness of his fellow man. He was open-handed, broad-minded, kindly tolerant, with a wide outlook on the affairs of the world.
The business establishment, the policy of which he directed for many years, stands as a memorial to his sound judgment and business capacity. But to this District Grand Chapter his most precious memorial abides in the hearts of his Companions, who remember the beauty of his character, his gentle kindness, and how richly endowed he was by nature and grace to exemplify in his daily life and conversation those virtues which are the foundation of our Order. 'The Masonic Charities' were very dear to Companion Baird, especially the Masonic Female Orphan School of which he was local Treasurer for many years.
For some time prior to his death he retired from the busy haunts of his former days to the peacefulness and quietude of his suburban home, where patience born of unwavering faith in the unseen, supported him till the clouds of evening closed around and the golden sunset portended a still more glorious dawn."
V.E. Companion John A. Johnston was congratulated on being ap-pointed a Past Grand Captain of Host in Supreme Grand Chapter. A Grand Captain of Host Jewel purchased out of District Grand Chapter Funds was presented to him.
On 9th December, 1935, congratulations were extended to V.E. Companion J. W. Gilmour, D.G.F.P. on his appointment as Provincial Deputy Grand Master of Provincial Grand Lodge of Antrim. This un-fortunately meant his resignation as D.G.F.P. The M.E.G.F.P. appointed as his Deputy the Grand Registrar, V.E. Companion T. M. Deans, LL.D. V.E. Companion J. A. Johnston resigned the office of Grand Treasurer, a position he had held for six years. V.E. Companion Robert Boyd was appointed as his successor.
On 8th March, 1936, the M.E. Grand King, Right Hon. J. Milne Barbour, D.L., M.P., who presided at this meeting, moved:
"That this The District Grand Chapter of Antrim place on record its sense of profound regret at the death of His Majesty King George V who was revered throughout the British Empire as a wise Constitutional Monarch, and who, during the 25 years of his reign was devoted to the service, happiness, and welfare of his subjects. We respectfully sympa-thise with all the members of the Royal Family in their great sorrow.
" V.E. Companion T. M. Deans, LL.D. was installed as D.G.F.P. and presented with his Patent of Office. The M.E.G.F.P. thanked V.E. Companion J. W. Gilmour for his loyalty and invaluable services as D.G.F.P.
The M.E.G.F.P. announced that in accordance with By-law 7 he had appointed E. Companion J. R. Knight, R.A.C. 359, to the office of District Grand Registrar. This appointment was unanimously approved.
At the Stated Convocation held on 12th October, 1936, The M.E.G.F.P. made sympathetic reference to the death of the M.E.G.F.P. of Down, Samuel G. Fenton, a life-long friend of his own. The following minute was recorded:—
"That we the M.E.G.F.P. Grand Officers and Companions of the District Grand Royal Arch Chapter of Antrim desire to place on record our profound sorrow at the death of the M.E.G.F.P. of Down, Samuel G. Fenton, M.B.E., J.P. In the administration of the affairs of his exalted office he always worked in the utmost harmony with this District G.R.A.C. where he was widely known and highly respected. The great work which he accomplished in connection with the Charitable Institutions of our Order remains as a memorial and inspiration to his bereaved colleagues. To the M.E.G.F.P. elect, Grand Officers and Companions of the District Grand Chapter of Down we extend our sincere sympathy in the passing of a wise counsellor and beloved Companion."
V.E. Companion J. R. Knight was installed as Grand Registrar and saluted.
In December 1936 the M.E.G.F.P. mentioned that in some R.A. Chapters he had visited he regretted to find that some of the Principal Officers elected to office were absent from the Installation Ceremony and expressed the wish that when Companions were to be honoured they should strive to make an effort to be present. He said should there be a recurrence of this he would take steps to have this discourtesy amended.
The Companions of the City Chapters entertained their Country Companions to Dinner in Thompsons Ltd., Donegall Place, on 12th October, 1938, when a most enjoyable evening was spent.
The definition of Country Chapters was explained at meeting held on 13th March, 1939. it was as that laid down in By-law No. 6 of the District Grand Chapter of Antrim and means that all Chapters situated outside a distance of 10 miles from the City Boundary of Belfast are Country Chapters.
The M.E.G.F.P. drew attention to the 1938 report of Supreme Grand Chapter regarding Companions struck off the Roll for non-payment of dues in the District Grand Chapter of Antrim, the number being 70, and said it was a matter requiring the attention of all Registrars and Chapters. He urged that in future there should be a careful scrutiny of all Brethren. seeking Exaltation, and that quality not quantity should be the deter-mining factor in all candidates for Royal Arch Masonry.
The M.E. Grand King together with the M.E.G.F. Principals of Antrim and Down—A. L. Porter and W. Bel Burrows—attended the Installation of the Duke of Kent as Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of Mark Master Masons in succession to the Duke of Connaught, who had held that position for 38 years. The ceremony was carried out by the Provincial Grand Master, The Earl of Stradbroke, at a meeting held in London on 7th June, 1939. March 1941.
The M.E.G.F.P. welcomed V.E. Companion Robert Martin on his appointment as Assistant Grand Registrar in the place of our late beloved E. Companion W. B. Brown.
On the invitation of R.A.C. 1008 it was decided to hold the June Convocation of District Grand Chapter in Portrush provided transport or other difficulties due to War conditions did not interfere. Owing to enemy air-raids on Belfast on 15/16th April and 4/5th May, 1941, and the dislocation of traffic which followed, the holding of meetings was rendered very difficult. The June Convocation of District Grand Chapter was cancelled, and notice to this effect was sent to all Registrars.
The M.E. Grand King who presided at the meeting held on 9th March, 1942, thanked the Companions and congratulated them upon the manner in which the best interests of the Order were being sustained during the present difficult period. He urged the members of neighbouring Chapters to assist each other by attending their meetings and helping in the work. He also spoke of the desirability of very special care being taken by the Committees of Inspection as regards the admission of candidates.
The M.E.G.F.P. stated that in future the name of any candidate on the Inspection Committee sheet who is not personally known to the Representative or a member of the Committee would not be considered, but adjourned for further enquiries.
After a lapse of a few years the Stated Convocation of the District Grand Chapter was held in Ballymena on 14th June, 1943. The M.E.G.F.P. expressed his pleasure and that of the Officers in being again able to visit his Companions in Ballymena.
It was reported that the M.E.G. King had been honoured in the recent Birthday Honours list and the following resolution was passed:—
“ That we the D.G.R.A.C. of Antrim assembled in Ballymena, accord our heartiest congratulations to the M.E.G.K. J. Milne Barbour on the honour which has been conferred on him by His Majesty the King in bestowing on him a Baronetcy of the United Kingdom, and it is our earnest hope and prayer that he may be long spared to adorn the position so deservedly bestowed."
At meeting held in Portrush on 29th September, 1943, the resignation owing to impaired health of the D.G.F.P. V.E. Companion T. M. Deans, LL.D., was received with regret. He had been a very faithful officer of the District for many years as Grand Registrar and then D.G.F.P. V.E. Companion, Rev. Samuel Cochrane, B.A., was installed as his
successor. V.E. Companion Cochrane in thanking the Companions said he had been a member of the District Grand Chapter of Antrim since its inception, being one of the Foundation Chaplains.
The following New By-law was approved by the Supreme Grand Chapter on 16rh June, 1944:—
"A minimum subscription of 15/- per annum will be payable by all subscribing members of Subordinate Chapters within the Parliamentary Boundary of Belfast, and of 10/- per annum by all subscribing members of all other Chapters within the District Grand Royal Arch Chapter of Antrim, same to come into operation after 1st January, 1945."
At the Stated Convocation held on 10th June, 1947, it was unanimously decided to subscribe the sum of £100 to the New Masonic Headquarters Fund.
The resignation of V.E. Companion Robert Boyd, D.G. Treasurer, was received at meeting of D.G.C. held in Belfast on 8th December, 1947. The M.E.G.F.P. paid a well earned tribute to V.E. Companion Boyd for the work he had done. The following resolution was passed unanimously :—
"We desire to place on record our great regret on hearing of the resignation of V.E. Companion Robert Boyd as District Grand Treasurer, a position which he has held with great efficiency and with great benefit to the District Grand Chapter for the long period of 12 years. We trust that we may have for many years to come, the benefit of his advice and experience."
V.E. Companion James Hamilton, Past Grand Second Principal, was unanimously appointed as his successor.
On 11th October, 1948, the M.E. Grand King, Sir J. Milne Barbour, Baronet, D.L., M.P., intimated that he had received a letter dated 2nd September, 1947, from the M.E.G.F.P. Companion A. L. Porter, resigning his position as G.F.P. owing to ill-health, but he had held it over in the hope that M.E. Companion Porter's health would improve, but to his great regret no material improvement had taken place, and he had, therefore, with great reluctance to accept his resignation. He paid a warm tribute to the work done during the 15 years he had held his office; he was a Companion with a gifted personality, and was held in high esteem by all the Companions.
The following resolution was recorded in the minutes:—
"The District Grand Royal Arch Chapter of Antrim has learnt with very great regret, that in consequence of ill-health, their Grand First Principal M.E. Companion A. L. Porter has found it necessary to resign his office. The D.G.R.A.C. records with gratitude the valuable services rendered, and the zeal with which he has discharged all the important duties undertaken by him for the past 15 years; his charming personality winning for him the affection of all those who came in contact with him. He was gifted with a remarkable retentive memory, and this was a great asset in the giving of the various Degrees in Freemasonry. The present high standing of the D.G.R.A. Chapter of Antrim is a fitting testimonial to his work during his tenure of Office. We desire to assure him that in leaving his official position he takes with him our individual respect and affection, and our sincere hopes for his welfare."
- Companion Rev. W. J. McGeagh was invested as a District Grand Chaplain in the place of V.E. Companion John Armstrong, who has gone to live in Donegal.
The M.E. Grand King intimated that he had appointed Viscount Massereene and Ferrard, D.S.O., as M.E.G.F.P. of the D.G.R.A. Chapter of Antrim in succession to M.E. Companion A. L. Porter.
The D.G.F.P., R.E. Companion Rev. Samuel Cochrane, B.A., congratulated the M.E. Grand King on his choice and conveyed to him the assurance of the loyalty and co-operation of all the Companions.
The M.E.D.G.F.P. at the Stated Convocation held on 14th March, 1949, said it was his sad duty to report the deaths of Companions well known to them all, viz:—M.E. Companion A. L. Porter late G.F.P., V.E. Companion J. W. Gilmour, Past D.G.F.P. 1933/36, V.E. Companion J. G. Michaels, Past G. 2nd P. 1928/29. The names of these Companions are deeply engraved upon the tablets of our memory, and will ever be an inspiration to those who follow them, to lift the Torch which has fallen from their hands and carry it on to greater glory. In the golden chain of Masonic endeavour these Companions have forged an unbreakable link. We will cherish their memory.
On the invitation of the District Grand Chapter of Antrim the Stated Convocation of the Supreme Grand Royal Arch Chapter of Ireland was held in the Wellington Hall, Belfast, on Wednesday, the 4th May, 1949. The special feature of the Convocation was the Installation of E. Companion Viscount Massereene and Ferrard, D.S.O., as G.F.P. of the D.R.A. Chapter of Antrim. He was presented to the Grand King by the D.G. King M.E. Companion Dr. Cecil P. Smylie, and R. E. Companion Rev. Samuel Cochrane, B.A., assisted by M.E. Companion Henry Maxwell, G.F.P. Armagh, and M.E. Companion Major T. W. Dickie, G.F.P. Londonderry. There were about 500 Companions at the meeting. Afterwards the Supreme Grand Chapter was entertained to Dinner in Thompsons Ltd., Donegall Place, number of Companions present 263.
The following changes in By-law X and Schedule of Fees were confirmed at meeting held on 10th October, 1949, same to come into force on 1st January, 1950:
Grand First Principal . .
Deputy Grand First Principal No fees of Honour .
Grand Second Principal . . £3 3s. Od.
Grand Third Principal £3 3s. Od.
every other officer £1 11s. 6d., and in each subsequent term of office each elected Officer with the exception of the Treasurer, Registrar, Chaplains, Director of Ceremonies and Organists shall pay the following sums :
Grand Second Principal . 10s. 6d.
Grand Third Principal . . 10s. 6d.
every other elected officer 5s. Od.
Each Chapter in the District shall pay "Annually" the following dues
Chapters within the Parliamentary Borough of Belfast . . .... 10s. Od.
Every other Chapter in the District . . . 5s. Od.
and all Chapters for each subscribing member on its roll 1s. Od.
For breach of By-law 10 £1 ls. Od.
For breach of By-law 12 10s. 6d.
For breach of By-law 13—
Belfast Chapters . 5s. Od.
Country Chapters 2s. 6d.
For breach of By-law 14— All Chapters 10s. 6d.
- Companion W. J. Jackson, Reg. R.A.C. 97, handed in Notice of Motion to alter By-law 7 to read :—
"That from January 1950 the Officers of D.G.C. of Antrim be elected for one year only instead of two years in force since 1930."
At the next meeting he asked permission to withdraw the motion. This was granted. The
M.E.G.F.P. referred to the sudden death of R.E. Companion Rev. Samuel Cochrane, B.A., D.G.F.P. which took place on Saturday, 8th October. During the short period he had known him he had found him to be a wise counsellor, and always willing and helpful at all times. His services to the D.G.R.A. Chapter of Antrim, as Chaplain and more especially as D.G.F.P., during the long illness of the late M.E. Companion A. L. Porter will long be remembered. His Masonic career extended over half a century, and he was a member of the 30th Degree.
The M.E.G.F.P. directed that all Chapters should observe a period of mourning until the end of November 1949 as a mark of respect to our late D.G.F.P., Rev. Samuel Cochrane, B.A.
An Occasional Convocation of the D.G. Chapter was held in Carrick-fergus on Saturday, 5th November, 1949, for the purpose of Constituting St. Andrews R.A.C. 1012 by the M.E. Deputy Grand King, Cecil P. Smylie, M.D. The Constitution was 'unique in that the Three Principal Officers installed were three District Grand Officers, namely as E. King M.E. Companion Viscount Massereene and Ferrard, D.S.O. (District Grand First Principal); as High Priest V.E. Companion W. Bailie Russell, B.A. (Past Grand Chief Scribe), and as Chief Scribe V.E. Companion James Hamilton (District Grand Treasurer). V.E. Companion Sydney Hanna, D.G.F.P. of Down, was present.
The M.E.G.F.P. appointed as his Deputy V.E. Companion James McFerran and installed him at meeting held on 12th December, 1949.
Reference was made at the meeting held on 9th October, 1950, by the M.E.G.F.P. to the sudden death of the M.E. Deputy Grand King, Dr. Cecil P. Smyly, which took place on 26th December, 1950. Freemasonry in all its branches has sustained a great loss by his death. He was widely known and highly respected, most accurate and conscientious in all his work. Our heartfelt sympathy goes out to the members of his family in their great sorrow.
It was agreed at Meeting held on 11th March, 1951, that the Elected Representatives to the meetings of Supreme Grand Chapter Board of Purposes be paid a sum not exceeding £3 10s. Od. for each Representative. No one to receive expenses for more than two meetings in each calendar year, the total sum not to exceed £35 per year.
It was with great regret the Companions heard of the sudden death of the District Grand Registrar V.E. Companion J. R. Knight which had occurred suddenly on 25th May, 1951. He had been a member of R.A.C. 359 for 35 years and was District Grand Registrar for 14 years, which position he filled with dignity and ability. He endeared himself to all Members of the Masonic Order.
At the Stated Convocation held on 8th October, 1951, The M.E.G.F.P. said the District Grand Chapter met under the shadow of a great calamity as he referred to the death of The Most Excellent Grand King Sir J. Milne Barbour. The career of our late beloved Grand King was one of which we were all proud. He had attained the highest degree in the Masonic Order in Ireland, and had filled every office which he occupied with ability and distinction. He was a shining example of what a Freemason should be. The following resolution was passed:
"The Companions of the District Grand Royal Arch Chapter of Antrim record with profound grief the great loss which they have sustained in the death of the M.E. The Grand King Right Hon. Sir J. Milne Barbour, Baronet, D.L., LL.D., P.C., M.P., on 3rd October, 1951. He was a man of fine character and sterling worth who rose to very high eminence in public life. He had a very honourable and distinguished record of service in all Branches of Freemasonry in Ireland and he ruled and guided the destinies of our Order with consummate skill and tact. His passing removes from our midst a Grand King who ennobled the Office which he held since the year 1933 and whose kindliness, courtliness of manner endeared him to us all."
All Royal Arch Chapters were directed to assume mourning until the 31st December, 1951.
At the December Stated Convocation of District Grand Chapter the warmest congratulations of all the Companions were conveyed to the M.E.G.F.P. Viscount Masserene and Ferrard on his election as Most Excellent Grand King of the Supreme Royal Arch Chapter of Ireland.
The M.E.G.F.P. thanked the Companions for their good wishes and stated it would be his most earnest endeavour to maintain the dignity, enhance the prestige and further the interests of Royal Arch Masonry throughout Ireland.
The M.E.G.F.P. called attention to the election of V.E. Companion James Hamilton as Grand Janitor in the Supreme Grand Chapter and congratulated him on his appointment.
The sum of Five Guineas was subscribed towards the proposed Memorial to the late M.E. Deputy Grand King, Companion Cecil P. Smyly, M.D.
Change of By-laws: V.E. Companion J. Hamilton proposed and V.E. Companion John Barrie seconded that the By-laws as now submitted shall be the By-laws of the District Grand R.A.C. Antrim, and shall take effect as from the date of confirmation thereof by the S.G.R.A.C. of Ireland, namely 14th February, 1952, from which date all previous existing By-laws are cancelled. A copy would be sent to the Registrar of every Chapter in the District. Extra copies would be obtainable at a cost of 2/- each.
The Stated Convocation of the Supreme Grand Chapter was held in Wellington Hall, Belfast, on Wednesday, 11th May, 1952, under the joint auspices of the District Grand Chapters of Down and Antrim and was followed by dinner in Thompson's Ltd., Donegall Place.
V.E. Companion James Hamilton, District Grand Treasurer, was elected District Grand Registrar (a position he had been carrying on since the death of V.E. Companion Knight) and V.E. Companion John Barrie was elected Grand Treasurer, both of whom are still in these offices (1961).
The Agenda for the July 1952 meeting of the Supreme Grand Chapter contained a Notice of Motion proposing alterations to Grand Chapter Law 35, which (if adopted) would render it no longer necessary for the H.P. or C.S. elect of a Subordinate Chapter to be either the Actual Master or Past Master of a Craft Lodge at time of election. As this is a complete reversal of the present Law which had only been passed in 1945 and was now operating without any appreciable difficulty, it was agreed at the D.G.C. meeting in Ballymena on 25th June, 1952, to send the following resolution to Supreme Grand Chapter:—
"That this the District Grand Royal Arch Chapter of Antrim dis-approves of that portion of the proposed alteration to Grand Chapter Law 35 which would render it no longer necessary that the H.P. or C.S. elect should be either the Actual Master or Past Master of a Craft Lodge at time of election."
The M.E. Grand King having appointed E. Companion Colonel Samuel Haughton, D.L., of R.A.C. 10 Belfast, as M.E.G.F.P. of theD.G. Chapter of Antrim, installed him in that office and invested him with his chain of Office.
M.E. Companion Colonel Haughton thanked the M.E. Grand King for the honour conferred upon him, and stated that it would be his most earnest desire to carry on the traditions of the Office with the same efficiency and dignity which had been characteristic of his predecessors.
The V.E.D.G.F.P. James McFerran conveyed the congratulations and good wishes of all the Companions to the M.E.G.F.P. Colonel Haughton on his first attendance in Belfast since his Installation as Grand First Principal and expressed the hope that he would have a long and happy tenure of the exalted position. The M.E.G.F.P. returned thanks for their good wishes and the warmth of his reception.
A letter was read from the District Grand Royal Arch Chapter of Down conveying felicitations and good wishes to M.E. Companion Colonel Haughton on his appointment as G.F.P.
At meeting on 8th December, 1952, M.E. Companion John Barrie, in consequence of his having been appointed District Grand Treasurer, tendered his resignation as Chairman of the District Grand Chapter Inspection Committee (Belfast), a position he had held for over ten years.
The M.E.G.F.P. appointed in his stead V.E. Companion W. Bailie Russell, B.A., a Past Grand Third Principal.
The Notice of Motion in the name of V.E. Companion W. J. Jackson to alter By-law 7 to read that District Grand Chapter Offices be open for Nomination each year instead of every two years was passed, the necessary majority vote being obtained.
The V.E.D.G.F.P. presiding at the Stated Convocation in Belfast on 9th March, 1953, made suitable reference to the great loss sustained by our M.E.G.F.P. through the death of his only son and severe injuries to his daughter-in-law as a result of the tragic air accident at Nutt's Corner in January last.
He also referred to the loss sustained by many of our Companions, especially in the Lame area by the death of relatives in the "Princess Victoria" disaster, mentioning especially V.E. Companion Thomas Mayne who had lost a son. The Companions stood in silence as a mark of sym-pathy with those who had been bereaved.
- Companion W. Walker, R.A.C. 226, referred to the fact that in none of the present Masonic Halls in Belfast was any provision made for conferring the Royal Arch Degree in a proper manner, and expressed the hope that in the New Masonic Headquarters for the Province of Antrim, a Vault would be provided similar to the one in the Grand Chapter Room in Dublin. Keen disappointment was expressed when the District Grand Registrar stated that so far as he knew, it was not intended that such a vault would be provided. After some discussion V.E. Companion Robert Bell handed in the following Notice of Motion :—
"That the District Grand Royal Arch Chapter of Antrim, having already subscribed towards the Building Fund, do now subscribe the sum of £100 towards the provision of a Vault in the Chapter Room of New Masonic Headquarters in Belfast."
At the Stated Convocation of District Grand Royal Arch Chapter, held in Ballymoney on 16th June, 1953, V.E. Companion Rev. W. J. McGeagh, D.G. Chaplain, Dedicated a New Set of Banners for use in the Dalriada R.A.C. No. 57, Ballymoney.
At this meeting the Exemplification of the M.M.M. Degree was given by the members of R.A.C. 57, V.W.M. was Brother John McCracken (E.K.57). The Degree was given by Brother W. J. Overend, the entire exemplification was carried out in a correct and dignified manner and evoked the warmest thanks of all present.
Reference was made at meeting held on 14th December, 1953, to the death which occurred on the 19th November, 1953, of V.E. Companion J. B. McCutcheon, Grand Second Principal 1923, Past Provincial Deputy Grand Master of Antrim. He was an outstanding ritualist, particularly in regard to the Royal Arch and had throughout a long life given valuable services in this respect.
The District Grand Registrar reported that he had received assurances that a vault similar to the one in Dublin would be provided in New Masonic Headquarters.
June 1954. V.E. Companion Donald McCaughey reported that at a meeting of the Grand Chapter of Instruction it had been decided (subject to confirmation by Supreme Grand Chapter) that it would be inadvisable to issue a Duplicate Warrant for Belfast, and that instead three Meetings of the Grand Chapter of Instruction should be held in Belfast or other suitable centre in Northern Ireland. This was later confirmed by Supreme Grand Chapter and V.E. Companion James McFerran was appointed Assistant Registrar for Instruction.
An appeal by the M.E.G.F.P. sent to all subordinate chapters in the District asking for support for the Building Fund of New Masonic Head-quarters had been having a good response, 68 Chapters had sent sub-scriptions amounting to £622 17s. Od. It was hoped the other Chapters would make an early response.
Letter received from Supreme Grand Chapter on 5th November stating that a Capitation Fee of sixpence per member for each subscribing member would be payable in future to Supreme Grand Chapter.
At the Stated Convocation of District Grand Chapter held on 13th December, the M E G F.P., Colonel Haughton, addressed the Companions present expressing the very great pleasure which he had derived from his association with District Grand Royal Arch Chapter of Antrim and his very sincere regret in announcing that in consequence of pressure of other matters he had found it necessary to tender his resignation to the M.E. Grand King. The resignation had been accepted with great reluctance and in taking leave of the District Chapter, the M.E.G.F.P. expressed his warm regard to all the Companions and his hope for the continued pros-perity of the District Grand Chapter.
V.E. Companion Donald McCaughey voiced the opinion of all present, in stating that they had heard the announcement made with very great regret and he conveyed the sincere good wishes of all the Companions to the M.E.G.F.P.
M.E. Companion Colonel Haughton invited the outgoing and newly Installed Officers together with one Representative from each Chapter to Dinner in Messrs. Robinson & Cleaver's Restaurant where a very enjoyable evening was spent. 144 Companions attending the Dinner.
The death took place on 20th February, 1955, of V.E. Companion W. Bailie Russell, a member of several Chapters in the District, P.G. 3rd P. 1920 and Chairman of Belfast Inspection Committee since 1952. The
appointment of V.E. Companion Donald McCaughey as M.E. G.F.P. of the District Grand Royal Arch Chapter of Antrim was received with great enthusiasm by all the Companions throughout the District. He asked V.E. Companion James McFerran to continue as Deputy Grand First Principal, which he readily agreed to do.
The first Stated Convocation presided over by the M.E.G.F.P. was held in Carrickfergus on 13th June, 1955. V.E. Companion W. S. Milner, on behalf of the Carrickfergus Chapters, extended a hearty welcome to the M.E.G.F.P. and Officers of the District Grand Chapter on this their first visit to the Ancient Borough of Carrickfergus. He especially welcomed the M.E.G.F.P. on occupying the Chair for the first time since his Installa-tion and expressed the hope that he would have a long and happy tenure of his exalted position.
The death on 10th January, 1956, of M.E. Companion Sir Wm. Baird, D.L., Grand First Principal of District Grand Royal Arch Chapter of Down, was received with great regret, and the sympathy of the District Grand Chapter of Antrim was conveyed to the District Grand Chapter of Down on the severe loss they had sustained through the death of such a worthy Leader and Companion.
Two items of interest were mentioned at the meeting held on 6th June, 1956. First, that M.E. Companion Sydney Hanna had been appointed as the M.E.G.F.P. of Down. M.E. Companion Donald McCaughey conveyed the congratulations of the District Grand Chapter of Antrim and said no Companion was more worthy of this high honour, M.E. Companion Hanna had been a very keen worker for Royal Arch Masonry both in Antrim and Down.
The second item was that the Fees payable by Subordinate Chapters to the Supreme Grand Chapter would in future be Is. 3d. per member instead of 6d. The M.E.G.F.P. at meeting on 1st October, 1956, referred in sympa-thetic terms to the great loss Royal Arch Masonry had sustained through the death on 20th July of the M.E. Grand King The Right Hon. Viscount Massereene and Ferrard, D.S.O. He had rendered valuable service to the District Grand Chapter of Antrim as M.E.G.F.P. during the years 1949- 1952.
The M.E.G.F.P. drew attention to the fact that no Candidates had been nominated for three of the Offices in District Grand Chapter for 1957 and thought we had better revert to previous arrangement whereby they would serve for two years.
The following Notice of Motion was defeated at the next meeting of District Grand Chapter :—
"That the Officers elected for the year 1957 shall serve for two years and that a similar procedure shall continue until changed by a subsequent Notice of Motion."
A further sum of £500 was contributed to the New Masonic Head-quarters Fund to complete the furnishing of the Royal Arch Chapter Room.
The election of E. Companion Major Rupert Stanley, LL.D. (Provincial Grand Master of Provincial Grand Lodge of Antrim) as Grand Second Principal for 1957 was received with deep satisfaction by all the Companions, and in acknowledging their welcome he expressed his sincere thanks for the honour conferred upon him by electing him to their highest elective office.
The following new By-law was unanimously adopted at the Stated Convocation held on 28th October, 1957. "No Chapter in the District Grand Chapter of Antrim shall admit a Candidate either for Exaltation or Affiliation, unless the ballot be unanimous".
The appointment of M.E. Companion Sydney Hanna, M.B.E., as M.E. Grand King of The Supreme Grand Chapter of Ireland was received with gratification and a large number of Companions attended his Installation in Dublin on 2nd November, 1957.
He attended the District Grand Royal Arch Chapter of Antrim Stated Convocation on 27th January, 1958, where V.E. Companion James McFerran, D.G.F.P., extended a warm welcome and expressed the wish that he would be blessed with good health to preside for many years over Royal Arch Masonry in Ireland.
The following alterations in Titles were announced:
- M.E. Grand First Principal to be M.E. District Grand King;
- V.E. Deputy Grand First Principal to be R.E. District Deputy Grand King;
- V.E. Grand Second Principal to be R.E. District Grand High Priest;
- V.E. Grand Third Principal to be R.E. District Grand Chief Scribe;
- V.E. Grand Treasurer to be R.E. District Grand Treasurer;
- V.E. Grand Registrar to be R.E. District Grand Registrar.
- All other Officers to retain Very Excellent.
- M.E. Donald McAughey J.P., District Grand King, Antrim, 1961
- M.E. William Keith F.C.A. District Grand King Down, 1961
At meeting held on 25th January, 1960, the M.E. District Grand King referred to the retirement of V.E. Companion Robert Martin from the office of Assistant Registrar of the District Grand Royal Arch Chapter of Antrim on 31st January, 1960, a position which he has held for over 19 years. During that time his devotion to the interests of the District Grand Chapter were an inspiration to all the Companions with whom he came into contact.
On behalf of the District Grand Chapter the M.E. District Grand King presented a cheque as a token of appreciation and trusted he would be long spared to enjoy his well-earned retirement and to still come amongst his Companions.
V.E. Companion Ansley Stewart was introduced to the Companions by the M.E. District Grand King as V.E. Companion Martin's successor.
The District Grand King reported that the High Priest's Jewel which was presented by R.A.C. 602 (Derriaghy) to the late M.E. Companion Right Hon. Sir J. Milne Barbour, Baronet, was handed over to him for the use of District Grand Chapter.
It was decided that this Jewel should be worn by the District Grand Chapter High Priest at all meetings or functions held during his term of office and then passed on each year to the installed successor in the office.
The following is a summary of the meetings held during the past 50 years:
Stated Convocations Occasional for Constituting Chapters Special for Instruction
Belfast . 157 Belfast . . 44 Belfast 20
Ballymena . 33 Lisburn . 2 Portrush 2
Lame 4 Carrickfergus . 1 Lisburn 3
Ballymoney 2 Clough . . 1 Antrim 2
Lisburn . 2 Connor, Ballymena 1 Larne 2
Clough . 1 Ballycastle 1 Ballymena 1
Portrush . 1 Lame 1 Carrickfergus 1
Portrush . 1 30
Antrim . 1 Portglenone 1
Randalstown 1
202 Whiteabbey 1
Whitehead . 1
Total Meetings . 288
In addition to above Special Meetings for Instruction, a number of exemplifications were done at some of the Stated Convocations.
The following is a list of the Permanent Officers over the past 50 years :
- M.E. Companion W. Redfern Kelly 33° Provincial Grand Superintendent 1887-1911. Grand First Principal 1911-1924.
- M.E. Companion Sir Robert H. H. Baird, K.B.E., D.L., 32° Deputy Grand First Principal 1911-1924. Grand First Principal 1924-1926.
- M.E. Companion Sir J. Milne Barbour, Bart., D.L., LL.D., P.C., M.P., 33° Deputy Grand First Principal 1925-1926. Grand First Principal 1927-1933. Deputy Grand King 1930-1933. Grand King Supreme Grand Royal Arch Chapter of Ireland 1933-1951.
- M.E. Companion A. L. Porter, 18° Deputy Grand First Principal 1927-1933. Grand First Principal 1933-1948.
- V.E. Companion J. W. Gilmour, 32° Deputy Grand First Principal 1933-1935. Provincial Deputy Grand Master 1935-1942. Provincial Grand Master 1943-1949.
- V.E. Companion T. M. Deans, LL.D., 18° Grand Registrar 1931-1935. Deputy Grand First Principal 1935-1943.
- R.E. Companion Rev. Samuel Cochrane, B.A., Deputy Grand First Principal 1944-1949. Foundation Grand Chaplain 1911.
- M.E. Companion Viscount Massereene and Ferrard, D.S.O., 18' District Grand First Principal 1949-1951. Grand King Supreme Grand Royal Arch Chapter of Ireland 1952-1956. Representative from Grand Royal Arch Chapter of Ohio.
- M.E. Companion James McFerran, 18° Deputy Grand First Principal since 1949. Representative from Grand Chapter of Ohio. Assistant Registrar Grand Chapter of Instruction 1959.
- M.E. Companion Colonel Samuel Haughton, D.L., 18° Grand First Principal 1952-1954.
- M.E. Companion Donald McCaughey, J.P., 32° Grand First Principal since 1955. Grand Second Principal 1954. Representative from Grand Chapter of Ontario.
- V.E. Companion Daniel Weir, Grand Treasurer 1911-1930.
- V.E. Companion John A. Johnston, 33° Grand Treasurer 1931-1935. Honorary Past Grand Captain of Host Supreme Grand Royal Arch Chapter of Ireland.
- V.E. Companion Robert Boyd, Grand Treasurer 1936-1947.
- M.E. Companion James Hamilton, 28° Grand Treasurer 1948-1951. Grand Registrar since 1952. Grand Second Principal 1943-1944. Grand High Priest Supreme Grand Royal Arch Chapter of Ireland 1959. Representative from Grand Chapter of British Columbia.
- M.E. Companion John Barrie, 18° Grand Treasurer since 1952. Grand Third Principal 1941-1942. Chairman District Inspection Committee (Belfast) for over 10 years. Representative from Grand Chapter of Manitoba.
- V.E. Companion Thomas McAllister, Grand Registrar 1911-1931.
- M.E. Companion John R. Knight, 18° Grand Registrar 1936-1951. Representative from Grand Chapter of Ohio. During the past 50 years the District Grand Chapter has subscribed the sum of £4,134 Os. Od. towards the different Benevolent Institutions. In addition they subscribed £600 towards New Provincial Headquarters, Rosemary Street, £100 to J. H. Stirling Memorial Fund, £50 to Claude Kane Memorial Fund, £10 10s. Od. to Wesley Guard Memorial Fund